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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 4 Feature Match: John Stephens vs. Carl Perlas
Toby Wachter
Carl Perlas is one of the top players in the short history of competitive Vs., coming in second at the $10K Origins event. He’s playing Brotherhood in this tournament, with Not So Fast and Global Domination to disrupt his opponents’ plans. John Stephens played Vs. for a while and then quit. This is his first tournament, yet he’s 2–1 at this point.

Game 1

Stephens played Toad, and Perlas had Pyro. The characters butted heads, and Perlas followed up with a third turn Mystique. Pyro attacked Toad, and Acrobatic Dodge would have saved him from being stunned, but Perlas had Flying Kick. This cleared the way for a Mystique attack, dealing 4 more damage. Stephens played Sabretooth, Feral Rage, and Perlas had one of his own. Stephens’s Sabretooth went after Pyro, who used his special ability in response. The attack happened afterwards, and Mystique reinforced Pyro so that Perlas would only lose 2 endurance. Both players had Magneto on turn 5, and Perlas’s Sabretooth went after Stephens’s, which was powered up twice, then given Acrobatic Dodge. Perlas powered up his Sabretooth, and Stephens added one more power-up. It seemed that this would give him the upper hand, but Perlas is a tournament veteran and knew how to manipulate the chain. He let the power-ups resolve, then added Not So Fast to nullify Acrobatic Dodge. When everything resolved, both Sabretooths were stunned. Magneto charged into Toad, and Stephens sent his Magneto after Pyro. After recovery, both players had Sabretooth and Magneto, but Perlas had Mystique as well.

Avalon Space Station would have given Stephens the advantage, but Perlas responded with Global Domination to stop it. He then upgraded Mystique into a Shape-Changing Assassin, which made his board even better, especially since Stephens didn’t play any characters. Stephens sent Magneto and Sabretooth after Mystique, and Perlas KO’ed Genosha to draw into some cards. Combat continued, and Perlas’s Mystique was stunned along with Stephens’s Magneto. Perlas sent his Magneto after Stephens’s Toad, bringing him down to 7. With the cards provided by Genosha, Perlas was in a fine position to finish things off. He played Quicksilver, Speed Demon, and even Stephens’s Magneto, Master of Magnetism wasn’t good enough to keep him alive, as it was team attacked to end the game.

Stephens 0 – Perlas 1

Game 2

Stephens had Toad on turn 2, followed by Quicksilver on turn 3. Perlas played a Quicksilver of his own, and Stephens activated his. Perlas’s Quicksilver attacked Toad, and Perlas flipped over two copies of The New Brotherhood. Stephens looked to take care of the problem with Overload, but Perlas had Not So Fast to ensure that Quicksilver got through. Perlas had Sabretooth, Feral Rage on turn 4, and Stephens played Blob. Perlas’s Sabretooth attacked into Blob, which became bigger thanks to Lost City and a power-up. The end result was both becoming stunned, and Quicksilver attacked Toad to prompt a bounce. Stephens replayed Toad, and Perlas had a turn 5 Magneto. Mystique attacked into Magneto, and a power-up along with Savage Beatdown made her into a huge threat. The end result was a stunned Magneto, and Perlas lost 8 total endurance. Stephens’s Avalon Space Station was nullified by Global Domination, and Perlas’s Sabretooth attack was stopped by Acrobatic Dodge.

Perlas played Avalon Space Station and had Mystique on turn 6. Stephens had a Mystique of his own, and Perlas broke through the game’s parity by KO’ing two Genoshas, drawing eight cards. Sabretooth busted through Blob, and Mystique went after Stephens’s Quicksilver, but Acrobatic Dodge along with a power-up made him a little bigger. Perlas powered-up his Mystique twice, then used the Space Station to add more power-ups. This made Mystique massive, which was good enough to give Perlas the match.

Stephens 0 – Perlas 2

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