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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Best of 2005, Editor's Pick: Forcing in Avengers Draft -
  Jason is the Iron Man of Metagame (think Cal Ripken, not Tony Stark).

Forcing in Avengers Draft -
  Each set drafts somewhat differently, and while forcing might have been a risky idea with relatively low payoff in previous sets, it’s almost a necessity for Avengers.

The Light of Play: Framistat -
  Framistat actually overcomes one of the cardinal problems that inhibit the playability of equipment: it has a surprise factor built in.

The Light of Play: Null Time Zone -
  If one plot twist has been holding back your original and creative idea, Null Time Zone can eliminate that problem.

The Light of Play: Daily Bugle -
  With GLEE, Teen Titans, and Curve Sentinels now dominating in the manner that they are, it might finally be time for Spidey and Co. to step up and take what’s rightfully theirs.

The Light of Play: Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters -
  The X-Men have some cool effects that have long been overlooked.

The Light of Play: Prismatic Shield -
  There are some neat synergies that make Prismatic Shield more interesting than you might suspect.

The Light of Play: Insect Swarm -
  I’m a huge sucker for cards that do multiple things.

The Avengers Preview: Helmut Zemo <> Citizen V -
  Uniting even the most ragtag of multi-affiliation decks, Zemo lets you draft aggressively and go after the best characters possible while still allowing you the ability to team attack and reinforce on later turns.

The Light of Play – In Evil Star’s Evil Clutches -
  It’s the ability to trade one of your face-down resources for another in your hand that makes this card worthy of play.

Fantastic Four Week: The Light of Play – How a Robot Ruined My Life and Other Tales -
  If you’re a serious player who hasn’t picked it up yet or a new player wondering if you should just skip straight to buying boosters, hopefully I can present some points that will show you how worthwhile the starter is.

The Light of Play: Fast Getaway -
  Odds are good that unless you’re Jeremy Gray, your Fast Getaways are covered in a thick layer of dust. Get ready to brush them off.

The Light of Play: Lacuna -
  I’m a tech fiend, and for me there is nothing more exciting than unrealized potential in deliciously concentrated single-card form.

The Light of Play: Mojoverse -
  Will Mojoverse be adopted by local level players and competitors in future money events, or was PC NY its only hurrah?

The Light of Play: PC Predictions Follow-up -
  Tim and I had a blast putting together lists of things we thought we’d see, or just plain wanted to see, at PC New York. The event itself was incredible, but having a little checklist of stuff to look for made it that much cooler. Here’s how my predictions worked out.

The Light of Play: PC Predictions -
  As usual, Tim Willoughby beat me to the punch with his top 40 predictions for Pro Circuit New York. But I’ve got my own little list of play-oriented predictions mixed with even more wacky things I think might happen.

Juggernaut: Part Two of the Intense Thrillogy -
  I’m going to go ahead and break my own mold yet again to (hopefully) deliver something that will promote innovation in the metagame. And it all starts with last weekend’s $10K Detroit event.

Batman Starter Deck Preview: Ra’s al Ghul, Eternal Nemesis -
  An alternate to his previous 4-drop version, Nemesis gives us the devastatingly cutthroat, un-killable maniac we all know and love.

The Light of Play: Gravesite -
  As good as Gravesite can be, you can’t just chuck it into anything and expect to come out smelling like a rose.

Green Lantern Corps Preview: Hal Jordan ◊ Spectre -
  The Spectre is God’s wrath incarnate within the DC universe.

Green Lantern Corps Preview: In Darkest Night -
  The Emerald Enemies are some of the most vindictive and ruthless villains in the DC universe, and their representatives in Green Lantern Corps reflect that.

The Light of Play: Play Time -
  At a point in the industry where a lot of companies are spoon-feeding players deck ideas through incredibly obvious thematic and strategic structures, Vs. System continues to spin out cards that generate unpredictable interactions.

The Light of Play: Global Domination -
  Okay, you sat through last week’s surprisingly well received dissertation on the virtues of Juggernaut, so today we’ll take a look at something a bit less avant-garde that virtually any deck can use.

The Light of Play: Juggernaut -
  Despite the fact that he can’t ready in the recovery phase of the turn in which he attacks, this long maligned card is deceptively useful, and the current Golden Age environment is prime for his re-emergence from the back of your trade binder.

The Light of Play: Avalon Space Station -
  I’ll admit it—I was floored by Brian Eugenio’s deck at last weekend’s $10K LA event.

The Light of Play: Sucker Punch -
  A lesson in kicking them when they’re down.

The Light of Play: Latverian Embassy -
  One of the great things about Marvel Modern Age is that Ka-Boom! and Have a Blast! are not in the format.

The Light of Play: Total Anarchy -
  Total Anarchy is a proverbial “big blunt object,” matched in its lack of subtlety only by its brutal efficiency and its splashability.

The Light of Play: Fight to the Finish -
  In reality, Fight to the Finish is highly playable in a few cases and quite decent in several others.

The Light of Play: Flame Trap -
  I won’t argue that it isn’t seeing much play—it is—but in my opinion, it’s not seeing as much as it should.

The Light of Play: Betrayal -
  From now on, I’ll be writing articles about those cards sitting at the back of your trade binder.

Marvel Knights Preview: Brother Voodoo -
  His stats are about average for a 3-drop, and both of his effects can help you riffle through your cards until you hit what you need.

Marvel Knights Preview: Diplomatic Immunity -
  Essentially, the main purpose of this card is to keep Dr. Doom out of harm’s way.

Totally Freakin’ Broken: Finite Endurance -
  Here’s a little equation to keep up my tech-specific rep: great player + no endurance = blazing failure at premier level events.

Totally Freakin' Broken: Deck Destruction -
  Sure, we’ve all looked at Emperor Joker, and though a deck destruction deck doesn’t yet seem viable, the theme of deck destruction does have some very interesting support cards.

Totally Freakin’ Broken: Replacement Part Two - Defensive Replacement -
  As Vs. System grows, watch for defensive replacement to continue as a subtle, but very powerful, mechanic.

Totally Freakin’ Broken: Replacement, Part One - Offensive Replacement -
  Resource replacement, a.k.a. “that thing that Have a Blast! does,” got keyworded and formalized with the release of Superman, Man of Steel.

Totally Freakin’ Broken - Resource Suppression -
  While offensive resource replacement is designed to take care of single cards, cards like Foiled and Ka-Boom! actually provide offensive resource suppression.

Totally Freakin’ Broken: Activated Effect Negation -
  Negation of activated character effects is a rare and valuable commodity—it’s one of the reasons that Curve Sentinel is so darn good.

Totally Freakin’ Broken: Gray Stall -
  I came out of England’s Minehead $10K with one thought on my mind—the deck that Jeremy Gray took third place with was nothing short of “maximum pwnage.”

Totally Freakin’ Broken: Cosmic Counter Placement -
  It’s no secret that cosmic effects rule.

Superman, Man of Steel Preview: Smiles, Everyone! -
  If you’ve been trying to make Arkham work, have no doubt that this is what you’ve been waiting for.

Superman, Man of Steel Preview: Roy Harper ◊ Speedy -

Totally Freakin' Broken: Character Recursion -
  Recursion—the ability to return cards from the field or discard pile to your hand or deck—is an important part of any TCG.

Totally Freakin' Broken: Bounce -
  The cards in this group can return one or more of your opponent’s characters to his or her hand or deck. All in all, there are seven- five characters and two plot twists.

Totally Freaking Broken: Recovery, Part II -
  Extra recovery is exclusive to just a handful of teams, and that specialization comes with both costs and benefits.

Totally Freaking Broken: Recovery, Part I -
  This column will deal with non-proprietary recovery effects: cards that can be used to recover stunned characters of any team affiliation.

Stun Effects: Part Two -
  Jason finishes his look at the power and restrictions of stun effects.

Stun Effects: Part One -
  In order to dominate the game, you need to KO characters, not just stun them, and in the grand scheme of things, that’s going to mean stunning multiple characters in a single turn more often than not.

Searching for Equipment, Plot Twists, and Locations -
  Last time we looked at the character-searching cards available in the current card pool of Marvel Origins, DC Origins, and the Spider-Man vs. Doc Ock Starter Set. Today’s column has a similar theme: looking at cards that search for specific plot twists, equipment, and locations.

Character-Search Options -
  Cards that search for characters are some of the most powerful cards in the game. Anything that removes the challenge and luck involved in getting the characters you need into your hand and into play is extremely helpful.

The Curve Dissected: DC Origins, Part 2 -
  Welcome to the second DC Origins–themed installment of “The Curve Dissected.” The previous article dealt with individual characters at individual points on the cost curve. In contrast, this article will wrap up the series by examining the curve as a whole and relating it to teams and gameplay.

The Curve Dissected: DC Origins, Part 1 -
  Welcome, everyone, to the first DC Origins installment of The Curve Dissected. Last time, I took apart Marvel Origins brick by brick and character by character to help readers understand and take advantage of the character curve.

Hand Destruction -
  We’ve all seen it, in a lot of games. "Control", it’s called. Decks that, regardless of game system, cut off your opponent’s options not necessarily through clever play and strategic positioning, but through the use of cards that deprive the opponent of things to do . . .

DC Origins Card Preview: Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter -
  Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter portrays Roy at the beginning of his re-teaming with the Titans . . .

The Team-Up Cards -
  An apparent hallmark of the Vs. System is the usage of key mechanics as a common thread between different cards. This column is all about the similarities and differences within these groupings of cards: which ones are the best and which ones are the worst . . .

Card Preview: Madame Web -
  Madame Web, as we see her in the Spider-Man Vs. Doc Ock set, packs an interesting set of effects . . .

Adjusting to Vs.: Understanding Costing -
  Today, we're going to examine the ways in which cards are costed thus far in the Vs. System's first release, Marvel Origins . . .

Adjusting to Vs.: Power of Teamwork -
  I'm going to break down exactly how team affiliations currently affect the game. Some things are obvious, and others are not . . .

Adjusting to Vs.: Breaking Down the Initiative -
  The player not holding the initiative can look at his or her situation in one of two ways: either being forced onto the defensive, or as being at a defensive advantage. Though both are true, I prefer to focus on the latter, as it's the one that players sometimes don't see.

Adjusting to Vs.: The Curve Dissected -
  So, here it is, the breakdown of the curve . . .

Adjusting to Vs.: Resource Management -
  After looking at the double-draw mechanic in the first instalment, today is going to deal with one of the most game-defining factors of any TCG—resource management.

Adjusting to Vs.: The Double Draw -
  This is the first installment in a short series of articles that will try to help you find the answers you need to approach the Vs. System. I'm going to look at the mechanics that make it so different from other games, and deconstruct them to make them easier to digest.

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