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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 10: Michael Jacob vs. Billy Postlethwait
Anand Khare

Jacob and Postlethwait are players of great accomplishment and experience in Vs. System. The winner of this match makes the Top 8 and the loser doesn’t; they knew this and were very businesslike as they shuffled up for their game. Michael won the coin flip and chose evens—the first player I saw making that decision today. Billy kept his hand, while Michael mulliganed his.


Billy had Boliver Trask on turn 1, fetching Sentinel Mark V. This was a very bad sign for Michael, as it indicated that Hounds of Ahab and Sentinel Mark II were already in his hand. Michael had no play and he took 1 from Boliver. Michael led off on turn 2 with Natasha Romanoff ◊ Black Widow, Super Spy. Billy had the Hounds and passed to Michael’s attack. Natasha smashed into Boliver unopposed, and Billy had no attack of his own.


It was Billy’s initiative again on turn 3, and he recruited Sentinel Mark II behind Boliver. Michael set Black Panther in the hidden area, revealing two reservists—Hercules and another Black Panther. Billy played No Man Escapes the Manhunters on Black Panther before his attacks and sent his Mark II in for the double stun. He then passed his attacks, and Michael used a No Man Escapes the Manhunters of his own to drag Hounds of Ahab out of the hidden area. He attacked in with Natasha, and both characters were stunned. Billy used Finishing Move to take care of Black Panther and lost his Hounds in recovery. Michael maintained an endurance lead of 42–39.


On turn 4, Michael played a resource and Iron Man, Tony Stark in front of Natasha. Billy recruited Sentinel Mark V behind Boliver and set his Mark II next to the Mark V in the back row. Michael’s first attack brought Natasha into the Mark V with a Savage Beatdown. Next, he sent Iron Man to take down the Mark II. Billy had nothing to do about any of this, and the turn ended with Billy down a Mark II and down endurance at 40–28.


Billy had his optimal fifth turn play of Nimrod in attempt to get back in the game. He pushed all three of his characters to the front. Michael used Avengers Assemble!, discarding Wasp, to search out Wonder Man from his deck. He then recruited She-Hulk in front of Iron Man and passed. Billy wasted no time in sending Nimrod into Iron Man; Michael had the Heroes in Reserve (revealing four reservists) to remove Nimrod’s counter. Billy then traded his Mark V for She-Hulk by team attacking into her with Boliver. Michael did not use her ability, and neither player had more attacks. The endurance score was 29–24 in favor of Michael.


Michael played his Wonder Man on turn 6, revealing two reservists and stunning Boliver Trask. He set both of his characters in the front row. Billy played Null Time Zone naming Call Down the Lightning, then recruited Bastion. Michael sent Wonder Man into Nimrod, stunning him without opposition. She-Hulk then went after Bastion with a Savage Beatdown and gained invulnerability with her payment power. Billy reinforced, and that was the turn. Michael led 29–12, and his board was Wonder Man and She-Hulk against Billy’s Bastion and Sentinel Mark V.


Billy had his optimal play, Magneto, Master of Magnetism, on turn 7. Michael went into the tank and eventually opted to play another Black Panther, revealing four reservists in his resource row. This made Black Panther 8 ATK/7 DEF. He next recruited Hawkeye from his resource row and set him between his two other characters in his back row. Billy’s first attack brought the Mark V into Hawkeye with two Bastion pumps. Michael simply reinforced with She-Hulk. Next, Magneto went after Wonder Man. Michael had nothing to stop that and took 10. Finally, Bastion attacked She-Hulk, and Michael replaced a resource to give him invulnerability. Billy passed attacks to Michael. Michael sent Black Panther into Billy’s Mark V and used two copies each of Call Down the Lightning and No Man Escapes the Manhunters. This was more than enough to kill Billy, and he didn’t have the pumps in his hand to mitigate the attack.


Michael Jacob wins!

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