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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 12: Doug Tice vs. Dave Spears
Antonino De Rosa

These two good ol' boys from the South were squaring off in a round 12 feature match. Dave and Doug are very good friends. Dave Spears is sitting at 9-2 and looking good for Day 3, while Doug has three loses and needs a little more luck and skill to make a run at the Sunday stage. Doug won the die roll and took the odd initiatives. Dave was very surprised by Doug's decision, but Doug just claimed that his deck wasn’t good enough to kill anyone on turn 6.

Turn 1: Doug played Beast, Furry Blue Scientist, while Dave had no plays and took 2.


Turn 2: Dave played Wasp in the hidden area, and then it was Doug’s turn to take 2. The endurance totals at the end of the turn stood at 48 to 48.


Turn 3: Doug played Black Panther, revealing from two reservists. Dave played Beetle ◊ Mach 2. Doug’s Beast attacked Beetle and used the Avengers Mansion for +1 ATK. Dave used Biomodem Satellite to give +1 DEF to his Beetle, and Doug pitched Quinjet from his hand to power-up his Furry Blue Scientist. Once the way was clear, Doug sent his Black Panther in directly for 6.


Turn 4: On Dave's initiative, he recruited Iron Man ◊ Cobalt Man. Doug commented on how good that character is on attacks, and also mentioned how blessed a man must be to be able to recruit him on turn 4, before following up with an Iron Man of his own: Iron Man, Tony Stark. Dave attacked Iron Man, Tony Stark with Beetle. He used Justice, like Lightning to exhaust Black Panther, and then sent Cobalt Man after Beast for 11 endurance points. Doug was left sitting at 28 endurance points, while Dave had 36.


Turn 5: This is the turn where Doug knew he needed to cripple Dave if he wanted any chance at winning the game. Doug recruited Albert Gaines ◊ Nuke and put him in front of Iron Man ◊ Cobalt Man. Dave played Windstorm on Wasp and played Paul Ebersol ◊ Techno, Man of Metal. He returned the Windstorm to his hand, while Doug returned his Quinjet. Doug pondered his options for a while before sending Black Panther into Paul Ebersol. He then used the Avengers Mansion to give +2 ATK. Dave had many options at that point, including powering up or using Biomodem Satellite (with five resources in play). He eventually decided that he needed to pick a battle he could win and decided to exchange the 5 points of endurance for 3 of Doug’s. This attack left Doug at 25 and Dave at 31. Albert Gaines attacked Beetle next, and Doug flipped Supreme Sanction. Dave finally decided that this was it, using his Satellite and flipping Thunderbolts Plaza. Doug has a Quinjet, but Spears is ready with Paul Ebersol ◊ Techno from the hand to force the double stun, leaving Dave at 21 and Doug at 20. Doug passed to Dave because he was worried that Dave had another trick for his Cobalt Man. Dave attacked Doug's Tony Stark with his Cobalt Man, and after he powered up, Doug was ready with a Quagmire. Iron Man saved Spears 4 endurance, sending the totals to 21 for Dave and 11 for Doug. Wasp then hit Doug for 4, after the board had been cleared.


The game looked quite grim for Doug. Once Dave recruited Vision, Doug knew that the endurance difference was too much for him to recover and decided to concede instead of going through the motions of turn 6.


This result leaves Dave Spears sitting pretty at 10-2 , while Doug Tice needs to go 6-1 to have a shot at the Top 8.


Will Dave Spears be the first man to make the Top 8 in back-to-back Pro Circuits? Stay tuned and find out!

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