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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 4: Anthony Rodriguez vs. Angel Luna
Anand Khare

Anthony Rodriguez drove here all the way from Newark, NJ. Angel flew here from Chicago. You might remember Angel making Top 8 of the last Golden Age $10K in Minneapolis. Both of these players are undefeated going into this round. Angel won the die roll and selected the odd initiatives. Angel kept his opener, while Anthony mulliganed.


Neither player had anything on the first or second turn. The first play of the game was Anthony’s turn 3 Beast Boy; Angel missed his 3-drop. On turn 4, Anthony led off with Terra. Angel played Sabretooth, Feral Rage, discarding Quicksilver, Speed Demon. The 4-drop was team attacked. In combat, Angel flipped Avalon Space Station to trade a Betrayal in his hand with the Quicksilver.


Angel led on turn 5. He recruited Quicksilver, then equipped Nth Metal to each of his characters. Anthony flipped and used USS Argus, but its activation was negated by Global Domination. Anthony recruited Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter and Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective. He set up with Beast Boy and Roy up front. He exhausted his entire team to Roy to stun Quicksilver, KO’ing the Argus, then passed to Angel’s attack. Angel sent Sabretooth into Beast Boy, flipping up a Lost City. Anthony used Press the Attack to reinforce, and that was the turn. Anthony led, 43-37.


For turn 6, Anthony played Optitron to get Red Star, which he recruited. Angel played Straight to the Grave for Mystique, Freedom Force. He used Avalon to trade another Betrayal for the 6-drop, which he recruited. Angel pushed his characters to the front and passed. Anthony attempted to send all of his characters except for Roy Harper into Mystique. Angel allowed the attack, and Anthony powered-up Red Star. The stun was redirected to Red Star. Two copies of Teen Titans Go! allowed Anthony to stun Angel’s other two characters. A third Go pumped Roy four times as he attacked directly. In recovery, Angel was left with only Mystique. The endurance score was now 43-10 in Anthony’s favor.


Turn 7 was Angel’s initiative. He recruited Sabretooth, Victor Creed. Anthony had Garth ◊ Tempest, and he burned Angel for 5. Before combat, Anthony used Roy to stun Angel’s board. Angel had no choice but to concede the match.

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