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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Quarterfinals: Philipp Rautenbach vs. Florian Klein
Jason Grabher-Meyer
Game One

Rautenbach won the initiative in the opening roll. Neither player recruited a character on turn 1, but both players recruited on the second turn. Klein recruited a Sentinel Mark III, while Rautenbach recruited Tim Drake Robin, Young Detective.  The Mark III attacked Robin and stunned him, thanks to a power-up.

As turn 3 rolled around, Rautenbach placed another resource, and after a short bit of thought recruited Dove with boost to bring out Hank Hall ◊ Hawk. All three Titans sat up front as a Sentinel Mark II hit Klein’s front row. Dove and Tim Drake attacked the Mark II, but a Cover Fire kept the Sentinel out of harm’s way. In response, Rautenbach powered up Tim Drake. Dove and the Mark II were stunned. Hawk then swooped in to attack the Mark III, which was sent to the KO’d pile.

Klein opened turn 4 with Boliver Trask, using his effect to search out another Sentinel Mark II, which he quickly recruited. He formed up in a reverse L, with Boliver and one of the Sentinels up front, and another supporting Boliver. It suggested that he was going to attack with all three characters individually to wipe Rautennbach’s board, but oddly, he did not. Rautenback recruited Red Star, who was promptly team attacked by the two Mark IIs, stunning one and taking a stun himself.  Klein passed, and Tim Drake then attacked into Boliver Trask. Hawk took out the remaining sentinel and Dove swung directly. Rautenbach was relatively unscathed while Klein was left with just one Mark II.

Turn 5 began with Rautenbach searching with USS Argus. Finding a Terra, he recruited her. Klein then recruited Nimrod and passed to Rautenbach. Red Star, Hawk, Dove, and Tim Drake all attacked Nimrod, removing his counter and exhausting him, but not before Tamaran allowed Tim Drake to redirect the stun to a powered up Red Star, rendering it harmless. Rautenbach used Press the Attack on Red Star and Red Star swung at Nimrod. He didn’t have any teammates this time, but he did have a Savage Beatdown. Rautenbach was pressing his luck in not activating Terra to take out the Sentinel Mark II. He was betting that he could take out Nimrod and then attack into the remaining Sentinel with Terra. The risk was that if Nimrod was saved, the Mark II could reinforce Nimrod before being stunned by Terra’s effect. Nimrod did indeed go down (two Cover Fires and a Titans Tower later), but it seemed that upon noticing his USS Argus, Rautenbach changed his plan. He opted to blast the Mark II with Terra’s effect to keep his draw phase on turn 6. Klein lost the Mark II, and play moved to turn 6.

This turn went better for Klein, as he recruited Bastion and hid Nimrod behind him. Rautenbach activated [Optitron] to search for Garth and promptly recruited him.  Nimrod attacked into Red Star, but was repelled by a Heroic Sacrifice from Dove.  Bastion swung in on Garth, but Rautenbach used Garth’s effect to bring back Heroic Sacrifice, stunning Hawk. That was it for combat that turnBastion was too big for Terra and Tim Drake to handle alone, so Rautenbach passed and KO’d Dove.

Rautenbach recruited Koriand’r ◊ Starfire on turn 7, but seemed visibly wary of the possibility that Klein might recruit Magneto, Master of Magnetism. Sure enough, he did. 

Magneto gave Rautenbach reason to pause, and he did so, for quite a while. In fact, play ground to a halt for a few minutes while he decided what to do, counting the number of Sentinels in Klein’s KO’d pile, looking at his hand, looking at Klein’s hand, and looking back to Klein’s KO’d pile. Both men knew the game was over this turn . . . they just didn’t know how it was going to end.

Finally, Rautenbach team attacked with Hawk, Terra, Tim Drake, Red Star, and Garth all on Bastion. Klein passed priority after a few moments of consideration, and the attack resolved to stun Bastion and Hawk. Starfire then attacked Nimrod, increasing her ATK with Titan’s Tower and Tamaran. The resulting breakthrough was enough for Rautenbach to win the game!

Game Win: Philipp Rautenbach

Game Two

Klein took the initiative on turn 1 this time. The game’s first three turns saw Tim Drake and Beast Boy square off against a Sentinel Mark II and Sentinel Mark III.  Mark II stunned Beast Boy and Sentinel Mark III attacked Tim Drake, but Tim exhausted to Finishing Move the Mark II. Klein kept Mark III from being stunned with a powerup though, and thus forced Rautenbach to KO Tim Drake.

Both players continued curving perfectly. Rautenbach recruited Terra and Klein recruited Sentinel Mark V. Beast Boy flew over the Mark V to attack Sentinel Mark III. His effect went on the chain, and Rautenbach maintained priority to use Terra’s effect on the attacked Sentinel. The chain resolved, Terra blew up the Mark III, and Beast Boy readied as a result, gaining a counter. Beast Boy then attacked into the Mark V, but an Overload sent him packing. Mark V then attacked Terra and Rautenbach had no answer. Beast Boy was KO’d while Klein recovered his stunned Mark III.

Klein recruited Nimrod. Rautenbach was in a hard spot, but recruited Garth and hid him behind Terra. Rautenbach would see both of his characters stunned that turn, but not before taking down Sentinel Mark III and Sentinel Mark V, losing Donna Troy ◊ Troia to Titans Tower in the process. He lost Terra and Klein lost the Mark III.

Rautenbach used Garth to bring Donna Troy back to his hand on turn 6, and recruited her to shield Garth. Klein recruited Bastion, and Bastion was immediately team attacked. Bastion stunned Garth, and Teen Titans Go! readied Donna Troy. She attacked the Sentinel Mark V and was nearly stunned back by a Nasty Surprise, but Not So Fast negated the threat, preventing Rautenbach from losing a character.

With the initiative on his side, Klein recruited Magneto, Master of Magnetism. He flipped and activated a Genosha, and that was enough for Rautenbach to concede the game.

Game Win: Florian Klein

Game Three

Rautenbach took the initiative on the odd turns again, and flipped Optitron on turn 1. He discarded Roy Harper ◊ Speedy and used Optitron to search out a turn 2 Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective. Klein recruited Sentinel Mark III, but this time he could not stun Robin. Rautenbach recruited Dove with boost, and was again met with the perfect curve in response, as Klein recruited Sentinel Mark II to protect the Mark III.

Hawk and Dove team attacked the Mark II, and Klein had a somewhat defeated look. He didn’t even check to see if he had any options to prevent the stun. Hawk was stunned and Robin was exhausted for Finishing Move on the Mark II. The Mark III attacked into Dove, who was KO’d, and play moved to turn 4.

Klein brought out a Mark V immediately. Rautenbach was not so quick to recruit a character, instead first opting to activate USS Argus. He took a card for its effect and recruited Terra. The Mark III attacked Tim Drake, but was stunned in response by Terra (conveniently K’O-ing USS Argus). The Mark V then attacked Terra the turn ended with a recovery on each side of the table.

Rautenbach recruited Garth ◊ Tempest, and Klein recruited a Mark V with boost after fishing it from the KO'd pile with a Reconstruction Program. After a minute or so of thought, all four Titans attacked a single Mark V. Press the Attack readied Garth, and Teen Titans Go! readied the rest. As the attack was still in progress, Terra activated to stun the Mark III.  When Klein attempted to stun Garth back he forgot about Tim Drakethe stun was redirected to Red Star. Red Star had not been powered up, but it was enough to preserve Garth’s presence on the field which was all Rautenbach cared about. Tamaran proceded to power up an attacking Garth to take out the last Mark V. Garth used some Atlantean magic to bring back Finishing Move and Tim Drake finished off one of the Mark Vs.  

Klein’s lone Mark V was quickly joined on the field by Bastion. The Titans saw Dove return to the team and recruited Roy Harper Arsenal as well. He was quickly pumped three times by Dove, Hawk, and Tim Drake. Klein attempted to Overload Roy, but Rautenbach kept pumping, exhausting all his characters to attempt to stun the Mark V with Harper’s effect. The stun went through, but the Overload on Roy still loomed on the chain. After a bit of consideration, Roy gained intimate knowledge of the table’s wooden veneer, turning over and kissing it in defeat.  Bastion attacked Garth, but 3 endurance later, Dove made yet another Heroic Sacrifice. Dove was KO’d and play moved to turn 7.

Red Star hit the table and burned Klein for 5 endurance. Magneto was recruited on the opposite side of the table and Genosha gave Klein another four cards.  Rautenbach started visibly crunching numbers in his head, and spent several minutes thinking out his options. 

All six Titans team attacked the Mark V. Garth brought back Teen Titans Go! in mid-attack and Rautenbach used it to ready the attackers. They all exhausted to increase Roy Harper’s attack and Roy fired a shot at the Sentinel. Tamaran powered up Red Star on the chain. In response Klein discarded eight cards to give the Sentinel +8 ATK/+8 DEF. If Roy’s shot missed its mark, it would be over for Rautenbach. He used Press the Attack to ready a Titan and exhausted it again to give Roy another +2 to ATK, and Klein had no answer. Roy’s shot nailed the Sentinel, it stunned, and all the attackers readied with Roy keeping his +12 ATK.  Roy shot Bastion, Press the Attack readied Roy again, and all the Titans exhausted to give Roy another +10 ATK. One more shot was all Roy needed to snipe off Magneto as well. Klein recovered Bastionnone of the Titans had been stunned.

Turn 8 placed the initiative in Klein’s hands, and he recruited another copy of Magneto. Terra exhausted to give Roy Harper +2 ATK and another Terra was recruited.  Bastion attacked, but Hawk, Red Star, Tim Drake, the new Terra, and Garth all exhausted to inflate Roy Harper’s ATK. Roy activated to stun Bastion, and Klein conceded. 

Match Win: Philipp Rautenbach

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