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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 7: Dave Redfern vs. Lindsey Scown
Rob Davis
Dave Redfern is a longtime Vs. player from Brisbane. The New School player is playing a new deck using Crisis on Infinite Earths as its backbone to achieve somewhat similar yet more versatile results.

Lindsay Scown is a Victorian player who is piloting the TDC Stall deck today.
With Jean Grey, Phoenix Force as his win condition, the battle of the stall decks rages on. Two men enter, one man leaves. Which Stall deck shall reign supreme?

Lindsay won the die roll and elected to take odds.

Turn 1
Lindsay had to lay a resource and pass, while Dave had a slightly more formidable play in Roy Harper, Speedy.

Dave: 50
Lindsay: 49

Turn 2
Dave flipped Straight to the Grave to find a copy of Puppet Master. He then combined it with Slaughter Swamp and brought him into play. Meanwhile, Lindsay recruited Poison Ivy, Deadly Rose, who was promptly exhausted by Puppet Master. When Dave elected not to attack with Speedy, both players moved to turn 3.

Dave: 50
Lindsay: 49

Turn 3
This time it was Lindsay's turn to play Straight to the Grave, which found him a copy of Cardiac. Dave flipped over a second copy Straight to the Grave to retrieve the all-important Poison Ivy, Deadly Rose. Dr. Light was recruited, and Poison Ivy was brought into the fold with his ability. Puppet Master was exhausted, prompting Cardiac to stun Poison Ivy. With his own copy of Ivy now exhausted, Lindsay had no available attackers left, causing both players to move on to turn 4.


Turn 4

Dave started off his recruit step by playing Rogue, Power Absorption into his front row. Dr. Light brought Maxwell Lord, Financier into play, netting Dave a copy of Crisis on Infinite Earths. Lindsay started his turn off by activating Cardiac to stun Poison Ivy. Lindsay then recruited Professor X, Headmaster and passed his recruit phase.

At the start of combat, Rogue copied Cardiac and promptly stunned Lindsay's Ivy. Puppet Master then exhausted the remaining Professor, and both players went to turn 5.


Turn 5
Lindsay played a copy of Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff who would prove invaluable in combating Dave's activated ability-based deck. Dave responded to the recruit with Puppet Master, who forced an exhaust of Lindsay's Poison Ivy. Lindsay used Cardiac to target Dave's Ivy. Dave responded by KO’ing Maxwell Lord to find himself a Birthing Chamber, and both players passed. Crisis on Infinite Earths was flipped by Dave, allowing him to recruit Terra. Spoiler came down to join Dave’s veritable Crisis hot-pot.

At the start of combat, Rogue copied Puppet Master. Scarlet Witch attacked Rogue, and Dave elected to use the ability previously stolen from Puppet Master. When Professor X was exhausted, Lindsay was left with no attacker and was forced to pass the rest of his attack. Dave, too, simply passed, and both players moved on to turn 6.

Dave: 37
Lindsay: 47

Turn 6
Dave played a copy of the always-impressive Enemy of My Enemy, discarding Black Hand, and grabbing a copy of Gorilla Grodd. He used Birthing Chamber to draw 2 cards and willingly paid 5 endurance for Dr. Light to bring Kyle Rayner into play, yielding a Catcher's Mitt. Dave equipped Grodd with the Mitt for free and put a Chopping Block on Kyle Rayner. Lindsay played a Grodd of his own and activated Cardiac to stun Dave's Kyle Rayner—turning off the potentially game-winning equipment.

At the start of combat, Rogue once again copied Puppet Master. Lindsay used Gorilla Grodd's ability on Poison Ivy, targeting Dave's Speedy to try to KO the 1-drop. However, Dave responded by targeting Speedy with his own ability, and sent the Titan to the top of his deck, effectively negating the effect. Grodd and Terra team attacked into Scarlet Witch. When both players passed, Terra and Scarlet witch traded stuns. With the Witch out of the way, Dave was able to use Puppet Master and Rogue to exhaust the rest of Lindsay's board.

Dave: 30
Lindsay: 43

Turn 7

On Lindsay's side of the board, Two-Face, Split Personality came into the back row, next to Gorilla Grodd. Dave tried to use Birthing Chamber, but Spoiler, Stephanie Brown was met with a stun from Lindsay's Cardiac. Dave played Straight to The Grave, searched out Psimon, and retrieved him with the Swamp. When Dave tried to recruit the 7-drop, Lindsay responded with a Straight to the Grave of his own that sent Jean Grey, Phoenix Force to the KO’d pile before Psimon's ability could come online. With Psimon in play, Dave looked through his KO’d pile, trying to decide if a Dr. Light activation was worth the 5 endurance cost. He decided that it wasn’t, and both players moved on to the combat phase.

Two-Face’s ability went on the chain, and Dave responded by using Rogue to copy Puppet Master. Dave KO'd Psimon to steal Lindsay's Scarlet Witch.
Lindsay responded with his own Grodd, and attempted to steal Terra.
Dave responded by using his Terra to stun Cardiac. With the Witch now in the KO’d pile, Puppet Master and Rogue forced exhausts of Gorilla Grodd and Professor X. After what was potentially one of the most complicated chains to ever resolve in Vs. System, only Two-Face was left was left to attack. With the Catcher's Mitt online, Two-Face could only swing into Rogue for 4 endurance. Dave flipped Sector 2814 and used it to gain 2 endurance.


Turn 8
Before the build phase, Lindsay used Dave's stolen Terra to stun Dr. Light. Dave responded with Birthing Chamber and gained 2 points of endurance from Spoiler before the Doctor successfully stunned. Realizing that time had been called, and that he had no way to find a copy of Captain Marvel, Dave was forced to offer a handshake when Lindsay showed him his copy of Phoenix Force.

Both players packed up their decks and agreed that it may have been a very different game if Dave had been able to find Marvel for the crucial turn.
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