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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Randall Hughes vs. Kakarot Turker
Enchante Chang

Both Randall and Kakarot had no previous experience playing in the finals of a $10K, and yet both of them were very casual about the matter. They even thought about not playing the finals to go play in the PCQ, which was starting in twenty minutes.


Randall said that he wanted odds and Kakarot didn’t care, so they didn’t even flip for the start . . . how odd.


Turn 1

Both players had no play and both passed.


Turn 2

Beetle, Armorsmith was the first play from Kakarot, and he searched out Spoiler, Stephanie Brown, which also meant that Mr. Fantastic, Reed Richards was in the KO’d pile. Randall had no play again and took 3 to the dome. The score was 50-47 in Kakarot’s favour.


Turn 3

Turn 3 saw the first play from Randall, and it was a boosted Hank Hall ◊ Hawk that got Dawn Granger ◊ Dove. He also flipped over USS Argus and drew a card.


Kakarot had Dr. Light, Master of Holograms with a Catcher’s Mitt on it. He also revived Reed before passing to Randall.


Randall had an amazing play and attacked into Beetle with Hawk. When that resolved, he had double Betrayal and a Finishing Move for Dr. Light! Wow! The endurance totals were 47-43 in Randall’s favor.


Turn 4

Invisible Woman, The Invisible Girl, Spoiler, and Beetle were Kakarot’s recruit. He also played Utility Belt on Spoiler and flipped over Birthing Chamber to draw a card before he passed. Randall had Terra behind Dove and passed back.


Kakarot sent Reed into Dove. Randall tried to “Terra” Reed, but Kakarot just negated with Utility Belt and the attack resolved. Kakarot had no more attacks, and Randall sent Hawk into Beetle with no complications. The score was 46-42, still in favor of Randall


Turn 5

Optitron netted Randall Roy Harper ◊ Speedy, who got played. He then attempted to KO Spoiler, but Kakarot responded with A Child Named Valeria. In response to that, Randall used Terra to stun Reed Richards, which resolved. So did Child, and then Spoiler negated Speedy with Utility Belt. Randall then played out Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal and passed.


Kakarot only had one character this turn—Boris. The other recruit was a Flamethrower on Beetle. Randall exhausted all of his characters to Roy and attacked Spoiler with a Savage Beatdown. Kakarot took some damage and then searched out another Valeria with which to stun Hank. With that on the chain, Kakarot conceded


When asked why Karakot gave up a $10K trophy to play in a PCQ, Randall said that “the PCQ was starting and we wanted to play more Vs. System.” Karakot said that “it was a bad matchup, but we just wanted to play in the PCQ.”


Regardless of how, Randall Hughes is the newest Vs. System $10K Champion. Congratulations, Randall!

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