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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 7: Michael Sewell vs. Adam Prosak
Anand Khare

I have it on good authority that Adam is playing a stall deck, so I suppose it’s alright to feature Michael’s wacky deck again. Michael won the die roll and selected the even initiatives.


Adam led off with Lockjaw, Inhuman’s Best Friend, discarding Frankie Raye ◊ Nova, Optimistic Youth to get Franklin Richards, Creator of Counter-Earth. Michael had Lilith, which was stunned in combat. On turn 2, Michael led off with an alternate-cost Frankie Raye of his own. He discarded Dr. Light, Master of Holograms and Hard Sound Construct to draw two. Next, he recruited Beetle, Armorsmith, discarding Funeral For A Friend to search for Mortician. Adam recruited Poison Ivy, Deadly Rose, and passed. In combat, Michael attacked Ivy with Beetle. After the attack was legal, Adam used Ivy to get Slaughter Swamp, KO’ing both Lockjaw and a Franklin Richards in the resource row. Both characters stunned. Frankie attacked directly to end the turn.


On turn 3, Adam led with Dr. Light. He used the doctor to return Franklin to play, and passed. Before his recruit, Michael played Enemy of My Enemy, discarding Mr. Mxyzptlk, Troublesome Trickster to get an Ivy of his own. He discarded the Ivy to another Enemy, this time getting Hawkeye, Clinton Barton. Michael played Dr. Light, and attempted to use him to return Ivy to play. Light’s ability was countered by a Slaughter Swamp activation, however. In combat, Lilith and Frankie were stunned. In recovery, Franklin got a counter and Frankie was KO’d. Adam led, 47-41.


Turn 4 was Michael’s initiative. He recruited Ivy, then KO’d Beetle to Ivy to get a Soul World, then attempted to use Dr. Light to return Beetle to play. Adam allowed it. When Beetle came into play, Michael discarded Mxyzptlk to fetch Wesley Dodds ◊ The Sandman. He recruited the 2-drop, and followed that up with a Soul World activation to return Frankie Raye. Frankie was recruited with his alternate cost, discarding Mikado and Mosha and Aquaman, King of the Seven Seas to draw two. Michael set up and passed. Adam played Enemy of My Enemy, discarding Lockjaw to fetch Ronan the Accuser, Starforce. He recruited the 4-drop, and used Dr. Light to return his own Frankie Raye to play. Adam discarded Terrax, Harbinger of Ruin to draw two. He set up with Frankie protecting Ronan, Light protecting Ivy, and passed. In combat, Michael used Lilith to attempt to steal Frankie. In response, Adam flipped UN Building to team up Heralds of Galactus, Inhumans, and Arkham Inmates. Adam also KO’d Frankie to Ivy, getting a Birthing Chamber. Ivy was exhausted to Dodds, and Michael passed on his attacks. Adam stunned Dodds with Ronan, and then took down Frankie with Franklin. In recovery, Adam moved Ronan to his hidden area and gave Franklin another cosmic counter. He used Slaughter Swamp to return Terrax to his hand, then flipped and used Attilan. Adam led, 47-38.


On turn 5, Adam recruited Glorious Godfrey. He used Dr. Light to return Lockjaw to play, and discarded another Light to search for Galactus, Devourer of Worlds. Adam flipped up Extended Family to team up Darkseid Elite and Heralds, then exhausted Godfrey to exhaust Dr. Light. Adam passed to Michael, who used Soul World to once again play an alternate-cost Frankie Raye. Mxyzptlk and Hawkeye were discarded to draw him two cards. Michael played Mortician with boost, returning Lilith to play, then recruited Reality Gem onto Poison Ivy. Michael discarded to replace Adam’s Extended Family, and Adam used Attilan in response. A card of Adam’s choice went into the resource row. In combat, Adam sent Lockjaw into Lilith. Michael used it in response. In response to that, Adam used Birthing Chamber to draw two. He KO’d the Chamber and Lockjaw to Ivy, getting Elemental Converters. Adam took down Dodds with Ronan and Frankie with Franklin. In recovery, Michael KO’d Frankie to get a Birthing Chamber. Adam flipped and used his Converters, then used Slaughter Swamp to recover the Galactus that he discarded to the Converters. Adam led, 47-9.


Adam began turn 6 by teaming up and exhausting Dr. Light again. The players drew, and Michael played Kyle Rayner, Last Green Lantern to get Hard Sound Construct. He KO’d Beetle to Ivy to search out Slaughter Swamp, and then used the Construct to return Beetle to play. He discarded to Beetle to search out Detective Chimp, Bobo T. Chimpanzee, which he recruited. He discarded to draw two cards. Seeing nothing, Michael conceded.

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