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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 7: John Fiorillo vs. Cory Eisenhard
Anand Khare
This round's feature match is John Fiorillo's Curve Sentinels against Cory Eisenhard's Fantastic Fun. Both of these players are 4-2, and a loss here would probably put either player out of contention for Top 8. John won the coin flip, electing to take odds, and both players mulliganed.
John had no play on turn 1, while Cory played an Invisible Woman. On turn 2, Cory recruited Frankie Raye and put an Advanced Hardware on it. John recruited Hounds of Ahab. Attacks were traded, and play moved on to the next turn (48-44 Cory).
John led off turn 3 with a Sentinel Mark II. Corey played a Thing, Ben Grimm. John attacked into Invisible Woman. The counter was removed, but a second attack took her down. Cory attacked back with Thing into Sentinel Mark II, but John had the Nasty Surprise to stun back. Finally, Cory attacked Frankie Raye into John directly. John had the overload to stun Cory's entire team. Cory recovered Thing, and the turn ended (40-39 Cory).
Cory had a very good draw step on turn 4 and began by recruiting Mr. Fantastic, Reed Richards. He immediately activated him to draw into a Flamethrower, then recruited Invisible Woman, The Invisible Girl and equipped Thing with the Flamethrower. Cory put Thing in front of the Invisible Woman and Mr. Fantastic next to the Invisible Woman in the back. John recruited a Sentinel Mark V. Pre-combat, Cory used A Child Named Valeria. He attacked Thing into Sentinel Mark V, and John attacked back to break through on Invisible Woman. Cory ended the turn by playing Cosmic Radiation to hit John for another 5 and grab an Unstable Molecules with Mr. Fantastic (37-30 Cory).
Turn 5 began with John recruiting the standard issue Nimrod. Cory used Mr. Fantastic before his recruits, yielding nothing for his efforts. He spent quite a while thinking and counting to himself before finally deciding to recruit Advanced Hardware on Invisible Woman. He then played his Unstable Molecules on Mr. Fantastic and passed. John began by attacking his Sentinel Mark V into Mr. Fantastic. Cory KO'd his Unstable Molecules and took 3. John attacked his Hounds into Invisible Woman, but the attack was negated. John's next attack was Sentinel Mark II into Invisible Woman. This time, the attack worked and both characters stunned. Finally, John attacked Nimrod into Thing, using a Savage Beatdown for some extra damage. Thing threw away his Flamethrower so he wouldn't be KO'd. Cory lost everything except Invisible Woman, and play proceeded to the next turn (19-18 John).
On turn 6, Cory didn't have anything. He simply conceded.      
John wins!
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