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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Deckbuilding with Vidi Wijaya
Anand Khare

Ten seconds after Vidi sat down, he said, “We did it.” He flashed Armageddon, Barbaric Brawl, and Sworn Enemies. He spread out his characters and began laying them into piles by recruit cost, taking note of non-character cards as he put them into a separate pile. Copies of Power Gem and The Great Refuge earned grins as they were piled up. After every character in his deck was laid out, Vidi leaned back and surveyed what he had to work with. After twenty seconds or so, he began to cull out most of the Kree and Doom cards. Tyrant also got cut—“I don’t play 8-drops, because eight is the nut low.”


The good plot twists and locations went into a pile, and Vidi counted up. He lingered over Arsenal of Doom. “I really like this card.” Only a few cuts had to be made, and Intergalactic Summit was the first to go. After dropping the Summit, Vidi pondered over his cards for several minutes. The Great Refuge got cut—“I think it’s greedy, I don’t really need it.” Interestingly, The Kyln was next on the chopping block. This card, very much like Finishing Move, is considered by many players to be a bomb. “It’s only good when you have initiative,” explained Vidi, “and then next turn they wreck you.”


Finally down to thirty cards, Vidi still had decisions to make—he had a Power Struggle and an Arsenal of Doom that he wanted to play, but he just couldn’t find the room. He laid out his entire deck as he sleeved it and spent several minutes looking through it. “This is basically a mish-mash deck . . . with a couple Team-Ups and a lot of ATK pumps.” Still deciding on those last two cards, Vidi looked at his plot twists one by one. “I really don’t have that many Inhumans; they’re just there to streamline my characters,” he said as he cut Power Struggle. Only the Arsenal was left, and Vidi sighed in exasperation. Finally, he resolved to make a change. The Punishers were out; Arsenal of Doom was in. At the very last second, Power Struggle made the cut as well, knocking out a copy of The Power Cosmic Unleashed. Here’s how his deck finally turned out:



Lockjaw, Inhuman’s Best Friend


Quicksilver, Inhuman By Marriage

Destroyer, Soulless Juggernaut

Frankie Raye ◊ Nova, Soul Searcher

Wolverine, Skrunucklehead

Human Torch, Sparky

Captain America, Skrull Impostor




Morg, Corrupt Destroyer

3 Ultron ◊ Ultron 11

The Fallen One


Morg, Harbinger of Extinction

Galactus, The Maker


Plot Twists

Act of Defiance


Barbaric Brawl

Extended Family

Interstellar Offensive

Kindred Spirits

Power Struggle

Sworn Enemies



Arsenal of Doom




Power Gem



Unplayed Cards



The Punishers

2 Shakti


Kree Soldiers

Captain Att-Lass

Elite Doom Guards

2 Iron Man, Illuminati

Commander Dylon Cir

Katrina Luisa Van Horne ◊ Amazon


Admiral Galen Kor

Air-Walker, Harbinger of Despair

Mr. Sinister, Supreme Geneticist

Doom-Bot ◊ Dr. Doom

Maximus the Mad

Invisible Woman, Flame On!


Mar-Vell ◊ Captain Marvel, Enemy of the Empire



Plot Twists

Astral Suppression

2 Genetic Destiny

I Hunger

Intergalactic Summit

Mask of Doom


Pressed into Service

The Power Cosmic Unleashed

Starforce Strike

The Uni-Power

Waking the Ancestors



Arsenal of Doom (one of two made the cut)

Himalayan Enclave

Negative Zone, Shadow Dimension

Penal Colony

The Great Refuge

The Kyln

Worldeater Apparatus


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