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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 7: Yu-Ming Mo vs. Guillaume Potvin
Anand Khare

Yu-Ming is from Syracuse, and Guillaume is here all the way from Quebec City. These players aren’t well known, but they both have Pro Circuit money finishes. Right now, they’re also the only two undefeated players left in the tournament. Guillaume won the die roll and selected the even initiatives. He mulliganed, while Yu-Ming kept.


Guillaume met Yu-Ming’s first turn Electric Eve with an immediate use of Roy Harper ◊ Speedy. He replayed Speedy on the second turn, and Yu-Ming played both King Snake and Ratcatcher. Speedy attacked Ratcatcher, and Guillaume used Tamaran. Yu-Ming chose not to attack back.


Before the draw on turn 3, Guillaume used Speedy to KO King Snake. Yu-Ming played Wild Ride for 3, fetching an all-too-predictable Black Panther, King of Wakanda. Yu-Ming recruited him in the visible area, searched out an Advanced Hardware, and passed. Guillaume replayed Speedy once again. He flipped and used USS Argus, and with the ability on the chain, used Roy Harper to KO King Snake. The Argus resolved, and he picked up his Speedy again. The 1-drop was replayed. Yu-Ming attacked through him, and Guillaume used Tamaran to save a point of endurance loss. In recovery, Yu-Ming was ahead, 45-43.


On turn 4, Guillaume used Argus before recruiting Terra next to Roy in the support row. Yu-Ming had Golden Archer behind Black Panther. Guillaume used Terra to stun Black Panther, and then attacked Golden Archer with Roy. He powered-up with Tamaran and used Savage Beatdown. Yu-Ming had Mikado and Mosha, though, and the 1-drop was simply stunned. Yu-Ming sent the Archer into Terra, using Enemy of My Enemy to fetch a power-up. Guillaume flipped and used Titans Tower to force the stunback. In recovery, only the 4-drops were left in play. Yu-Ming led, 38-34.


For turn 5, Yu-Ming had John Henry Irons ◊ Steel in front of Golden Archer. The 5-drop picked up Advanced Hardware, and Yu-Ming passed. Guillaume recruited Garth ◊ Tempest next to Terra, then played Null Time Zone. In response, Yu-Ming played Mega=Blast on Golden Archer. The Time Zone resolved, and Guillaume named Die for Darkseid. In combat, Yu-Ming sent Golden Archer into Garth. Guillaume used Tamaran to power-up, then paid 3 endurance to return Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter to his hand. The attack resolved, and both characters stunned. When Steel attacked Terra, Guillaume exhausted Terra to play Removed from Continuity on Golden Archer. Terra was stunned and KO’d in recovery. The score was 34-17 in Yu-Ming’s favor.


Turn 6 was Guillaume’s initiative. He paid 3 endurance to return Hank Hall ◊ Hawk to his hand, and then boosted him out to get Dawn Granger ◊ Dove. His remaining 3 resource points were used to bring out Roy. After forming with Hawk and Dove protecting Garth and Terra, Guillaume passed. Yu-Ming played another Enemy of My Enemy, discarding King Snake for Chomin. He recruited the 1-drop, and in response to the recruit, Guillaume went into the tank. He exhausted all of his characters to make Roy 12 ATK, then played Press the Attack to ready him. Roy was exhausted to stun Steel. Chomin entered play and was soon followed by Deathstroke the Terminator, Lethal Weapon. Deathstroke received a Flamethrower, and Guillaume conceded.

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