Doug Tice is a member of The Donkey Club, and Steve Horowitz is on FTN. Both of them made money in the recent Pro Circuit Los Angeles and both are undefeated so far. After this round, they’ll have to trade in their current (presumably excellent) decks for whatever the next Sealed Pack build gives them. Steve won the die roll and selected the odd initiatives. Both players kept their opening hands.
Neither player had any action on the first turn. On turn 2, Doug recruited Element Lad. Steve had Speed Queen. The characters traded stuns. Steve had Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Sidekick No More on turn 3, while Doug recruited Time Trapper in the hidden area and followed that up with Flight Ring on Element Lad. In combat, Speed Queen traded stuns with Element Lad, and Tim attacked directly. Doug played Past, Present, and Future to team-up Legionnaires and Future Foes, and then used Tempus Fugit to stun Tim Drake with Time Trapper without stunning back. Speed Queen was KO’d in recovery. Steve led, 43-40.
On turn 4, Doug recruited Timber Wolf with boost and Karate Kid, then pushed all of his characters to the front. Steve played Dark Martian in the concealed area, targeting Timber Wolf, and passed. Element Lad traded stuns with Tim, and the rest of Doug’s characters team attacked directly. Steve sent Dark Martian into Timber Wolf, and Doug took the full amount. Timber Wolf was KO’d in recovery, and Doug gained an endurance lead of 29-26.
Turn 5 was Steve’s initiative. He recruited Dark Superboy in his visible area, then played Titans of Tomorrow, naming Darkseid’s Elite and 4. He substituted Darkseid, Apokoliptian Oppressor into play, and in response, Doug flipped Legion World. Steve flipped an Ancient Throne, and passed to Doug’s recruit. Doug had Tim Drake ◊ Batman, Titans Tomorrow West in front of Karate Kid. In combat, Dark Superboy went after Tim Drake. Both characters stunned, and their abilities went on the chain. Steve targeted Element Lad. Doug replaced Ancient Throne with his Tim Drake, and Element Lad was stunned. Next, Darkseid took down Karate Kid. Steve’s Tim Drake attacked directly, and neither player had further attacks. Karate Kid and Element Lad were lost in recovery. Steve led, 21-11.
Doug had the initiative for turn 6. He recruited Ferro Lad and Raven, Rachel Roth in the hidden area. Steve, after thinking for a total of four minutes, had Dark Champion in the concealed area, then substituted Beast Boy ◊ Animal Man into play. He flipped and used Furnace of Apokolips to draw a card, then went back into the tank. Another three minutes elapsed, and time was called at just the point that Steve finished setting up. His formation had Tim flanked by Darkseid and Beast Boy in the support row. In combat, Raven took down Tim Drake. Doug’s own Tim Drake triggered, and Doug replaced one of his face-up plot twists. Next, Doug sent the 5-drop into Darkseid. Steve had a power-up, but Doug had Furious Assault to force the stun. Next, Ferro Lad went after Beast Boy, and two copies of Clash of the Titans forced the stun. Doug attacked directly with Time Trapper, bringing Steve to 1, and passed. Steve attacked Tim with his 6-drop, flipping Busted Knee and Furious Assault for the win.