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Card# MTU-017

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Fan Card Crossover Week 4 – Where Art Thou?
"The" Ben Seck


We received a great response to last week’s edition of the Fan Card Crossover, where we asked you, the fans, to send in your art descriptions. The quality of the work sent in was exceptional, but we could only choose five finalists. But don’t fret! There will be other opportunities to give us your input.


Here are the finalists:


1. Setting: An encampment in the desert as the sun rises.

Action: In the far background, the sun is cresting the dunes in the desert. In the new, orange light of dawn, Nyssa Raatko stands in the center of an encampment with dozens of tents between her and the dunes and sun. Her shadow is long and regal, stretching toward the viewer. She is dressed in a black jilbab (Middle Eastern clothing) with green piping at the collar and cuffs. To her left, an Ubu is bowing in submission.

Focus: Nyssa taking control of the League of Assassins.

Color Focus: Contrast of the orange rising sun and black clothing, hair, and shadows of Nyssa.

Keywords: Determined. Regal. Confident.

2. Setting: A steamy, vapor-filled room with a boiling [Lazarus Pit] possibly in the background.

Action: A dramatic foreground pose showing Nyssa cradling her sister Talia, staring at what would be the viewer. Talia has a tortured look on her face—she has been repeatedly killed by Nyssa and revived via the [Lazarus Pit]. Nyssa’s knife should be prominent in the picture.

Focus: Nyssa’s face.

Color Focus: The reddish hue of Nyssa’s personal [Lazarus Pit] should put a tint on everything.

Keywords: Protective. Manipulative. Seductive.


3. Setting: A room filled with rich, rose-colored smoke that turns into phantom dragons.

Action: Nyssa is letting her twisted beauty crawl through the painting. She is slithering into your mind. The bottom of the painting starts at her chest and cuts off at the top with her shining hair disappearing into the smoke. She is exotic and beautiful, but she looks like she would kill you in a heartbeat.

Focus: The folds of Nyssa’s green collar, twisted and full of Chinese dragons.

Color Focus: The delicious contrast between the green of the costume and the rose-colored smoke.

Keywords: Seductive. Mysterious. Deadly. Dangerous.



4. Setting: A well-furnished study with a Middle Eastern theme. There are many historical items from many periods of history.

Action: Nyssa is leaning on a marble fireplace, regarding with contempt someone out of frame. In her hand is a filled wine glass. Her pose is relaxed, her eyes cold. Near her free hand, on the mantle place, is an ornate dagger. In the fireplace we see the hint of an outline of her father’s face in the guttering flames.

Focus: Nyssa in cool control.

Color Focus: The regal purple of her elegant dress.

Keywords: Control. Contempt. Patience. History.

5. Setting: Nyssa is standing in a desert compound with soldiers behind her.

Action: Nyssa is standing in front, a cold yet half-cocked grin on her face. One arm is folded behind her back, and another is holding what appears to be a piece of her father’s attire. It symbolizes her new claim to power within the League. An army of thugs and assassins is behind her, ready to listen.

Focus: Nyssa standing strong and firm in front of her new legions, showing her position.

Color Focus: Dark hair contrasting with skin lightened by years of hiding and seclusion.

Keywords: Destiny. Plotting. Fulfillment.


I will let you know the owner of each submission next week when the winner is revealed.


One thing I realized when I was looking through your entries is that, though many of you gave exquisite and detailed descriptions, you forgot that the image we are portraying is ultimately a character piece. But I must say, we are all impressed with the general level of submission quality.


To participate in this week’s vote, please email fancardcrossover@gmail.com with the number of the description in the header of the email and your name and UDE number in the body of the message.


Be sure to check back next week, when we look at the weaknesses of the League.


Until then, good gaming!


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