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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 6: Dan Bridy vs. Yoel Izsak
Anand Khare

Dan Bridy is a Philly player with a record of good Pro Circuit performances. Yoel is a player from Maryland who has enjoyed some PC success of his own. Both of these players are undefeated going into the sixth round. Dan won the die roll and selected the even initiatives. Both players kept their opening hands.


Yoel had no first turn play, so Dan’s Shakti was free to get in for a point. On turn 2, Dan recruited Mole Man, Moloid Master in front of Shakti. Yoel had Quicksilver, Inhuman by Marriage and equipped him with Mind Gem. Yoel discarded Alaris, and the 2-drops traded stuns in combat. Mind Gem was returned to Yoel’s hand. He began turn 3 by recruiting the Gem again, this time discarding Human Torch, The Invisible Man. Yoel under-dropped with Black Bolt, Illuminati in the hidden area. Dan played the superior Crystal, Elementelle in his hidden area, fetching a copy of Extended Family. In combat, Quicksilver took down Mole Man and Black Bolt stunned Shakti. Dan chose not to attack back and lost Shakti at the end of the turn. Yoel led, 47-44.


Turn 4 was Dan’s initiative. He recruited Nahrees and an alternate-cost Nenora, both in his hidden area. Yoel had Thing, Rockhead behind Quicksilver. Dan sent Nahrees into Quicksilver, and Yoel returned the Mind Gem and reinforced. He flipped Extended Family to team-up Doom and Inhumans, discarding a card to give Nahrees a cosmic counter and using him immediately on Thing. Dan’s remaining three characters went after Thing, and Yoel played Power Struggle. Dan had Barbaric Brawl, and Thing traded stuns with Mole Man. Black Bolt got to attack directly, and that was the turn. In recovery, Yoel KO’d his locked-down Thing. He was ahead, 41-37.


On turn 5, Yoel replayed the Mind Gem before under-dropping with Frankie Raye ◊ Nova, Optimistic Youth behind a fresh Ethan Edwards. Dan recruited Magneto, Acts of Vengeance behind Mole Man. In combat, Yoel declared Ethan Edwards into Magneto. Both characters stunned. Quicksilver attacked Mole Man, stunning him. Yoel attacked directly with Black Bolt and exhausted Frankie to play Cosmic Necessity from his resource row. Dan allowed Yoel to gain the endurance. With no ready characters remaining, Yoel passed. Dan sent Nahrees to stun Frankie, and Crystal went after Quicksilver. Yoel had The Devil We Know, though, and the extra 2 ATK was enough to force a stunback. Mind Gem was returned. Nenora attacked directly, and before recovery, Dan used Nahrees to lock down Ethan Edwards. At the end of the turn, Yoel had Black Bolt and an exhausted Ethan against Dan’s Magneto, Nahrees, and Nenora. Yoel led, though, 28-22.


Turn 6 was Dan’s turn to under-drop. He recruited Invisible Woman, Baroness Von Doom next to Magneto and Elite Doom Guards behind Magneto. Yoel began his recruit by giving Ethan Edwards the Mind Gem. He played Karnak in the hidden area, as well as an alternate-cost Valeria Von Doom behind Ethan Edwards. In the beginning of combat, Dan went into the tank. He finally chose to send Magneto after Ethan. Yoel flipped The Herald Ordeal, drawing and discarding a card with Valeria. Ethan was stunned, and Mind Gem was returned to Yoel’s hand. Next, Nenora attacked Valeria with Interstellar Offensive for +5 ATK. Dan’s remaining characters attacked directly to reduce Yoel to exactly 0, and Dan KO’d Elite Doom Guards to Magneto to exhaust Karnak. Nahrees locked down Karnak for the turn. At this very moment, time was called. In recovery, Yoel gained 2 with his Herald Ordeal and played Cosmic Order to KO each player’s 1-drops. Karnak gained a cosmic counter. Bridy led, 19-2.


On turn 7, Yoel used Warskrull to get Act of Defiance. He recruited Mind Gem onto Ethan Edwards, then under-dropped yet again with The Fallen One. Dan had Mephisto, Lord of Hell in the hidden area. He moved his characters to the support row and passed. Yoel’s first attack sent Ethan Edwards into Invisible Woman with Barbaric Brawl. The 4-drop stunned. Next, The Fallen One attacked Magneto. Karnak’s ability was used to reduce his DEF to 0, and Dan took 17 from the stun. Black Bolt attacked directly with help from Sworn Enemies, and Yoel passed, now ahead 2 to -7. Dan was out of tricks and couldn’t muster enough ATK to take Yoel down.

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