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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round Eight Roundup
Michael Pittman

Shaun Hayward was the only undefeated player at the start of the round, with three other players (Paul Van der Werk, Anthony Macali and Adrian Capilitan) with 6-2 records.

Shaun (playing Sentinels) played Adrian (with Common Enemy) and all things had progressed according to plan for the New Zealander. Adrian asked him how many cards in hand on turn 6, nervously eyeing Bastion.


“That’s too many,” said Adrian making the Home Alone face.

Capilitan had Ghost Rider, New Fantastic Four and Dr Doom, Victor Von Doom, but with a power play of two Nasty Surprise and a few Bastion pumps, the evil dictator was quickly put into Overload range.

Shaun’s program went haywire on turn 7, though, as Magneto, Master of Magnetism didn’t show up on schedule.  This meant he couldn’t finish his foe that turn. Adrian went on to recruit Dr Doom, Lord of Latveria and slowly clawed back into control of the game, taking victory.

Van der Werk put Macali’s Titans to the test with his robot army, with Juggernaut hitting the scene on turn 7. The Titans’ board control was too strong, though, and they broke through on that turn.

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