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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 9: Dean Sohnle vs. Doug Tice
Antonino De Rosa

Dean Sohnle is a two-time $10K champion and the original creator of Fantastic Fun. It's no surprise that he is 7-1 with his beloved deck. Doug Tice is a one-time $10K Champion and one-time runner-up. He is playing the Squadron Supreme deck that 20 percent of our competitors decided to run. Both players seem very focused on the win here—it doesn't matter that both of them are already in Day 2 since they are looking for a run at the Top 8.

Doug won the roll and decided to go on odds. They both mulliganed.


Turn 1: Doug had no play, while Dean attacked Doug with an Invisible Woman, The Invisible Girl.


Turn 2: Dean played Frankie Raye, flipping Antarctic Research Base and recruiting Advanced Hardware on his Invisible Woman. Doug recruited Shape with a Thunder Jet. Dean sent his Invisible Woman into Shape and then attacked with Frankie Raye directly at Doug, leaving the endurance totals at Dan 49, Doug 45.


Turn 3: Doug recruited Lady Lark, which Dean followed up with a Dr. Light, Master of Holograms. Dean put two Unstable Molecules and a Catcher’s Mitt on Dr. Light, drawing three extra cards. Doug was in bad shape—all of Dean characters had reinforcement, and Doug’s characters wouldn’t be able to attack Dr. Light on their own to stun him. Doug’s Lady Lark attacked Dr. Light, stunning him with help from a power-up. Shape attaked Frankie, dealing 1 breakthrough, and Dean decided to burn Doug for 3 with his Invisible Woman instead of reinforcing or attacking back.


Turn 4: On Dean's initiative, he played Signal Flare. Mr. Fantastic, Reed Richards was recruited via Dr. Light, and then The Pogo Plane was put onto Reed. Dean discarded Mr. Fantastic, Stretch to go fetch Pier 4 with his The Pogo Plane, and then recruited Fantasticar and Wyatt Wingfoot. Doug’s build phase was much simpler; he just recruited Golden Archer. Dean passed on his attacks. Doug sent Shape into Dr. Light, which mean 3 points of endurance loss for Dean. Lady Lark tried to go after Wyatt, but Dean decided to return Wyatt to his hand, negating the attack. Doug re-attacked with his Lady Lark into Reed Richards. Dean decided to reinforce with Invisible Woman instead of using her to deal 3. Doug then tried to take the counter off Invisible Woman by attacking instead of using Golden Archer's ability to burn Dean. At the end of the turn, we had Dean at 39 and Doug at 42.


Turn 5: Doug recruited Whizzer, and Dean used Dr. Light to put Mr. Fantastic into play. He then recruited Unstable Molecules onto Invisible Woman, since Pier 4 is in play. He finally played Human Torch, Hotshot. "Attack time," said Doug. First, Shape took down Dr. Light, turning off Catcher’s Mitt. Whizzer stunned Human Torch, and Dean decided to burn Doug for 8 with Hot Shot and Invisible Woman. He then played two Cosmic Radiations, which allowed him to burn Doug for 16 more while reinforcing with Mr. Fantastic. Doug sent Golden Archer into Invisible Woman, and Dean used an Unstable Molecules to prevent some of the endurance loss. Lady Lark attacked Mr. Fantastic with double Mega-Blast. Doug played Answer the Call for a power-up but didn't realize that The Pogo Plane gives reinforcement.


Dean: "OK, so I take 2?"


Doug : "Wow, I am as big stains as Joey."


Whizzer readied for 2 endurance and attacked for 9 directly.


Turn 6: Dean used Dr. Light to get Invisible Woman back and recruited another Mr. Fantastic, Reed Richards, activating him to find a Flamethrower. He then played Personal Force Field and Flamethrower on Invisible Woman. He used his last recruit points to play good old Wyatt Wingfoot and another Flamethrower on him. Doug recruited Albert Gaines ◊ Nuke. During Dean’s attack, he decides to use his Invisible Woman and his Wyatt Wyngfoot to burn Doug for 10 and passed the rest of his attacks. Doug showed Dean his Other-Earth and asked, "Do you want me to go through the attacks?" Quite the attitude for someone who didn’t read his opponent’s cards.


He then apologized to his wife, watching from home, for how bad he is. "Hi, honey."


Doug moves to 8-1, while Dean will still be drafting tomorrow with a 7-2 record.

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