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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Player Profile: Darrin Reed
Gary Wise
Anyone can play to win. Guts, determination, blood, sweat, tears . . . these are the ingredients of war we use when in engaging in tournament play. When we win, the adrenaline pumps and we feel the glory. When we lose, it’s a dagger in the back—the ultimate betrayal. This is the nature of the competitive beast.

Often, a player whose primary incentive is fun will lie in the wake of these emotions. Darrin Reed is such a player—the last man standing in the tournament without a win. Six times he’s sat down to face an opponent in one-on-one competition. Six times he’s lost. Six times he’s refused to check the drop box.

Darrin, a Vegas local, is playing what he calls the Mutt deck—a hodgepodge of assorted power cards thrown together in a no-synergy mess of a deck that constantly beats up his casual playgroup. Apocalypse, Savage Beatdown, and his favorite card Wolverine, Berserker Rage are just a few highlights of the mass that serves to unify most of the heroes and villains in the DC and Marvel universes.

“Netdecking isn’t fun,” said the 20-year-old data manager. “The whole point is to do it yourself . . . be creative, play with the stuff you like.” Darrin knows he plays with his heart first, and that wearing it on your sleeve is asking to have it crushed by finely tuned Internet bulldozers.

“I saw a guy crying after he lost a match here. I just don’t see the point.” Darrin believes that Vs. System is a game first, foremost, and with finality. “The whole point is to have fun. Since when is crying fun? People take this stuff too seriously.”

Darrin was always interested in TCGs, but never played because he was waiting for one with a superhero motif. As a result, he and Vs. System were a natural pair. The game allows him the creativity to build his own decks, and when he and his friends play, it’s not about winning so much as just hanging out with the boys.

There’s a lesson to be learned here. Lesser men would be crushed by six consecutive losses, but Darrin’s still armed with a smile, his Vs. System deck protectors, and the Mutt. “If you’re new to tournaments, don’t go in expecting to win. I’m here because I like to play and I wanted to see the new cards. I’ll be back tomorrow.”

They say it’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game. One couldn’t find a better example of that than Darrin Reed.

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