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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 4: Bulk Lao vs. Donald Noland
Anand Khare

Donald and Bulk are each extremely accomplished players. Donald has five $10K Top 8s to his name, while Bulk has one $10K Top 8 and multiple Pro Circuit Top 16 finishes. Both of these players were undefeated coming into the fourth round.


Bulk won the die roll and predictably selected the odd initiative. As they shuffled up, they talked enthusiastically about the Team Sealed event that was to be held the following day. Both players kept their hands, and Bulk led off with Joystick. Donald had Pantha, and the characters traded stuns.


Donald recruited Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective on turn 2 and set both of his characters in the front row. Bulk played Ape X, fetching an Airskimmer. He attached Airskimmer to the Ape and hid Ape behind Joystick. Donald attacked Tim into Joystick, who was currently 2 ATK/2 DEF. Bulk had no tricks, and Joystick went down. Pantha took down the Ape, although Bulk had a power-up to save a point of endurance and get a card out of his hand. At the end of the turn, Bulk recovered Ape X. 48–46 Donald.


Bulk kicked off turn 3 with Lady Lark, which he set behind Ape X. The Lady got a Jetpack, and the recruit was passed to Donald. He flipped and used USS Argus, then recruited Beast Boy. Each of his characters was set in the front row. Bulk attacked Ape X into Pantha and then Lady Lark into Tim Drake with no resistance on either front. Donald attacked back with Beast Boy into Ape X, and that was the turn. Donald chose to recover Tim Drake. 43–37 Bulk.


Before Donald recruited on turn 4, he used Argus to dig. He dropped Red Star behind Beast Boy and left Tim in the front row. Bulk had no play whatsoever—utterly devastating in a format this fast. He left both of his characters in the back row. Donald made the correct attacks and used a Tamaran to increase the pain. Bulk took a lot of damage and lost his Ape X. The endurance totals were now 37–30 in Donald’s favor.


Bulk had a chance to redeem himself on turn 5, but he didn’t seem happy. “This is pretty [expletive] terrible.” He dropped Whizzer and equipped him with Thunder Jet. Whizzer was set behind Lady Lark. He then played AIDA from his hand, leaving him with a single card. Donald once again used Argus, then recruited Dawn Granger ◊ Dove with boost. He set Hawk behind Dove, Tim behind Beast Boy beside them, and Red Star next to Beast Boy in the back row. Donald used Red Star to hit Bulk for 5, and then used his remaining resource point to Optitron for Garth. Bulk sent Lady Lark into Tim Drake and used Rocket Central to bring some additional pain. Donald simply reinforced. Bulk used an Airskimmer and Mega-Blast on Whizzer, making him a 19 ATK monster. Bulk attacked with Whizzer twice to deal the maximum amount of damage. Donald lost both Hawk and Dove. This turn left Bulk at 15, while Donald had the lead at 23 endurance.


On turn 6, Donald once again used Argus and recruited his Garth. Tim protected Garth, and Beast Boy protected Red Star. Bulk played Ape X behind Whizzer and fetched Airskimmer. He pitched Airskimmer to pump Whizzer and passed to Donald’s attack. Donald sent Red Star and Tim into Whizzer. He powered up Red Star with Tamaran so that neither character would stun. Teen Titans Go! readied both Red Star and Tim Drake, and the duo went after Lady Lark. Donald attempted to attack Ape X, but Bulk had Panacea Potion to recover Whizzer. Donald sighed and revealed additional copies of Press the Attack, Savage Beatdown, and Teen Titans Go!. Any of these was more than enough to overcome Bulk’s feeble defense, and Bulk conceded.


Donald Noland wins!

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