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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Risky Riddles: Six Feet Under and Back Again
Rian Fike


Earth’s fertile soil is home to a host of interesting phenomena. When Marvel Knights was released, I was thrilled to see all the terrifying tricks that the Underworld team could do with the KO’d pile. For our next Risky Riddle, you will need to bury as many characters as you can, then dig them back up.

For the purposes of this contest, you will receive one point every time a character is placed in the KO’d pile. This includes your opponent’s characters, as well, and will be called an “In Point.” If a character card is discarded, it does not receive an In Point because it does not actually become a character until its recruit chain is clear.

Every time a character card is removed from a KO’d pile, you will receive an “Out Point.” These Out Points will be given to character cards that were discarded, as well as to those that were buried naturally.

To review: When a character goes from play into the KO’d pile, you receive one In Point. When a character card leaves the KO’d pile and moves to another zone, you receive one Out Point.

Here is your mission, should you choose to get your hands dirty.

1) Win a game on the fifth turn against the Crash Dummy curve of characters, recruited one per turn like this:

Crash Dummy 1

Crash Dummy 2

Crash Dummy 3

Crash Dummy 4

Crash Dummy 5

2) Amass the highest number of In and Out Points possible, but make both totals equal—your In Points need to be the same number as your Out Points. Remember to count opposing character cards in your totals.

3) Take the opponent down to exactly 1 endurance point on turn 4, then finish off the game with flair on turn 5.

4) Use only Marvel Modern Age cards. Only Web of Spider-Man and Marvel Knights are legal for this contest.

5) You may choose either the odd or the even initiative and make any legal play. Your opponent must attack, defend, and recover in a logical manner.


The winner of this contest will receive 12 packs of Marvel Knights, and 12 packs of Web of Spider-Man- a custom box of Marvel Modern Age goodness. The runner-up will receive six packs from each Marvel Modern Age set.


All entries should be sent to me at fullbodytransplant@hotmail.com. All entries must be received before 9 p.m. EST on March 21, 2005. Winners will be judged on completion of requirements, most endurance loss caused, most In and Out Points, and creativity in combos. You must follow all rules of the game.

Well, what are you waiting for? Break out the shovels and start digging in the card lists!


All contest submissions become property of Metagame.com and will be edited for clarity if published.

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