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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Guillaume Potvin vs. Nicolas Cuenca
Anand Khare

Guillaume is playing one of three Teen Titans decks, while Nicolas has the only Good Guys deck in the Top 8. Nicolas won the die roll and selected the odd initiatives for the first game.


Game 1


Both players mulliganed their openers. The first turn passed without any recruits; the first play of the game was a Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective from Guillaume. Nicolas matched him with Booster Gold. In combat, Tamaran allowed Tim to run over Booster without being stunned back.


Nicolas had the initiative on turn 3; he played Enemy of My Enemy for Shayera Thal ◊ Hawkwoman, Thanagarian Enforcer. The 3-drop was recruited in front of Booster. Nicolas played two copies of World’s Greatest Heroes, one from the row and one from his hand, before passing to Guillaume. “No equipment?” asked Guillaume. Nicolas confirmed it. In his own recruit, Guillaume flipped and used USS Argus before playing Beast Boy. He set both of his characters in the front row and passed. Nicolas sent Booster into Tim Drake and passed. Guillaume passed in turn, and both characters stunned. Next, Shayera went after Beast Boy. Nicolas played Magnificent Seven from his resource row to power-up, then discarded John Henry Irons ◊ Steel, Steel-Drivin’ Man to search for Cloak of Nabu. Guillaume used Tamaran for a power-up of his own, and both characters stunned. Both 2-drops were KO’d in recovery, and Guillaume led 44-42.


Guillaume began the fourth turn with an Argus activation. He brought out Red Star behind Shayera, and then passed. Nicolas played a Cloak of Nabu–equipped Katar Hol ◊ Hawkman, Thanagarian Enforcer behind Shayera. Guillaume declared a team attack into Shayera, and Nicolas allowed it. Guillaume passed, and Nicolas allowed Beast Boy to trade for Shayera. A predictable Teen Titans Go! from Guillaume readied Red Star, who attacked Katar Hol with a Tamaran power-up. A Savage Beatdown from Guillaume was negated by a BWA HA HA HA HA!, but a second Beatdown was allowed to resolve. Katar Hol was stunned, but Nicolas flipped a JLI Embassy before recovery to keep both of his characters around. Guillaume still led, 41-35.


Nicolas had Fire for turn 5, and he pushed all of his characters to the front row. Guillaume used Argus and went into the tank, eventually coming out with the plan of under-dropping with Terra and then burning Guillaume for 5 with Red Star. Guillaume set all of his characters in the support row, with Beast Boy in the center. In combat, Terra replaced Argus to stun Shayera. Nicolas sent Katar Hol into Red Star and passed. Guillaume simply reinforced. Next, Fire went after Terra. Guillaume had only a Tamaran to stop a point of breakthrough. Terra was lost in recovery. Guillaume’s lead now stood at 32-27.


Turn 6 was Guillaume’s initiative. He dropped Connor Kent ◊ Superboy, Tactile Telekinetic and quickly passed. Nicolas recruited Steel without replacement and set up with Steel protecting Katar Hol and Fire protecting Hawkwoman. In combat, Guillaume immediately paid 2 endurance for Connor to KO the Cloak of Nabu attached to Katar Hol. Beast Boy attacked Shayera, and Nicolas allowed it. Shayera went down without a fight. Guillaume’s next attack sent Red Star and Connor into Steel in a team attack. Guillaume powered-up Red Star with Tamaran and passed. Nicolas flipped and used a Kooey Kooey Kooey, and in response, played a copy of Magnificent Seven from hand. Steel was powered-up, Nicolas drew a card, and Guillaume lost 2 endurance. The Kooey resolved, and Nicolas passed back to Guillaume, who played Teen Titans Go! before going into the tank. He exhausted Connor to give the 6-drop +2 DEF, and Nicolas played another Magnificent Seven. Guillaume had no further actions, and Steel and Connor traded stuns. Red Star went after Katar Hol, and Nicolas used Enemy of My Enemy to search for a power-up. Guillaume had Titans Tower for 2, though, and Katar was stunned. Guillaume had no further attacks, so Nicolas was free to attack Red Star back with Fire. The 4-drop was stunned. In recovery, Nicolas used the Embassy to save Fire. Shayera and Red Star were lost. Nicolas now led, 13-11.


Nicolas was up on turn 7. He declined to play a fifth resource before recruiting Booster Gold with boost. He also brought out Sue Dibny, searching out a Connor Hawke ◊ Green Arrow, which also came into play. Guillaume played a seventh resource and missed his recruit entirely. Nicolas sent Steel, Booster, and Sue into Connor. He powered-up Sue for +4 ATK / +2 DEF, and then passed. Guillaume reinforced, and Steel traded stuns with Connor. Guillaume, realizing that Beast Boy wasn’t going to do much to hold off Nicolas’s remaining three characters, conceded.


Game 2


Guillaume selected the even initiatives for the second game. This time around, both players kept. Nicolas kicked things off with a first turn Sue Dibny, searching up Maxwell Lord, Financier. Guillaume played Roy Harper ◊ Speedy and attacked in with a Tamaran. Guillaume played Maxwell on turn 2, discarding Flamethrower to search up World’s Greatest Heroes. In combat, Maxwell attacked Roy. Tamaran and an activation allowed Guillaume to stun back, and Sue attacked directly. In recovery, Adam Strange, Champion of Rann KO’d Roy.


Nicolas had the initiative on the third turn, and he recruited Shayera Thal ◊ Hawkwoman. He played a copy of World’s Greatest Heroes from his resource row, then played two more from his hand. Shayera received a Cloak of Nabu, and Maxwell picked up an Nth Metal. Nicolas passed to Guillaume, who recruited Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter. Nicolas sent Maxwell and Sue into Roy. Shayera’s ability triggered, and Nicolas discarded Booster Gold to search for Katar Hol ◊ Hawkman, Thanagarian Enforcer. Guillaume had nothing but a Tamaran power-up, so Roy and Maxwell traded stuns. Shayera attacked directly for 5, and that was the turn. Nicolas led, 44-40.


Guillaume began turn 4 with an activation of USS Argus. He recruited Red Star next to Roy in the support row and passed. Nicolas had Katar Hol with another Nth Metal. He set up with Sue protecting Katar Hol and Maxwell protecting Shayera Thal, and then passed right back. In combat, Guillaume flipped a second Argus, KO’ing his first, before team attacking Sue with Roy and Red Star. Guillaume powered-up Roy with Tamaran and passed. Nicolas powered-up Sue from hand, and in response, Guillaume played Teen Titans Go! He used Roy to stun Sue Dibny, KO’ing his Tamaran and knocking himself down to two resources. Before the stun resolved, Guillaume also exhausted Red Star to give Roy an additional +2 ATK. Sue stunned, and both of Guillaume’s characters readied. Roy attacked Maxwell, and when the power-up effect resolved, Nicolas discarded a copy of Shayera to get another Katar Hol. Both characters stunned. Guillaume sent Red Star into Shayera, flipping another Tamaran to power-up Red Star. He passed, and Nicolas attacked Red Star with Katar Hol, stunning the 4-drop. In recovery, Maxwell, Sue, and Roy were KO’d. Nicolas led, 38-30.


Turn 5 was Nicolas’s initiative. He played Enemy of My Enemy for John Henry Irons ◊ Steel, Steel-Drivin’ Man, and he recruited the 5-drop from his resource row without replacement. Steel picked up a Flamethrower, and Nicolas passed. Guillaume used his Argus, and then went into the tank. He recruited Beast Boy next to Red Star in the support row and passed. Nicolas sent Katar Hol into Red Star and used the power-up trigger to trade a Mikado and Mosha in his hand for an Nth Metal. Red Star stunned; Guillaume simply reinforced. Next, Steel rolled over Beast Boy, and Shayera attacked directly. The score was now 38-10 in Nicolas’s favor.


Guillaume was up on turn 6, but with only four resources, there was not much he could do. He scooped it up.


Nicolas wins and advances to the semifinals!

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