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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Unexpected Developments: Banned List Update
Dave Humpherys

We’ve received an enormous amount of feedback over yesterday’s announcement that we were not intending to make any changes regarding the upcoming Pro Circuit. The response has been overwhelming in requesting that we reconsider our position. This feedback has come from all facets of our community. The vast majority of pros, the fans who will be following the coverage, and our many players at large have all let us know that they believe it is in the best interest of the game to take action.


Based on this response from our player base and further internal testing, we have decided to reverse our decision and will be banning cards before the upcoming Pro Circuit.


We realize this will jeopardize our relationship with some of the pro players who are further along in testing and tuning these decks than others. However, we feel it is more important to remedy the situation promptly to make both our Pro Circuit and local events as positive a gaming experience as possible.


The question then becomes what specific cards we should take action on to eliminate decks that our community doesn’t want to see in our game. We focused on neutering these new combo decks and guarding against other similar deck types. This led us to five cards that we felt were doing too much to facilitate or create loops. It is inevitable that not everyone will be happy with our choices. I will write articles in the future to justify the banning of this selection of cards.


Without further ado:

Banned Cards


Justice League of Arkham

Antarctic Research Base

Gone But Not Forgotten

Valeria Von Doom, Heir to Latveria (Effective Nov. 16, 2006)

Talia, LexCorp CEO (Effective Nov. 16, 2006)

Go Down Fighting (Effective Nov. 16, 2006)

Fiddler, Isaac Bowin (Effective Nov. 16, 2006)

Detective Chimp, Bobo T. Chimpanzee (Effective Nov. 16, 2006)


Our apologies go out to those who made any plans based on yesterday’s announcement. We appreciate your input and hope these changes improve your enjoyment of the upcoming PC.


Comments are welcome at DHumpherys@Metagame.com.

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