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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 2: Anthony Macali vs. Andy Young
Enchante Chang

Anthony “Migga” Macali is a regular $10K attendee from Melbourne, and he’s playing against Andy Young from Sydney.


Anthony won the roll and chose odds.


Turn 1

Harley Quinn, Dr. Harleen Quinzel was the first play for Migga. Andy Matched with Sonar, Dastardly Discord. Both plays took 1 endurance with the attack.


Turn 2

Andy played one of the most expensive uncommons in the game with Kyle Rayner, Last Green Lantern, getting Rain of Acorns in front of Sonar. Migga had Poison Ivy, Deadly Rose in the front row with Harley. The Last Green Lantern attacked Harley, who reinforced herself. Sonar then exhausted Ivy. During the recovery, Migga used Ivy’s ability and got out Lost City. The score was 49-48 in Andy’s favor.


Turn 3

All Migga had was the under-drop of Pyro being protected by Ivy. Andy used The Ring Has Chosen to get Black Hand, which was also discarded, and then Dr. Light, master of holograms showed up and brought back Black Hand. Ivy attacked into Rayner. Pyro attacked into Black Hand, and that was the turn. The score was 41-46 in Migga’s favor.


Turn 4

Andy tried to bring back Kyle from the KO’d pile, but Migga responded with Pyro’s burn ability and then Ivy’s get-a-location ability. He got Slaughter Swamp to return Kyle to hand. Andy just recruited Kyle to get Breaking Ground and then passed.


Migga had Blob with Nth Metal and both characters in the front row. Andy flipped up the fetched Rain of Acorns and exhausted both of Migga’s characters. He passed his attack.


During recovery, Migga flipped Metropolis to team up and use Avalon Space Station in attempt to get back two characters, but Andy used Breaking Ground, so Migga only got Scarecrow, Fearmonger back.


Turn 5

Migga used Slaughter Swamp to get back The Joker, Headline Stealer with the Scarecrow he just got; Mastermind also joined the others in the front row.


Andy only had Arisia for turn 5, and let out a “this deck hates me.” Arisia hid behind Kyle, Dr. Light went in front of Black Hand, and Sonar went beside him.
Migga attacked with Mastermind into Sonar, but only ran into Helping Hand (a.k.a. the Brick Wall). The Joker then tried to get it on with Dr. Light, but this time, Andy had Cover Fire. But before combat resolved, Ivy again proved how useful she is and got Metropolis to team up for the second time this game. Using Avalon, Migga got back The Joker and Harley, flipping Lost City to give The Joker +6 ATK / +6 DEF. Before Migga could attack again, Andy used Lanterns in Love to recover Dr. Light. Migga just attacked into Dr. Light with the Blob with a reinforcement from Black Hand. Ivy then smacked Black Hand upside the head. Andy chose to recover the good doctor and send Black Hand to the KO’d Pile. At 36-45, Migga had a commanding lead.


Turn 6

Andy flipped Book of Oa for some knowledge and discarded Null Time Zone. The good doctor then revived Black Hand before Malvolio joined the ranks to protect Sonar. Migga declined to play a resource and played Scarecrow in front of Ivy with Blob and the Joker to both sides. Andy sighed, exhausted all of Migga’s team, and gained 10 endurance during recovery. Migga used Avalon during this time to get back Mammomax and Harley. The score was 46-45 in Andy’s favor.


Turn 7

Migga played Mammomax and Rogue, Anna Raven and sent everyone to the front row for some action. Andy had to think for a while, as a misplay against Migga’s army would spell doom. He played Two-Face, Split Personality beside Arisia, with the same formation as the last two turns, and passed.


Before any attackers had been declared, Migga used Foiled! to remove the Rain of Acorns and then attacked into Malvolio, but a Cover Fire for +12 DEF meant that attack was going nowhere. Rogue set her sights on Black Hand and got reinforced by Sonar. Ivy then attack Kyle and he got reinforced by Arisia. Mammomax then teamed with Blob to take down Two Face; the Blob stunned. Trying to get the last laugh, The Joker attacked into Dr. Light, which Andy could do nothing about. Migga passed the attack to Andy. Andy only had Malvolio left to attack and sent him into Ivy. Andy KO’d Black Hand and Dr. Light, and Migga KO’d Ivy. The score was 28-38 in Migga’s favor. Time had been called during this turn, so turn 8 would be the final one!


Turn 8

Andy used The Ring Has Chosen for the second time this game to get Sinestro, Green Lantern of Korugar in front of Arisia. He passed, but then realized that he only had 5 willpower on the board and had to get something else, so he recruited Kyle Rayner, Ion instead.


Migga only had Nth Metal for Scarecrow, who was protecting The Joker. The Blob was protecting Rogue and Mammomax beside the Joker. Start of combat had Andy exhaust all of Migga’s odd-costed characters; Ion went after the Blob, who was powered-up by Harley from Hand and Nth Metal, and Ion stunned. Two-Face then attacked into the Blob, but Migga had two copies of Harley in the KO’d pile and used Avalon Space Station and Slaughter Swamp to make Blob . . . well . . . the Blob. Andy just conceded from there.


Anthony “Migga” wins!

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