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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 3: Sergao Villa vs. David Fielder
Jason Grabher-Meyer

David Fielder is a 21-year-old student and security guard. “I don’t really guard anything per se. Basically, I get paid ten dollars an hour to play Settlers of Catan. No wait, don’t put that in! My boss’ll read it!”
We put it in anyway.  
Sergao Villa is a seventeen-year-old student from Spain, which means that, like David Fielder, he wouldn’t be returning to a job on Monday.
Both players dropped Alfred Pennyworth on turn 1. On turn 2, Villa played Mirage and flipped The Brave and the Bold. Fielder flipped Bat-Signal, but Villa used Alfred to get Fizzle. Mirage swung into Alfred for the double stun, and then play moved to turn 3.
Fielder started off the turn and recruited Huntress, forming up with both characters in the front. Villa recruited Beast Boy and protected Mirage with him. Huntress fired some shots at Beast Boy, Beast Boy got a little bigger, and both characters got stunned. Fielder then used Alfred to fetch Bat-Signal.
“It’s a liiiitle desperate, but I like Batman,” said Fielder. 
Turn 4 opened with Villa using USS Argus. Terra came down on Villa’s side and attempted to stun Huntress, but Fielder exhausted her for a Bat-Signal on the chain to fetch Cassandra Cain ◊ Batgirl. Mirage protected Terra, and Batgirl came down on Fielder’s front row. Villa passed, and Cassandra swung into Mirage for 8 endurance. The endurance totals were 46 to 38 in Fielder’s favor. The Canuck was gaining momentum.
He recruited Lady Shiva, Sandra Woosan on turn 5. Villa was briefly fazed, but then he recruited Garth ◊ Tempest. He attempted to Bat-Signal, but Fielder hit Detective Work.
“See, that’s all we want Batman for, the Detective Work. He’s got a bad attitude . . . What?! He does. You don’t want to hang out with him or anything!”
Terra stunned Huntress, and Cassandra Cain charged at Terra, taking her down. Lady Shiva dropped Beast Boy, and Garth reinforced. Beast Boy hit the KO’d pile.
Batman, Caped Crusader and Alfred were recruited by Villa on turn 6. Fielder then recruited Barbara Gordon ◊ Oracle, and he spent a resource point to draw a card. He went on to recruit Alfred and Tim Drake ◊ Robin, The Boy Wonder. Batman, Garth, and Mirage all went after Lady Shiva, backed by a Dynamic Duo. Fielder exhausted Shiva and discarded an Alfred for Entangle, but he was Fizzled, losing Shiva to a GCPD Headquarters. Teen Titans Go! was Fizzled, but Fielder got nailed by a second copy of it, and then he lost Batgirl. Go! readied everyone yet again, and Batman attacked into Huntress. Met by a Nasty Surprise, Villa had to activate Terra to stun Huntress and end the attack. Batman readied. Mirage took out Alfred, Batman took out Oracle, and Garth smacked Robin. Fielder lost everything except for Alfred. The tables were now turned, as Fielder sat at only 15 endurance to Villa’s 27. 
Next turn, Fielder recruited Superman, False Son and pitched Alfred behind him. Villa recruited Dick Grayson ◊ Nightwing, Defender of Bludhaven and formed up with everyone except Mirage and Alfred in front. Fielder opted to smash Alfred, killing him off. Then, Fielder wiggled his own Alfred, saying, “I’m so very lonely. What happened to my friends?” To which Fielder responded, “They died, Alfred. They’re aaaaaallll dead!” Villa decided not to attack back. Must have been the Alfred’s sadness.
The next turn saw Villa recruit Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective and Huntress. Fielder brought down Apocalypse, and at the beginning of combat he KO’d both of Villa’s copies of The Brave and the Bold. Huntress, Batman, and Tim Drake all team attacked Superman, taking him down and dishing out 14 endurance loss total. Mirage and Terra then team attacked Alfred and readied via another Teen Titans Go!. Garth, Terra, Mirage, and Tim Drake then teamed up against Apocalypse, and despite a Betrayal cutting down one of Villa’s non-attackers, it wasn’t enough. Mirage was powered-up twice, and the game ended.

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