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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Having Fun with Vs. System: City Champs and a Bonus “Choose Your Set Wisely” Tournament -
  What is Choose Your Set Wisely? Well, first you pick any one Vs. System set, and build a deck consisting of cards from that set only. Then join the tournament to have fun battling against other players’ favorite teams from one set only.

Sealed Pack 101: Legacy Characters and Generic Cards -
  When the four main teams in Heralds of Galactus don’t provide enough playable cards to create a desirable and cohesive deck, you might find yourself looking to some of the legacy characters and generic cards.

Sealed Pack 101: Doom -
  Welcome to the Doom stop on my tour of the top ten most noteworthy cards each team has to offer in Heralds of Galactus.

Sealed Pack 101: Inhumans -
  This week, we move onto the team that gets to attack more often than most, The Inhumans.

Sealed Pack 101: Kree -
  Almost every member of the Kree team is focused on the press mechanic.

Sealed Pack 101: Heralds of Galactus -
  If, after months of playing with the Heralds of Galactus set, we can sit back down and agree that most of the cards I felt were top-notch still rise above the rest, then you and I can both feel more confident that the advice I share in these articles is meaningful.

Sealed Pack 101: Heralds of Galactus Sneak Preview -
  I always enjoy Sneak Preview events, but I think my first impression of Heralds is that it may be the best set yet for Sealed Pack.

Sealed Pack 101: The Study – The Readers Respond -
  Due to the volume of replies, I will not be able to share every build submitted, but I would like to put the spotlight on three of the lists while giving a few shout-outs to others, as well.

Advanced Learning: Reading the Signals -
  Reading signals is all about gathering as much information from as many sources as possible and reacting accordingly.

Sealed Pack 101: The Study, Part 2 -
  I’d like to get some input from you, the readers.

Sealed Pack 101: The Study -
  For this episode of The Study, our players will change. Tillman will again get to play the role of “Well-Balanced Master,” but the two players at the far ends of the spectrum will probably change in the hope of keeping things interesting.

Draft 101: X-Men at PC San Francisco -
  No matter what the card set, being able to draft a deck with oozing synergy is what wins tournaments.

Sealed Pack 101: The Experiment, Results Analysis -
  I opened five random Infinite Crisis booster packs and recorded the contents. Then my plan was to ask three of my teammates to build independently what they would play in a Sealed Pack event from this card pool.

Sealed Pack 101: The Experiment -
  I will present three of my teammates individually with the same card pool and ask each of them to return with a final build in thirty minutes. I am not sure what to expect from them, but I know that I am already looking forward to seeing the results.

Sealed Pack 101: JSA -
  The JSA team reminds me of my old high school days; generally speaking, my classmates and I all adhered to the same curriculum, but when the break or lunch bell rang, we all split into our little cliques.

Sealed Pack 101: Villains United -
  It looks to me like “the calculated victory” plan seems pretty doable.

Sealed Pack 101: Checkmate -
  This article is the first of a multi-part review of the Infinite Crisis set, looking at the teams strictly in terms of playing these cards in Sealed Pack and Draft events.

Sealed Pack 101: Infinite Crisis Sneak Preview -
  The point of this article is not to give a full recap of my tournament experience, but rather to try to take you through every thought that goes into Sealed Pack deck construction.

Katar Hol <> Hawkman, Eternal Hero -
  Sealed Pack play is all about tricks, so I say yes, Katar Hol does at least meet, if not exceed, the grade necessary to make my deck.

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