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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Day 2 Intro
Anand Khare
The day has dawned on a beautiful Sunday here at $10K Philadelphia, and this Top 8 is one of the most interesting we have seen in quite a while. It features no players with significant finishes (with the exception of Craig Edwards, who finished second at the very first PC), and none of the household names of Vs. who played Day 1 made the cut. Even more intriguing than the relative inexperience of the Sunday players are the decks they are playing. The Top 8 consist of three Teen Titans decks, two Dr. Light combo decks, and one copy each of The New Brotherhood, Xavier's Dream, and Doom/League of Assassins Control.

That list includes two completely new archetypes and one deck that first saw the light of day just last week. Four of the decks today are running cards from either the new Green Lantern expansion or the new starter sets. And, of course, there are no Curve Sentinels decks in the Top 8. Not a single one. So, who will come out the winner in this new, robot free metagame? The competitors themselves are predicting that Dr. Light will come out on top, but we'll only know for sure at the end of the day. Stay tuned to Metagame.com for all the coverage of the Top 8!
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