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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 8: Craig Krempels vs. Jason Green
Patrick Sullivan

The last two undefeated players, Jason Green and Craig Krempels, sat down to kick off Day 2. I got to watch Craig draft a solid Teen Titans base with five copies of Tag Team, while Jason said of his draft, “I’ve done better, I’ve done worse.”

Game 1

Jason won the roll and took the odd initiative. Jason kept his first four, while Krempels sent his back. Jason started strong with a Pantha, while Krempels had no play. On turn 2, Krempels played a Dove and equipped it with Crossbow, and Jason made no play of his own. Jason played Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal on turn 3, and Craig had one of his own to match. Jason mulled his attack, and eventually shipped his Roy Harper into Craig’s. Craig reinforced with Dove. Pantha then attacked Dove, once again forcing a trade. Each player recovered Arsenal at the end of the turn.

Craig’s fourth turn featured Vic Stone ◊ Cyborg, boosting for 0 and fetching another Crossbow. Jason played Catwoman and moved her to the front. Craig sent his 7 ATK/6 DEF Cyborg into Catwoman and boosted with another Cyborg, stunning Catwoman without losing his own character. Craig then sent his Arsenal into Jason’s, and they traded. Jason lost Arsenal at the end of the turn, but came back strong on his fifth turn with Lady Shiva, Sandra Woosan. Craig lacked a 5-drop, so he resigned himself to playing Jinx and used his remaining resource point to search his deck for a Clocktower. Jason sent Lady Shiva into Cyborg, and Craig reinforced with Arsenal and flipped Tag Team. Jason had a timely From the Shadows, though, saving Shiva and stunning Cyborg. Jason then sent Catwoman into Arsenal. Craig had nothing, so Arsenal was stunned.

Craig recovered Cyborg and played Nightwing, Defender of Bludhaven on his sixth turn, moving the Crossbow onto him. Jason countered with Starfire. Craig sent Nightwing into Starfire, which went through, and Craig drew a card. Craig had no further attacks, and Jason then sent Lady Shiva into Jinx. Craig turned over Break You, discarding two cards. Jason once again had From the Shadows, however, and Craig lost Jinx at the end of turn.

Starting the seventh turn with a 23-15 endurance total advantage and the initiative, Jason continued to advance his position with a boosted Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective, but then played Tim Drake ◊ Robin, The Boy Wonder, causing him to lose his Young Detective. Craig tried to capitalize on this mistake with Conner Kent ◊ Superboy, and an Escrima Sticks, moving the Crossbow onto Conner Kent and the Sticks onto Nightwing. Jason sent Starfire into Vic, and Craig responded by pumping Superboy’s defense and using him to reinforce Vic with Superboy. Jason then team attacked Nightwing with Catwoman and Lady Shiva, which went through. Craig lost his Cyborg at end of turn. Craig’s eighth turn featured a flipped Brave and the Bold (off of Superboy and Nightwing) and Cassie Sandsmark ◊ Wonder Girl, which he equipped with Twin Firearms. Jason responded with a boosted Azrael. Craig sent his 13 ATK/13 DEF Nightwing into Lady Shiva, and Craig added a Fear and Confusion. Lady Shiva was stunned, and Craig drew one card. Craig then sent Wonder Girl into Starfire, which also went through. Craig then went for the win by attacking Superboy into Tim Drake, but Jason had a Fast Getaway, negating 11 points of breakthrough damage. The attack still reduced Jason to 0, and with Craig at 5, Jason attacked Azrael into Superboy. Craig simply reinforced using Nightwing (due to The Brave and the Bold) and Jason conceded, upset with himself for making the mistake with the Tim Drake.

Craig Krempels 1, Jason Green 0

Game 2

In game 2, Jason once again took the initiative, and shipped his four back. Jason had no turn 1 play, but Craig had Dove and then followed up with her partner Hawk on the second turn, and equipped him with Crossbow. Jason answered with the Young Detective, also with Crossbow. Hawk stunned Tim Drake, and Dove got in for an additional 2. Turn 3, Jason played Black Canary and moved the Crossbow over. Craig played Barbara Gordon ◊ Oracle and paid 1 resource point to draw a card, but Craig didn’t have a Gotham Knight to reveal, and a judge was called over. The judge forced Craig to back up and return the card to his deck and the Oracle to his hand, and Craig had no other characters to play.

Jason sent Black Canary into Hawk and used a From the Shadows to try force a stunning, but Craig reinforced and played two Tag Teams to try to reverse the situation. Jason had another From the Shadows, so the combat ended with no character stunned. Craig started his fourth turn by placing Barbara Gordon face down into his resource row and playing Cyborg, once again boosted for 0 to get a Crossbow. Jason answered back with a Cyborg, sans boost. Craig started by sending his Cyborg into Jason’s. Jason reinforced with Tim Drake and flipped Liberty Island Base, so Craig lost his Cyborg without stunning in return. Craig then sent Hawk into Black Canary, who traded, and then Dove into Tim Drake, once again trading. With all of Craig’s characters stunned, Jason cracked back with his Cyborg for 6. Craig lost his Hawk and Dove at end of turn, while Jason lost just Tim Drake.

Jason pressed his advantage on the fifth turn with Blackfire, and Craig answered back with 5-drop Wonder Girl. Jason began combat by using Black Canary’s ability on Wonder Girl and attacking with Blackfire into Cyborg, forcing through 7 points of endurance loss. Craig spent his sixth turn recruiting Superboy, while Jason had Azrael, and moved his Crossbow over to him. Craig then attacked Superboy into Black Canary, and Jason flipped a Fast Getaway to prevent 9 points of breakthrough. Craig then attacked his Cyborg into Jason’s and flipped a Fear and Confusion, and the two traded. Craig then tried to gain a huge advantage by attacking his 11 ATK/9 DEF Wonder Girl (between the Fear and Confusion and a Crossbow) into the Azrael, but Jason had an Azrael from his hand to save it. Jason then tried to send Azrael into Wonder Girl to force through breakthroug, but in response to the attack, Craig used Superboy to destroy the Crossbow, causing Azrael to lose range. Turn 7 then featured a Wonder Girl and Tim Drake ◊ Robin, The Boy Wonder from Jason, eliciting an “Oh, she’s good” from Craig. Craig responded with a less impressive Jinx, a Twin Firearms (on Cyborg) and an activation of Jinx, once again fetching Clocktower. Craig then thought about what he wanted to do with his Crossbow, eventually settling on Jinx as the target. Jason considered his attack, and team attacked with Wonder Girl and Cyborg into Superboy. Craig allowed it and stunned Cyborg. Jason then followed up with a Teen Titans Go! and attacked Wonder Girl into Craig’s Cyborg. Rather then drag the game out, Craig simply conceded.

Craig  Krempels 1, Jason Green 1

Game 3

Craig took the odd initiative for the deciding game and sent his four back. Neither player had a turn 1 play, so things really got started when Jason played The Boy Wonder on his second turn, and Craig had no play. Fortunately for Craig, he drew Dove on the third turn and played her with boost, searching out Hawk. He then equipped Hawk with a Crossbow. Jason only had a Crossbow to add to Tim Drake on his third turn. Craig sent Hawk into The Boy Wonder, forcing a trade. Jason’s fourth turn was not too much better, as he only had a Catwoman to play. Jason moved the Crossbow over to Catwoman. Craig fired back with Cyborg, once again boosted for 0, fetching a second Crossbow. Jason sent Catwoman into Hawk, and Craig reinforced with

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