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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 7: Niles Rowland vs. Anthony Justice
Antonino De Rosa

These two fine gentlemen need no introduction—they are both superstars of the VS World. They are playing two new decks. Niles is running the Fantastic Fun / Team Tactics deck, and Anthony is running a version of GLEE with Masters of Evil and many copies of Salvage for his Chopping Block and Light Armor. 


Turn 1: Niles attacked with Invisible Woman, The Invisible Girl against Anthony’s empty board.


Turn 2: Anthony played Beetle, Armorsmith, discarding Paul Ebersol, Fixer and searching for Roy Harper ◊ Speedy, while Niles played a Tech Upgrade for The Pogo Plane. He recruited it on the Invisible Woman and passed the turn. Beetle attacked, and the turn concluded.


Turn 3: Niles, with the draw step on the chain, discarded Advanced Hardware to search for Antarctic Research Base with his Pogo Plane.  He then used Salvage to get the Advanced Hardware back to his hand and paid 4 endurance to turn the Salvage face down. Next, he played Mr. Fantastic, Reed Richards. With the Research Base, he used Unstable Molecules and Salvage to draw two extra cards. He used his last resource point to play Advanced Hardware on Mr. Fantastic. Anthony was staring down a 6 ATK /9 DEF Mr. Fantastic on turn 3. Anthony’s turn 3 was also quite powerful. He recruited Dr. Light, Master of Holograms.  He then played The Ring Has Chosen for Shocker, Vibro-Shock Villain and discarded Speedy. He activated his Dr. Light to put Speedy back into play. Niles attacked Mr. Fantastic into Roy. Anthony used it to play Millennium, teaming up Masters of Evil and Emerald Enemies, then he put Roy on top of his deck to KO Niles’s Invisible Woman. Niles attacked again into Dr. Light, but Anthony was able to reinforce, bringing the endurance to 46 for Anthony and 45 for Niles.


Turn 4: Anthony recruited Shocker and used Dr. Light to put Paul Ebersol ◊ Fixer into play. He used his last two resource points to shock Mr. Fantastic. Niles activated him and found another Advanced Hardware. Niles paid 4 endurance to turn down Salvage. He recruited Human Torch, Hotshot.  He then played an Unstable Molecules, drew a card, and Salvaged it back. Next, he sacrificed the Molecules to play another Molecules. Anthony decided not to attack, and Niles attacked into Anthony’s small men, bringing the endurance totals to Anthony 40 and Niles 39. 


Turn 5: Niles paid 4 more endurance for Salvage and drew a couple more cards by recruiting Molecules. He then used his five recruit points by playing Thing, Ben Grimm with an Advanced Hardware and an Ant Man. Niles used Ant Man on Dr. Light before Anthony had a chance to put him in the support row. He recruited Yellowjacket, Rita DeMara with boost and searched for Melissa Gold ◊ Screaming Mimi. He then used another point for G'Nort and used Birthing Chamber before deciding how to use his last three resource points. He boosted Olapet and searched for Arisia. He then played The Ring has Chosen for Guy Gardner, Strong Arm of the Corps and discarded Arisia. He used Dr. Light for Arisia and used Hard Sound Construct to put Melissa Gold ◊ Screaming Mimi  into play. He finally used his last point to burn Niles for 9 endurance points. Before formation, Anthony had 40 endurance and Niles had 26. 


Niles attacked with Mr. Fantastic into Arisia. Anthony’s nine characters were all in the support row, so Anthony reinforced. Human Torch tried to attack Dr. Light, but Anthony was ready with a +16 DEF Cover Fire. Thing attacked G'Nort, and Niles powered-up twice. Before he passed, he played Cosmic Radiation. He  played Team Tactics, exhausting his Mr. Fantastic and his Thing to make Thing a 30 ATK character. Anthony had two Cover Fires to make G'Nort a 29 DEF character. Anthony only lost 2 endurance from that attack. Anthony’s Melissa Gold attacked Ant Man for a 3 to 2 endurance exchange. At that point, Anthony had 35 endurance while Niles had 23. Anthony passed, and Niles shot Anthony with Hot Shot. He also used Thing's ability to KO the Advanced Hardware and stun Anthony’s Yellowjacket.


Turn 6 was to be the final turn of the game. Already 10 minutes into the extra time, Anthony pondered his plays. He played Birthing Chamber, discarding Speedy. He played Hard Sound Construct for Screaming Mimi and boosted Guy Gardner, Strong Arm of the Corps. He put his eight characters in the front row and passed the turn to Niles. Niles turned down a Salvage, going to 19 endurance. He used Mr. Fantastic and found a Framistat. He then played his Framistat by exhausting his Ant Man, after which he used Thing's ability to stun Arisia.  He Salvaged his Framistat back and recruited it on Thing by exhausting it, then he played a Signal Flare for Mr. Fantastic, Stretch. He played Light Armor on Ant Man and used his last point to recruit Invisible Woman, The Invisible Girl. Niles then played Marvel’s First Family to return Molecules and recruited it onto Mr. Fantastic, Stretch. Anthony had a lot of complicated math to consider. Between Molecules and Marvel’s First Family—while having eight characters versus Niles’s five characters—there was a lot going on. He finally decided to start by attacking Guy Gardner into Niles’s Mr. Fantastic. Niles KO'd his Molecules and paid 2 endurance to move his other Molecules from Human Torch to Mr. Fantastic. Niles powered-up, and once Anthony showed two Light Armors to Niles to force the stun, Niles saw that he would lose, so he conceded on the spot. There was no reason to go through the rest of the attacks since Niles was more or less defeated; a seasoned veteran like Anthony would never mess up the leftover attacks.


Anthony is sitting pretty with a 5-2 record, while Niles has a tougher road ahead with a 4-3 record.

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