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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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David Frayer, Daniella Grijalva, and the So Cal Crew
Nate Price

You may remember this pair from our coverage of $10K Wizard World Chicago. Daniella Grijalva and David Frayer were one of our more fun stories from the Top 8 in Chicago. The two are a couple from Southern California who both managed to find their way into the top of the standings at the end of the first day in Chicago. As luck would have it, they ended up on opposite ends of the bracket. An all-couple final match was almost too delicious to ignore. Sadly, fate was not on their side on Sunday; Daniella’s Sentinel deck decided that it wasn’t going to hit its drops in the mirror match, and David’s Fantastic Fun deck proved less fun than he thought.


Fate is once again on our side, though, as the two have made the trip from sunny So Cal all the way here to dreary Indianapolis. Round 1 brought good fortune as both Daniella and David won their first matches using a somewhat unorthodox strategy.


The one thing on everyone’s mind coming into this PC was how to stop GLEE. Dr. Light, Master of Holograms and pals was clearly the dominant deck in the format, but these So Cal players have come up with a little something that they think can turn the tide—robots. Superman Robots to be exact. These little Man of Steel wannabes are the core of the deck designed by David, Daniella, and their team, which also contains Bulk Lao, David’s brother Michael, and a few other players from the area.


David said that he really enjoys testing for this format, as it’s one of his strengths. “It’s my skill set. I may make mistakes while playing, but I’m really good at fleshing out a format and making things work.” His pride and joy were the additions of Phantom Zone to deal with Dr. Light and Kent's Farm to deal with the Qwardians deck. “We were really worried about the deck at first. Then we found Kent's Farm. Most of their guys are concealed, so it’s possible to kill them on like turn 4.”


Only time will tell whether the Robots will stand up to GLEE or if they’ll end up getting scrapped. Hopefully, though, their run will continue. Who knows, maybe we’ll get to see another repeat of Chicago. There are still a few rounds to go, though. Anything can happen. When it does, you’ll be the first to find out.

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