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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 9: Justin Futch vs. Adam Prosak
Anand Khare

These two didn’t chat much as they shuffled up. Both of them are 7-1, and the winner of this match has a guaranteed spot in the Top 8. Justin is a local player from Daytona Beach, while Adam Prosak is an unstoppable goliath who once won a $10K with nothing but sixty copies of Hunger Dogs.


Justin won the die roll and chose odds. He had no turn 1 play, while Adam had Dawn Granger ◊ Dove and Tamaran. Adam led off turn 2 with Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, while Justin had Hounds of Ahab. Justin got smashed and used No Man Escapes the Manhunters to do a little smashing back. The endurance totals were already 47–39 in Adam’s favor.


Justin led off turn 3 with a less-than-impressive play of Boliver Trask and another Hounds of Ahab. Adam had his optimal Beast Boy. Justin passed his attacks, and Adam crushed him for 9 points of endurance loss. He maintained his commanding lead, now 47–30.


Turn 4 was Adam’s initiative (again?), and he had Red Star. At this point, I was tempted to stop coverage and go get myself a hot dog. Justin set a Sentinel Mark V in front of Boliver and passed to Adam’s attack. Beast Boy attacked into Boliver, and Justin had nothing to stop it. Adam then sent Red Star into Justin’s Mark V. He tried to use Tamaran on Red Star, but was denied by Unmasked—both characters stunned. Hawk attacked directly, and Adam passed to Justin. The only attack from Justin sent a Hounds into Beast Boy with a Savage Beatdown. Justin used Finishing Move on Beast Boy, and Adam returned the favor with a Finishing Move of his own on the Mark V. Adam led 41–19 going into the fifth turn.


Justin played Boliver Trask to fetch a Sentinel Mark II, which he played. He immediately played another Boliver, grabbing a Mark V. Adam added Terra to his army of characters, burned Justin for 5, and passed. Justin couldn’t really make any effective attacks, and Adam’s elementary attacks were more than enough to take the game and assure him another spot in Top 8.


Adam Prosak wins!

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