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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 8 Feature Match: Michael Jacob vs. David Bauer
Toby Wachter

Both of these players came into this round with records of 6-1, and if history is any indication, they should continue their success through tomorrow. Jacob won the last $10K Chicago, and Bauer came in second at $10K Orlando. Jacob is playing Mutant Nation, and Bauer has Curve Sentinels.

Jacob mulliganed his opening hand, and was none too happy with the hand he got back. He flipped up Clocktower, grunting when he missed his third drop in a row. Avalon Space Station got back a Wolverine 5-drop (he got into the KO pile via Clocktower), and Wolverine, Logan came into play to stun Bauer’s Sentinel Mark II. Jacob played Longshot on turn 4, and its activation was nullified by the Mark II. Bauer had Sentinel Mark V on turn 5, and Nimrod on turn 5. Longshot continued to be kept in check, while Jacob played Quicksilver, Speed Demon. Mutant Nation teamed up the Brotherhood and X-Men, and Mark V went after Longshot as Bauer flipped over Total Anarchy to get a KO. Nimrod attacked Wolverine, and Jacob flipped over Lost City to power up Logan twice and stun Nimrod. Quicksilver stunned the Mark V, and Jacob was now at least putting up a fight.

Jacob had Rogue, Powerhouse, and Bauer played Bastion. Wolverine went after Nimrod and got a power-up, while Bauer had one of his own. Avalon Space Station allowed for more Lost City powering, while Bauer tried to keep pace with Bastion and Reconstruction Program. In the end, Wolverine was stunned, and went to the KO’d pile thanks to the Total Anarchy in play. Quicksilver traded stuns with the Mark V, and Rogue attacked Bastion. Bauer showed another Reconstruction Program, and Jacob conceded.

David Bauer wins!

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