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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 8: Adam Prosak vs. Patric Giles
Anand Khare

Adam Prosak comes into this match at 6-1, while Patric Giles is 5-2. Adam won the die roll and chose odds. He mulliganed, while Patric kept.


Adam kicked off turn 1 with Optitron for Garth ◊ Tempest, discarding Red Star. Patric had no play. Patric again had no play on turn 2, while Adam took an early dive into the tank to consider his options. He once again discarded a copy of Red Star to his Optitron, this time fetching Terra. Again, he had no play.


On turn 3, the first character of the game came into play on Adam’s side in the form of Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal. Patric played Mystique, Raven Darkholme. Adam’s Tamaran-assisted attack with Roy failed when Patric flipped Lost City to power up. Patric attacked back past the stunned Roy and took an early endurance lead of 50–42


It was Patric’s initiative on turn 4, and he took full advantage of it by recruiting Sabretooth, Feral Rage. Adam recruited his Terra. Adam immediately stunned Mystique by KO’ing Optitron. Patric attacked Sabretooth into Terra, and Adam merely reinforced. Patric maintained an endurance lead of 42–38.


Turn 5 was Adam’s opportunity to make an impact on the board. Surprisingly, he flipped another Optitron, discarding the Garth he had searched for earlier. He searched out another copy of Roy and played Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective with boost. All of his characters went into the front row, signaling that this would be a killer turn powered by Teen Titans Go! and Roy Harper. Patric played Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr and then dropped a bomb—Null Time Zone, naming Teen Titans Go!. Adam was clearly upset by this play, which seemed to destroy his plans for the turn. Eventually, he chose simply to attack Roy in to Mystique. Patric had the Avalon Space Station to bring back another copy of Mystique to power her up and negate the attack. A dejected Adam declared a team-attack on Sabretooth, but his power-up and Tamaran were foiled by Patric’s power-up and Acrobatic Dodge. Patric attacked back, stunning Adam’s entire board. The endurance totals were now a depressing 47–14.


Turn 6 was Patric’s initiative and his chance to seal the win. He brought back Mystique, Shape-Changing Assassin with Avalon Space Station and recruited her. Adam simply conceded. Adam’s unused plot twists at the end of the game included three copies of Teen Titans Go! and two copies of Finishing Move. Had Patric not played his Null Time Zone, he would have been annihilated.


Patric Giles wins!

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