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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 12: Nick Little vs. Alex Tennet
Nate Price

Alex started off the action with a turn 1 Salakk, but Nick bettered him with a Roy Harper ◊ Speedy recruitment. Salakk bashed into Speedy, and Nick opted to pump Speedy for the double stun. Turn 2 found Nick playing Kyle Rayner, Last Green Lantern for Chopping Block. Not wanting to be outdone, Alex decided to make the exact same play.


Overheard during the antics that were going on at the table was the sultry voice of Jeremy Grey. “I’m so glad I got one percent of Nick Little. If Nick wins, I get $200.” I am so mad I didn’t get offered the same action!


Nick paused to pose for a photograph before attacking. He said very silkily, “That one was for the ladies.”


Around the globe, women fainted. It was like the Beatles all over again.


Nick sent his Kyle Rayner into Salakk, and the turn ended. On turn 3, Alex recruited Kreon and put the Chopping Block he had fetched earlier on his Kyle Rayner. With a flourish of timing and elegance, Nick KO’d his Kyle Rayner to play Emerald Dawn. He searched his deck, got Dr. Light, Master of Holograms, and used him to bring back his Kyle Rayner. This time, Nick decided to fetch ¡Olé!.


Alex started his attack by running Salakk and Kreon into Dr. Light. Nick was very unhappy about this decision, and he made sure he used Speedy to get the troublesome Salakk off of the table. That forced Alex to blow a Light Armor to pump Kreon. Alex then passed to Nick. Nick decided it was time for some hot Kyle-on-Kyle action. Before he stunned, Alex’s Kyle chopped Nick’s Dr. Light. After Alex’s Kyle stunned, Nick discarded his Chopping Block to remove him.


Nick kicked turn 4 off by recruiting Myrwhydden. He then teamed his men up, and after forming, he declared, “These look like pretty formidable battle positions.” Alex chose to play G’Nort, and then he used Dr. Light to get Salakk back. Nick’s Kyle went headfirst into G’Nort. Shock Troops was there to save the day though, and Nick’s guy stunned. Now it was Myrwhydden’s turn. Unfortunately, Alex had a Helping Hand to prevent a stun. Nick then passed the turn and was summarily smashed. After getting absolutely decimated on his own initiative, Nick was down in endurance 36 to 43.


Alex began to turn up the heat on turn 5 by recruiting Guy Gardner, Strong Arm of the Corps. Nick thought for a bit, played Speedy, and then activated him to KO Alex’s G’Nort. He then boosted Olapet to grab a G’Nort of his own. Instead of playing him, however, he played The Ring Has Chosen to grab Harlequin. He played the Manhunter and then took advantage of the newest member of his team by immediately bringing out two Sleeper Agents.


The first thing Alex did was smash Kreon into Olapet. Then, while Alex pondered his next move, Nick began singing. I felt an uncontrollable urge to start dancing, and when I finally came to, Alex had decided to attack Myrwhydden with Guy Gardner. Three copies of Shock Troops later, Alex blew a Light Armor to finish the job. He then sent in his Dr. Light for a rare attack on a Sleeper Agent with the help of Trial By Sword. Nick had his final copy of Shock Troops, but a power-up from Alex sealed the deal. All Nick could do in return was run Harlequin at Salakk and then send a Sleeper Agent at Kreon. Endurance totals at the end of the turn had Alex ahead by a score of 25 to 31.


Nick played Hector Hammond on turn 6, which Alex trumped with Kyle Rayner, Last Green Lantern and Rot Lop Fan. Nick led off by sending a Sleeper Agent into Kyle Rayner. After that, Nick retreated to the tank. When he came out, Myrwhydden went flying into Guy Gardner. After an ¡Olé! and a Myrwhydden activation, Alex decided to use a Helping Hand to save a few points of damage. Nick then got to send Harlequin and Hector Hammond into Alex’s face for a beating with a personal touch. Rot Lop Fan decided to try to avenge his fallen comrades by attacking poor ol’ Hector.


Due to the beating he was receiving, Nick wasn’t even looking at his draws at this point. It was as though looking at them might finish the job that Alex had started. On turn 7, Alex played Arisia and The Shark. After he finally looked at his cards, Nick’s eyes got enormous.


“I have so much thinking to do.”


Eventually, he decided to play The Ring Has Chosen to get Dr. Light, Master of Holograms. He then used his Dr. Light to get back Kyle Rayner, Last Green Lantern. The ¡Olé! he grabbed would be the last thing the Last Green Lantern ever got. Alex attacked Nick’s Hector Hammond with Arisia, sent The Shark into a Sleeper agent, and then finished with Guy Gardner attacking into Myrwhydden. A quick examination of his -9 endurance total was all it took for Nick to throw in the towel.

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