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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 5: Drake Conrad vs. Lyle Waldman
Anand Khare

These players are from the same Toronto store, and they’re both undefeated going into the fifth round. Drake won the die roll and selected the even initiatives.


Both players kept their opening hands. Lyle led off with Ted Kord ◊ Blue Beetle, while Drake discarded X-Treme Maneuver to Archangel, Angel to fetch Worthington Industries. The characters traded in combat. Drake had the initiative on turn 2, and he began by flipping and using the Industries. He hit Juggernaut, The Unstoppable, which he discarded. Black Cat, Master Thief was recruited in the front row alongside Archangel. Lyle recruited Kate Spencer ◊ Manhunter in front of Ted. He used Ted, discarding Answer the Call to fetch Amulet of Nabu. Lyle equipped the Amulet to Kate and passed. Drake sent Archangel into Ted and passed on further attacks. Lyle ran over Black Cat with Kate, and Drake lost Archangel in recovery. Lyle led 47-43.


Turn 3 was Lyle’s initiative, and he recruited Lady Lark, Linda Lewis from his resource row. He activated Ted, discarding No Man Escapes the Manhunters to fetch Helm of Nabu. Kate was equipped with Cloak of Nabu and Helm of Nabu in succession. Lyle drew and then discarded three cards, and then passed. Drake used his Industries, hitting Sage, Xavier’s Secret Weapon. He recruited the 3-drop in front of Black Cat and passed. Kate attacked Sage, and the 2-drop stunned the 3-drop without stunning back. Lady Lark went after Black Cat, who evaded. Lady Lark attacked directly to close out combat. Lyle had established a commanding 47-27 lead.


Drake had the initiative on turn 4. He recruited Professor X, Headmaster behind Sage. Lyle had Golden Archer, leaving him with one card in hand. He set up with Lark in front of Kate and the Archer protecting Lady Lark. In combat, Drake ditched Mikado and Mosha to get Ted Kord. He sent Sage after Lady Lark, and the characters traded. Professor X attacked Kate, and the 2-drop stunned. Drake passed with Black Cat still ready. Lyle sent his Archer after Black Cat, and Drake evaded. Lyle simply activated the Archer to burn Drake for 5, and that was the turn. In recovery, Drake drew a card with the Professor. Lyle recovered Kate, and Drake kept all of his characters. Lyle still led 38-17.


Lyle wasted no time in dropping a fifth-turn Albert Gaines ◊ Nuke. The 5-drop got a fresh Amulet, which also emptied Lyle’s hand. Drake recruited Emma Frost, Friend or Foe. His Worthington missed, and he set up with Black Cat in front of the Professor and Emma in front of Sage. Lyle’s first attack sent Nuke into Black Cat. The 2-drop evaded, and Lyle flipped Other-Earth. Nuke went after the Professor, and Drake flipped and used a Slaughter Swamp to put a meaningless character back into Lyle’s hand. Drake flipped two copies of Mental Domination . . . but it wasn’t enough. A Golden Archer activation would be enough to clinch the game, so Drake conceded.

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