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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 9: Vidianto Wijaya vs. Ryan Jones
Jason Grabher-Meyer
Vidi Wijaya and Ryan Jones are both widely recognized for their accomplishments in Vs. System. Vidi is a repeat Top 8 finisher in major money events, and Ryan Jones won PC: Los Angeles. They’re teammates on team Realmworx and are now financial partners, each possessing partial ownership of buyvscards.com. Both were also playing Teen Titans today.

“This is what we usually do on Wednesdays,” commented Vidi.

“Yeah, except normally it’s not mirror matches.”

“We did it before Los Angeles, actually. We spent four hours of our lives doing like, two matches.”

Vidi got up to get some water while their match was subjected to a deck check. Jones looked at the clock. “If he doesn’t come back in two and a half minutes, I so win.”

Minutes later, Vidi opened with the initiative and swung directly with Dove, powering her up with a
Tamaran. Next turn he recruited Hawk to Jones’s Tim Drake  Robin, Young Detective, and they traded stuns, Robin on Dove and Hawk on Robin.

Vidi decided to forego his 3-drop in favor of
Optitron for Terra. “Tim Drake!” exclaimed Jones. Sure enough, Vidi flopped it. “I don’t like you at all,” said Jones, as he recruited Roy Harper  Arsenal. He then Argus’d. “Whoa, that’s pure . . . god, that’s bad.” Jones wasn’t happy with his options and he formed up with Roy in front of Tim.

Vidi swung on Roy with his Robin and Dove. Dove and Roy both stunned, and both players used
Tamaran discarding Dove. Hawk smashed Jones’s Robin, sending it to the KO’d pile.

Jones opened turn 4 with Argus, grabbed a card, and set a resource before recruiting
Terra. Vidi gave a signature giggle at his hand and revealed it to bystanders—three Teen Titans Go! He set an Argus, flipped it, took his card, and recruited Terra. Jones used his to stun Robin and passed his combat to Vidi, who swung with all three of his characters into Terra. Roy Harper took a shot at Dove to knock her down and to knock himself down a resource. “Why not? There’s no way I’ve got this, anyway.” Terra and Hawk went down.

Vidi had the initiative on turn 5 and recruited
Garth  Tempest. Jones recruited Red Star and managed to hold Vidi off, but by the end of the turn, each player had a Terra and Vidi was up a Garth.

Jones evened the field next turn by recruiting a Garth of his own. Vidi used his Garth to bring Dove back from the KO’d pile, recruited her with boost, and brought out
Hank Hall  Hawk. He then finished his build by recruiting Roy Harper  Arsenal. “Why bother?” mused Jones, who watched Roy get very large thanks to pumps and then attempted to snipe him with Terra. Jones knew what was coming, though; he could see five moves ahead and every single move he could see was bad. Roy snapped off two shots thanks to a Press the Attack, and Jones looked at Vidi. “Do you have a Beatdown?” Vidi nodded. “Okay, that’s it for me.” He scooped.

Vidianto Wijaya wins!
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