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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 17: Nick Little vs. Raymond Punzalan
Brian-David Marshall

The winner of this draft pod would certainly make the Top 8 and it was more than reasonable to expect that two of the 2-1 players would share that privilege as well. Neither player wanted to lose any matches at all though as there were no certainties for anyone but the 3-0 player.

Raymond won the coin toss and Nick smiled. He wanted the even initiative but did not have confidence that he could do that given the choice. Odd initiative is so essential to winning when drafting the Web of Spider-Man set that it has become second nature to take the crooked numbers when you win the flip. With Raymond choosing the odds Nick could have all the evens and none of the guilt.

Little’s deck got off to an ideal start with Vulture and Mojoverse. He chomped at the bit for his second turn and quickly played his best possible two drop in Hammerhead. “Oh my god, if you say 'pass' this turn it is the stone nuts. Please say 'pass'.”

Raymond did not pass and instead played Hornet. Nick had to send Hammerhead across to teach her how things got done. After turn 2 the score was 56 to 39 in Nick's favor. Spiderman, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man came down on Ray’s side of the table and Nick was glum, “I have no play.”

Hornet shot down Vulture, and then Ray sent Spider-Man after Hammerhead, his spider sense tingling in anticipation of No Fear. His intuition was on-target and both players had face-down teams at the end of turn 3.

Nick frowned at the two cards he drew on turn 4. “It's not getting much better, to be honest. Lizard is going to go up here in the front row.”

Raymond had an even more depressing turn in store, “Oh yeah, how about this?”

He flipped up Midtown High School. His Rocket Racer drew a card – which was Prowler – and that drew him another card. Nick shook his head – “You did not just go Motown on me!” – and flipped up Doc Ock’s Lab and paid 3 for Hammerhead to go after Spidey. Raymond had to laugh. “I guess all my bad cards are going to be good in this match.”

Ray’s Sticky Situation stood Hammerhead up, and without the boost from the Lab he could not get through the friendly neighborhood web-head. “I don’t think Sticky Situation is a bad card by the way. Motown High on the other hand…”

Raymond’s No Fear caused Nick to pay some life to pump Lizard when one of the crappy guys attacked it, and then Spidey bashed Hammerhead’s flat skull in.

Ray led off turn 5 with Spider-Man, Alien Symbiote which replaced his 3-drop. Nick pumped his fist, “That's a freebie, boys!” Nick played Human Torch, Friendly Rival. Rocket Racer and Prowler teamed up on Hammerhead. Prowler was stunned. When Spidey attacked Human Torch, Nick had an Alley-Oop! which prompted an Unexpected Mutation. Ray flipped up Daily Bugle and was able to turn No Fear back down.

Turn 6 saw an underwhelming Man-Wolf with boost and Tombstone from Nick. Raymond, on the other hand, had the seemingly unbeatable Mattie Franklin Spider-Woman -- a card Nick considers to be among the very best characters in this draft format.

“That is not good for me,” sighed Nick.

Man-Wolf went after Mattie. Ray used her ability for one and Nick passed, but when Ray used Grounded, Little responded with Doc Ock’s Lab. Prowler reinforced and the score was 21 to 30 in Nick’s favor. Tombstone came after Prowler and when Ray flipped up an effectively blank No Fear. Nick was ecstatic, “Free No Fear! Thank you!” The score was 10 to 30 in Nick’s favor.

Ezekiel drew Ray two more cards. Nick kept Tombstone around for another swing and played his own Mattie Franklin as well as Speed Demon. Nick looked at the Scorpion he pitched to Tombstone and complained about Ray's choice of 7-drop, “You should have had the Puma.”

Ray's Mattie took down Human Torch and Nick’s Mattie reinforced. Ezekiel attacked Mattie and Nick had to stifle a laugh “I will reveal nothing.” The score was 15 to 10 in Nick’s favor.

“I can’t believe this is going to turn 8.” - Nick Little

Nick let Tombstone slip away and played Scorpion and Alistair Smythe naming Spider-Man. Raymond played Mimic and suited him up with Advanced Spider Armor. Nick announced Mattie Franklin on Mimic and put the trigger on the chain replacing two resources, activated Mojoverse, and flipped up Grounded.

Ray took 6 and fell to 4. Now Nick had to decide what his other five guys up front were going to do. “I wish I had taken that Pleasant Distraction. That would be hot right now.”

Man-Wolf and Scorpion went after Ezekiel, who powered up. Nick flipped Surrounded for a two-point bonus. Raymond went to -3. Nick was at 10. Mattie Franklin went after Lizard and Raymond ate three resources and then used Unexpected Mutation revealing the last card in his deck – a two point plot twist for just enough to win the game.

Raymon Punzalan's win put him one win away from a near lock at his first Pro Circuit Top 8. Nick Little, on the other hand, would need to win both of his next two matches to have a chance at his second Pro Circuit Top 8.

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