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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 9: Mark Slack vs. Patrick Yapjoco
Tim Willoughby

Indianapolis local Mark Slack has the home field advantage, and he’s looking to press it just as far as it will go.

When Mark’s turn 1 Willworld revealed Anti-Monitor and Sinestro, Green Lantern of Korugar, Yapjoco was forced to take a few notes. They simply read, “no turn 9!” Patrick had Shadow Creatures on turn 1 and two more on turn 2, along with Sector 2814. For Slack, turn 2 saw Kyle Rayner, Last Green Lantern, who fetched some Light Armor, though Slack elected not to play it immediately. After a few beats, it was on to turn 3.


A boosted Olapet fetched G’Nort, who then came out, and Mark continued to attack to the face. Yapjoco meanwhile had a fourth copy of Shadow Creatures, and he used Birthing Chamber to draw an additional card. With his Shadow Creatures, he was able to team attack back to stun G’Nort and Kyle. He then gained back a little bit of endurance with his Sector.


The turn 4 play of Malvolio represented a bit of a wall on Pat’s side of the board, which was matched by Slack, whose build of GLEE was better set up to deal with decks that tried to win through stalling out. Yapjoco’s Malvolio attacked through Olapet, and then it was time for the Shadow Creatures to stun Kyle. The endurance totals were at 47-40 in Yapjoco’s favor, and he added insult to injury by using Anti-Matter Cannon to deal with Slack’s Willworld.


When Mark fetched Rot Lop Fan with The Ring Has Chosen, Patrick looked visibly shaken. That Green Lantern wasn’t a character that he wanted to see on the other side of the board. Slack then went for G’Nort with a Chopping Block, and he gave some Light Armor to Malvolio. Patrick’s recruit was somewhat easier, with just Element Man brought out to the hidden area. The formation in his hidden area was all of a sudden slightly more relevant, since Rot Lop could enable attacks there.


The first attack by Rot Lop was met with a Birthing Chamber activation. Then, Yapjoco replaced the location and moved the copy of Shadow Creatures under assault into his visible area. That allowed a second Birthing Chamber to get used before Shadow Creatures was duly stunned. Further attacks were blunted by Helping Hand, and Yapjoco looked pretty pleased to be able to advance to the next turn relatively unscathed.


Turn 6 began with The Ring Has Chosen for Patrick, who fetched Evil Star. The presence of that character in the visible area presented a clear and present danger to Slack. His response was Dr. Light, Master of Holograms, who returned Henry King Jr. ◊ Brainwave and Kyle Rayner, who in turn fetched a Helping Hand. Yapjoco team attacked Brainwave with two copies of Shadow Creatures, and then he sent Element Man into Dr. Light. When Yapjoco’s Malvolio attacked into Kyle Rayner, the Helping Hand came out, forcing Patrick to shoot for a lucky topdeck with Element Man’s ability to replace a resource. Not finding a pump, his attack missed. After the miserable attack before, Evil Star’s attack on Olapet was dramatically blunted by a simple reinforcement by Kyle.


At the end of the turn, Emerald Dawn fetched Krona for Yapjoco. With the endurance totals at 40-17 in his favor, he appeared to have things pretty well locked up. A Krona from Slack made things a little more interesting, but the local boy still had a lot of work to do.


Somewhat unexpectedly, Yapjoco elected to spend his seven resource points on Kiman and some copies of Shadow Creatures rather than his 7-drop, who was discarded to a Birthing Chamber activation. Could there be a Qward lurking somewhere in his resource row? Slack had to find out, and the best way he could do that was by using Rot Lop Fan’s ability to try to take him down.


Qward did indeed show itself, and with four exhausted Shadow Creatures, an exhausted Kiman, and an endurance point, Rot Lop succumbed. Krona then attacked into Evil Star, but when a Men of Steel made the 6-drop huge, it was all over for Slack.


Patrick Yapjoco wins the match.

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