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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 9: Matt Barton vs Sam Kassis
Rob Davis
Matt Barton is a South Australia-based player who has piloted his Teen Titans deck to five victories today. Sam Kassis is playing the always-popular Alex Brown build of Glock. Both players desperately need a win to potentially make Top 8, although the matchup is clearly skewed in favor of the Titans. In what is becoming a very classic matchup, the two players faced off for the final match of the day.

Matt won the coin toss and elected to take the odd initatives.

Turn 1

Arisia came down on Sam's side of the board, while Matt had no recruit. Sam swung Arisia in directly and passed.


Turn 2
In an unconventional play, Black Hand came out on Sam's side of the board.
Meanwhile, the essential Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective meant that Matt was off to a great start. Eyeing Tim Drake's 3 DEF and sensing a Tamaran, Sam flipped up a copy of Rain of Acorns and simply used Arisia to exhaust Tim. With Black Hand unstunned, Sam was able to net himself 2 endurance during the recovery phase.

Sam: 52
Matt: 50

Turn 3
An early Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter came out for Matt in the back row. Meanwhile, on Sam’s side, Glock standby Dr. Light, Master of Holograms was recruited. This prompted Sam to quip "It’s not the most broken card . . . but it's gotta be close!"

Matt's first move was to try team-attacking Tim and Roy into Dr. Light. Realizing that Matt clearly had a copy of Teen Titans Go!, Sam's Dr. Light responded with an Entangle on Tim Drake. Naturally, Matt responded to the plot twist by pumping Roy's attack, and then swung into Arisia for 6. With no way for Black Hand to reinforce, Sam was forced to take the 6. With Black Hand unstunned in the recovery phase, Sam gained another 3 endurance.

Sam: 49
Matt: 49

Turn 4
Sam started off his turn with a Book of Oa, using it to send Olapet to the KO’d pile. Emerald Dawn then KO’d Arisia, and Sam searched his deck for a copy of Malvolio, who was recruited in front of Dr. Light. The good doctor brought Olapet into the game in front of Black Hand, and Sam passed. Matt started his recruit step by using Optitron to search for a copy of Dawn Granger ◊ Dove. He then boosted her into the front row, bringing Hawk into play and protecting Roy Harper.

Black Hand, Malvolio, and Olapet used Rain of Acorns to exhaust Tim Drake, Dawn and Hank. Each were exhausted to pump Roy Harper’s ATK to a formidable 10. Roy simply attacked Olapet for 10, pushing through 9 endurance loss for the Titans. Then, in a crucial moment, Matt flipped Ka-boom to take down Sam's Book of Oa. With no way to stun Black Hand, Matt was forced to let Sam gain 6 endurance before the turn ended.

Sam: 46

Turn 5

Matt started his recruit by exhausting Tim Drake to Roy. He elected to boost out a second copy of the Young Detective. On Sam’s side of the board, all he could do was activate Dr. Light to bring Arisia back into the fold.

Matt declared all four Titans into Malvolio, which prompted an Entangle on Tim Drake. The Titan was exhausted in response to pump Roy, and all three Titans team-attacked Malvolio. A predictable Teen Titans Go! readied Hawk, Dove and Roy, and Matt set himself up for massive board advantage. Hawk was sent in to Olapet. Before the attack concluded, Sam used Black Hand and Olapet to recover Malvolio via Lanterns in Love. With no KO effects available to him, Matt was forced to let Malvolio recover. Dove simply went into Black Hand, and both players passed. Roy attacked into Arisia, causing the Green Lantern to stun. A second Teen Titans Go! from Matt meant that Tim, Dove and Roy could take down Malvolio for the second time. Finally, Hank took the Doctor down. Sam elected to keep the Doctor, and both players moved on to turn 6.

Sam: 30
Matt: 49

Turn 6
Sam started off by recruiting Katma Tui and then used Dr Light to bring Olapet back from the KO’d pile. A USS Argus from Matt meant that he found his desired Garth, Tempest. Garth was recruited in the back row behind Hawk, soas to play around Rain of Acorns. Sam exhausted Hawk with Katma Tui, and Sam passed his initiative. Matt exhausted Dove to Roy and activated Arsenal's ability to stun Katma Tui. Before she went down, Sam made sure to gain 5 endurance with Olapet. Garth went into Olapet with Tamaran and pushed through 9 endurance loss for the Titans.

Matt now played the always-amazing Betrayal to stun Dr. Light for free. With Hawk, Dove, and Roy all exhausted, Matt was free to use Press the Attack to ready Garth. He attacked directly with a power-up from hand and played Savage Beatdown from hand for a further 15 points of endurance loss. When 3 endurance was paid to Garth to return Press the Attack, Sam offered the handshake.
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