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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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What’s in a Name?
Julia Birks

When Scott Hunstadt and partner Paul Van Der Werk first built their JLI/Masters of Evil team-up deck, they never could have guessed that it would take Silver Age by storm quite the way it has. Intended to dominate Golden Age, the pair played the deck in the Auckland $10K with the deck only missing Top 8 via resistance. Then, in Sydney, the deck performed solidly again with both Scott and Paul placing 10th and 11th respectively. The deck continued to hover in the tier 2 stratosphere for some time, remaining unnamed for the time being.


Meanwhile, at Pro Circuit San Francisco, YMG member Jacob Rubinowitz caught up with Scott and mentioned that they had been debating whether to play the JLI/Masters of Evil build. YMG revealed that they, too, couldn't think off a reasonable name for the deck — suggesting "Wrecking Crew Combo". Hunstadt's reply?


"That's the worst name ever . . ." and Rubinowitz could only agree.


One week after San Fran, the deck was in force, and finally made its first Top 8. Nic Cuenca piloted the deck to what would finally, inevitably, be called "Wrecking Crew Combo".


Cut to October 2006 where players everywhere agree that the name is, at best, sketchy. Couple this with the argument that a pump can't be a combo and JRo is forced to take action!


We caught up with designers Hunstadt and partner Van Der Werk to settle the scores once and for all.



All right guys, you made it, you name it. What's it going to be?


Van Der Werk:

"Ok, well, when I first made it, i wrote an article on VSparadise.com. In that article, I called it "Masters of Justice." It’s a very poor, pov name, but let’s leave it at that. Heh, I don’t really like the name . . . but it'll do!"



"Shop at Good Games, Australia!" (man, you guys are shameless!)



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