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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Risk Vs. Reward: Are You Ready for Tier None?
Rian Fike

Vs. System is a game that allows for fun and flexible formats. If you and your friends like to play with only female characters or all flying villains, this game is perfect. There is one problem with the creation of alternate deckbuilding requirements, though—casual play often eliminates the thrill of competition completely.

Tier None is the best of both worlds. It was a sparkling snarl of an idea that burst into the community from the keyboard of Mark Slack, the runner-up at Pro Circuit Los Angeles 2004. I coined the term “Tier None” in response. The seed sprouted on the forums of VsRealms.com, and I have since made it my mission to cultivate his creation into a flowering new format that will be ideal for Hobby Leagues and kitchen tables throughout the world. I hope you will join us.


The Tier None format has these requirements:


1. You may only use the most unpopular teams in the game.


I like to call this the Bottom 8. Every TCG has a set of strategies that are often passed up. The current unofficial, strictly casual Bottom 8 in Vs. System looks like this, in no particular order:



Darkseid’s Elite

Sinister Syndicate


Masters of Evil

Crime Lords

Revenge Squad



2. You may only use team-stamped cards from the "Bottom 8" team affiliations.


This is not as much of a handicap as it seems. Many powerful plot twists, locations, and pieces of equipment are team-stamped to make them safer for the environment. There will always be incredible gems at the bottom of the strategy barrel. Tier None will, in fact, allow stagnant strategies to rediscover some extremely competitive effects.


Some of those effects will be too competitive. Honor Among Thieves is not allowed in the current Tier None format. This was one of Mark Slack’s original stipulations, and it ensures a better-balanced casual metagame. It remains to be seen whether any one of the Bottom 8 teams can dominate the format, but Crime Lords and Sinister Syndicate may have an unfair advantage with their natural Team-Up and its potential for big beats from small characters.


There has been, of course, plenty of entertaining conversation on the forums about which other teams could be on the Bottom 8 list. The debate will never be over. Each local community can adjust this format as they see fit. Tier None is strictly casual and has one goal—pure card-flipping enjoyment. Have fun with it; your unused commons will thank you.


Speaking of thanks, it is almost Thanksgiving here in America! I have three things that I am thankful for in Vs. System. Those three things each have a Top 3 list, so I had better get started.



The first thing I am thankful for is the incredibly beautiful artwork that we get to play with. I am not quite old enough to remember the days before we had printing presses, but I do realize how miraculous it is to be able to hold small copies of true masterpieces in my hands. I also realize how fortunate I am to live in an era when we can play an outstanding game with this fabulous visual creativity gracing our tables. As an artist, I deeply appreciate the exciting times in which we live.


My Top 3 Artworks in Vs. System on Thanksgiving 2005


1. Dr. Fate by Michael Mayhew


When I create visual artwork, I open myself to metaphysical experiences and translate them for the human eye. Dr. Fate looks like he is doing that on this card. It is rare to be so successful at capturing such states of being. Bravo.


2. Koriand’r ◊ Starfire by Cully Hamner


I adore pop culture. Bigger and bolder is better for me. This piece creates an outstanding amount of depth and definition while using a very limited range of value and tone. It is loud and juicy, yet sublime and simple.

3. Chaos Magic by Dave DeVries


Ignore the fact that Dave did the drawing for our marriage tattoo, ignore the fact that we all got to watch him paint this piece in between rounds at the 2004 Orlando $10K, ignore the fact that this looks exactly like one of our full moon drum circles on Miami Beach . . . this painting is really cool.



The second thing I am thankful for is the pleasure we receive from this game as it expands into new territories of comic book mythology. It is an amazing experience to share such a huge thrill with so many other people around the globe. Justice League of America brought some characters into our Vs. System lives that will change us forever, and we all remember where we were on the first day they were revealed. Now Mike Hummel has tickled us in new places with his hint about one of the most anticipated characters of all time, Galactus. A great many fans are about to burst because of it. Thanks, Mike.


My Top 3 Most Anticipated Characters Yet to be Included in Vs. System


1. Thanos


This guy was a boss in a Capcom video game. He has the best shoulder pads in the business. He is my idol and I love the delicious anticipation of a possible Thanos card. I find myself thinking about it every day, kind of like a toothache. He is the only character in all of comic book mythology, besides Longshot, who I will play no matter what.

2. Calypso


This island witch would be even more spectacular on cardboard. Sigh.

3. Eclipso


I often follow astrological occurrences, and so does he. He has that high-contrast face thing going on. He has an awesome collection of rare jewels. Most importantly, I get really happy saying, “I swing my Calypso into your Eclipso.”



The third thing I am thankful for in Vs. System (I could go on forever) is the little guy. Whenever the big problems of the world try to drag me down, I remember how much these wonderful weenies can do with a simple 1-cost life. Thanks, my tiny cardboard friends. You give me strength in my weakest moments.


My Top 3 1-Cost Characters in Vs. System


1. Longshot


This comes as no surprise, and I doubt it will ever be different. Our beloved Mulletman simply changes the way the game is played. No other card can bring such a flood of good feelings into a player’s hand. Now that we have been given an extended art version, this Thanksgiving is just perfect.


2. Ratcatcher


We all get to a time in our lives when it doesn’t seem possible for things to get any worse. Ratcatcher always wins in that department, but he always has furry little friends. It is also fairly fun, every once in a while, to think about the benefits of doing away with everyone else around you . . . at least if you are Ratcatcher.


3. Creeping Doom


I almost picked Sue Dibny here. I consider myself a charismatic coordinator just like her. I pass my 1-cost entertainment along to you, my 2-cost readers. However, the artwork on Creeping Doom is just too good. I am thankful for funky abstract stuff like that every time.



I thank you for being here today, and I know that the coming year will bring us even more pleasure. Vs. System has created a community of shared fun that we cannot help but appreciate deeply. Whether you were part of the Pro Circuit that just made a bunch of card-flippers a bit richer or you are itching to hit your card box to build a Tier None deck, it’s great to have you along for the ride. Happy Thanksgiving!



Rian Fike is also known as stubarnes on the VsRealms forums. If you have suggestions, comments, or Tier None decklists, send them along to rianfike@hattch.com.

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