It’s been a long day, but these two still have enough in them for one final fight, the finals of $10K Bologna 2005. On one side of the table, it’s Italy’s oldest trading card game superstar, Raffaele Lo Moro. It’s his final job to keep the trophy at home.
Across the table sits someone who already has a European $10K Championship title. Hans Joachim Hoeh had nothing but wins today. That’s a 14-0 record. He’s beyond “on fire.” Throughout the day, he just kept on rolling over opponents like there was no tomorrow.
These players already played in the Swiss rounds and Hans Joachim Hoeh claims to have a record like 15-0 against Teen Titans in most of his recent playtesting. If that’s true, Lo Moro is in a world of trouble.
Lo Moro sent his first hand back and came out with Dawn Granger ◊ Dove and turn 2 Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective. On the second turn, Hoeh played Boliver Trask to fetch Sentinel Mark V.
On turn 3, Raffaele brought out Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal while Hans played his usual Sentinel Mark II. They traded blows, with Hoeh losing Boliver Trask in the process.
His next play was Sentinel Mark V while Raffaele started using his USS Argus to find some answers. The Italian kept hitting his drops, finding Terra on turn 4. Still, Raffaele Lo Moro sat back and thought long and hard about his formation.
Hans Joachim decided to think for a while as well, but he finally made a move. He sent Mark V after Dawn Granger ◊ Dove and Lo Moro used Tim Drake to reinforce his character. Again the Italian hit his curve on the fifth turn, with Garth ◊ Tempest.
“Good curve,” Hans commented as he answered with Nimrod.
“That’s a very strong card,” Raffaele replied.
Lo Moro sent his Garth into Nimrod and Hoeh revealed Cover Fire to give it +4 DEF. They slowly traded effects back and forth until Hoeh used Savage Beatdown and Overload to take care of the attacking Garth.
That deflated Raffaele’s attack plans, so he let Hoeh have a go at it. The German sent his crew in carefully, but Lo Moro undid most of his work with Heroic Sacrifice. By now, the game had slowed to a crawl. It was 2 AM and both players, especially Lo Moro, seemed amazingly tired.
Again, on turn 6, Hans played Bastion and Raffaele Lo Moro answered with Connor Kent ◊ Superboy, Tactile Telekinetic. A good five minutes later they blinked again, as Bastion went after Garth.
Lo Moro used Garth to return Heroic Sacrifice to his hand and replayed it. A full five minutes later, the players managed to go through another attack. Sentinel Mark V traded with Terra, then Nimrod took out Garth ◊ Tempest.
The Italian had one chance to strike back, with Connor Kent ◊ Superboy. He lumbered through the choices, constantly interrupted by the jokes from the few brave souls that still waited for the conclusion of the match. They were so tired that the Italians started chanting for Hoeh’s Magneto, hoping that would convince Raffaele Lo Moro to concede.
Sure enough, with a roar from the crowd, Hans Joachim Hoeh played Magneto, Master of Magnetism. Then he earned some extra style points by blowing up two Genoshas to find extra Sentinels for his Bastion.
A few minutes later, Raffaele Lo Moro conceded. Tired beyond belief, with the clock running out and his confidence shattered, the Italian conceded the second game before even shuffling for it. He would have no time or focus to battle back from a 1-0 deficit in the remaining time.
Hans Joachim Hoeh is the winner of $10K Bologna 2005!