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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 2: Luke Bartter vs. Enchante Chang
Rob Davis

Luke Bartter is a well-known Sydney player with a distinct penchant for Brotherhood. Cards in hand, and absurd quips in stock, he faces off today against New Zealander Enchante Chang, a member of team The Four Horsemen, and Vs. System reporter extraordinaire!


It's a battle that transcends nations. Its results will ring loudly either side of the Tasman.* Keep reading, avid Vs. players, and find out who will win this massive Round 2!


Enchante won the coin toss and took evens.


Turn 1

Luke started off his turn with a copy of Sue Dibny, who found Luke a copy of Maxwell Lord, Financier. This prompted some discussion regarding the value of running four copies of Booster Gold versus running a toolbox selection of Max/Connor Hawke ◊ Green Arrow and Booster — with both players agreeing that naturally drawing the team-up is quite hard. Lockjaw came out in the hidden area for Enchante and both players passed.


Sue swung in for a single endurance point and then Lockjaw swung back for 2.



Luke: 48

Enchante: 48



Turn 2

A concealed San came out for Enchante and found him a copy of Hala. A predictable Maxwell Lord came out for Luke and the Sydney player discarded a copy of Ted Kord ◊ Blue Beetle, Heir of the Scarab to ensure that he would have a copy of World's Greatest Heroes.


San and Lockjaw team attacked into Maxwell Lord and the 2-drop traded with Lockjaw.






Turn 3

Luke recruited Shayera Thal ◊ Hawkwoman, Thanagarian Enforcer and equipped the 3-drop with her trademark Nth Metal. Dr. Minerva came out in Enchante's front row and her ability grabbed him a copy of Admiral Galen Kor. The Kiwi then brought Minerva back to hand via Stargate and found himself a copy of Nenora.


"4 teams so far?" commented Luke. "God bless (Enemy of My Enemy)!"


Minerva was re-recruited in the visible area and her ability netted Enchante another copy of the Doctor. Nenora was then recruited for free (concealed) and both players passed.


Shayera swung some Nth Metal into Dr. Minerva and used her ability to find a copy of High-Tech Flare Gun. She became a 6ATK/5DEF in the process, but Enchante used his Hala to try and force a trade. However, Luke had a timely copy of Magnificent Seven, and used the amazing 3-drop's ability once more to find a copy of Katar Hol ◊ Hawkman, Eternal Hero. He took the opportunity to ditch the Flare Gun into the KO’d pile to set up a future recursion with John Henry Irons ◊ Steel, Steel-Drivin’ Man and then Minerva went down. Sue and Max teamed attacked directly for 3 endurance and play moved over to Enchante. He sent San into Sue Dibny, and the JLI character went down without a fight — sans trading (zing!). Enchante had no other viable attack and decided to move play to turn 4. Sue and Dr. Minerva were recovered and play moved on.



Luke: 44

Enchante: 38



Turn 4

Enchante started off his turn by flipping over Birthing Chamber and netting a card via the essential location. Not finding what he required, Stargate returned Minerva to hand and found Enchante a copy of Colonel Yon-Rogg. Dr. Minerva was re-re-recruited (netting a copy of Shatterax who was followed by Captain Att-Lass who then pressed out a copy of Colonel Yon-Rogg. Enchante moved all his character to the front row and play passed to Luke. Luke had a natural play in Katar Hol ◊ Hawkman, Eternal Hero and followed it up with his very own Nth Metal.


San, Lockjaw, and Nenora used the Colonel's ability to take Katar Hol out of the equation and then Mikado and Mosha stunned Sue. The Colonel then took down Maxwell Lord without a fight (with Shayera Thal exhausting to reinforce) and Enchante declared his Att-Lass and Minerva into Shayera Thal. Enchante then activated Hala on his Minerva (commenting later that he merely wanted to use it as it was going to waste otherwise) but Luke had an essential copy of System Failure to take the Minerva out of the attack. Att-Lass ran out of steam and the Kree character became brick-walled and stunned.


Luke flipped JLI Embassy and recovered Maxwell Lord with the location and play moved over to turn 5.



Luke: 37

Enchante: 36


Turn 5

Luke played a resource and flipped Hero’s Welcome. He discarded Mr. Mxyzptlk, Troublesome Trickster and another copy of Hero’s Welcome to find a copy of John Henry Irons ◊ Steel, Steel-Drivin’ Man. At the start of recruit, Mr. Mxyzptlk, Troublesome Trickster was then returned to Luke's hand, in slick style. The 5-drop came into play and he used the ability to recur the High-Tech Flare Gun. He recruited it onto Max Lord and then paid 1 endurance so that the JLI 2-drop could attack the concealed area. Luke then transferred the equipment to Steel and passed over to Enchante. Stargate once again returned Dr. Minerva to hand and found Enchante a copy of Commander Dylon Cir, Lunatic Legion. Dr. Minerva came out once again. but netted no card for Enchante. She was followed up by Lieutenant Kona Lor, Lunatic Legion and then the veritable Press army came out in the form of Commander Dylon Cir and Admiral Galen Kor. Enchante moved all his characters to the back row causing Luke to exclaim: "Ah ha! Now I know why you wanted to buy Funeral for a Friend!"


Maxwell Lord happily swung into Lockjaw without a fight, and then Luke had to think about the trouble that Hala could potentially cause. Shayera swung into Att-Lass, and Mr. Mxyzptlk, Troublesome Trickster was discarded to find Luke a copy of Nth Metal. Lockjaw was KO'd to Funeral for a Friend (giving Enchante a huge advantage for the turn) and then Hala tried to force a trade. Luke elected to take the stun and both characters went down. Katar Hol then attacked into the Colonel and the 3-drop Kree character went down without a fight. John Henry then swung right on into Admiral Galen Kor and, without a way to trade stuns, the 4-drop also became stunned.


With no more attackers, Luke passed play over to Enchante. The New Zealand player's Commanded Dylon Cir tried to attack into Maxwell Lord, but Luke had a copy of Magnificent Seven (which netted him no draw — with 5 resources in play) to stun back up the curve. Luke recovered Shayera while Enchante recovered Galen Kor and play moved on to turn 6.



Luke: 29

Enchante: 23



Turn 6

Enchante drew 2 cards via his Birthing Chamber and recruited Captain Att-Lass.

Stargate, in typical form, returned Dr. Minerva to Enchante's hand and a copy of Lieutenant Kona Lor was found via her ability. Minerva was re-recruited and Colonel Yon Rogg and (a potentially game breaking) copy of Shatterax entered play. Enchante shifted all his characters to the front row and play moved over to Luke. Fire (with some Nth Metal-bling of her own) came out in Luke's front row (in front of Katar Hol) and Shayera formed in front of Steel. At the start of combat; Minerva, Colonel Yon Rogg, Att-Lass and Shatterax then all recieved +2 ATK via Shatterax, Galen Kor recieved +4 ATK, and then San, Att-Lass and Nenora exhausted to stun Steel via Yon Rogg's ability.


Kona Lor, Minerva and the Colonel then team-attacked into Fire for a total of 14 ATK. Enchante was burned for 2 endurance via Fire and Mr. Mxyzptlk, Troublesome Trickster was discarded (via Shayera) to find another copy of Katar Hol. Luke passed and Fire and Yon Rogg traded stuns. A 10 ATK Admiral Galen Kor swung into Katar Hol and Luke discarded JLI Embassy to see if he had a copy of Katar left in his deck. He discovered that he had already searched for them all and elected to find a copy of Light Armor instead. A natural power-up brought Katar to 10 DEF and Kooey Kooey Kooey was cracked so that Luke could search for a card. Enchante, awkwardly, responded by tapping Hala. Realizing that he had made a crucial mistake, the New Zealand player recognized that Luke could now search for another copy of System Failure. Luke, indeed, tutored for the game breaking card and a 14 ATK Galen Kor was removed from the attack.


With Shatterax still at the ready, Enchante swung into the Hawkwoman. Shayera was bought to 6 DEF (via the Eternal Hero's ally trigger) and Luke merely accepted the stun. With no attackers left, play moved over to Luke's sole, readied Katar Hol. Katar then swung into Kona Lor and the Light Armor that Luke had begrudgingly searched out brought Katar to 12 ATK. Enchante had 2 power-ups and a copy of Live Kree . . . or Die! to force a trade, but it wasn’t enough, as Luke edged forward with the scores ending up at 6 to Enchante and 9 to Luke.


Luke Bartter and his Eternal Hero take the win in a nail-biting finish!





(* For you Northern Hemispherians, the Tasman is the blob of water that separates Australia and New Zealand)

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