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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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$10K Madrid Decklists
Ben Bleiweiss

10K Madrid


Angel Abella


2 Annihilus, Destroyer of Life

1 Assassin Initiate, Army

4 Bane, Ubu

2 Blastaar, King of Baluur

3 Hassim, Loyal REtainer

3 Kyle Abbot, Wolf in Man's Clothing

1 Lady Shiva, Master Assassin

1 Merlyn, Deadly Archer

3 Ra's al Ghul, Immortal Villain

2 Ra's al Ghul, Master Swordsman

2 Ra's al Ghul, The Demon's Head

2 Talia, Daughter of the Demon's Head

1 Trigon, The Terrible

2 Ubu, Ra's al Ghul's Bodyguard


Plot Twists

3 Acrobatic Dodge

2 Flying Kick

2 Have a Blast!

3 The Demon's Head

1 Total Anarchy

4 Tower of Babel



2 Avalon Space Station

2 Flying Fortress

1 Latverian Embassy

3 Lazarus Pit

4 Mountain Stronghold

4 Negative Zone

2 Pit of Madness


Eduardo Esteban Agudo


4 Alfred Pennyworth, Faithful Friend

1 Azrael, Jean Paul Valley

4 Batman, Caped Crusader

3 Dick Grayson ◊ Nightwing, High-Flying Acrobat

1 Iceman, Bobby Drake

1 Jason Todd ◊ Robin, Crime Fighter

2 John Proudstar ◊ Thunderbird, Apache Warrior

2 Nightcrawler, Kurt Wagner

2 Professor X, Charles Xavier

1 Professor X, Mental Master

1 Professor X, World's Most Powerful Telepath

1 Rogue, Powerhouse

2 Spoiler ◊ Robin, The Girl Wonder

1 Storm, Weather Witch

1 Superman, Big Blue Boy Scout

2 Tim Drake ◊ Robin, The Boy Wonder

1 Wolverine, Berserker Rage

4 Wolverine, Logan


Plot Twists

3 Acrobatic Dodge

3 Bamf!

3 Bat-Signal

3 Children of the Atom

2 Dynamic Duo

3 Fizzle

2 Marvel Team-Up

2 Overload

3 Press the Attack

3 Savage Beatdown

3 World's Finest



3 GCPD Headquarters



2 Utility Belt


David Gilez Alenary


2 Black Cat, Master Thief

2 Dagger, Tandy Bowen

2 Daredevil, The Man Without Fear

1 Ezekiel, Spirit of the Spider

1 Iceman, Cool Customer

1 Julia Carpenter ◊ Spider-Woman, Web Weaver

3 Nova, Richard Rider

2 Puma, Thomas Fireheart

4 Scarlet Spider, Ben Reilly

4 Spider-Man, Alien Symbiote

2 Spider-Man, Cosmic Spider-Man

4 Spider-Man, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

3 Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man


Plot Twists

4 Costume Change

4 Flying Kick

1 Nasty Surprise

1 Nice Try!

1 No Fear

1 Pleasant Distraction

3 Reconstruction Program

4 Spider Senses

1 Sucker Punch

1 Tragic Loss

4 Twist of Fate

1 Unmasked



4 Daily Bugle


Jose Luis Alfonso


4 Alfred Pennyworth, Faithful Friend

1 Azrael, Jean Paul Valley

1 Batman, Caped Crusader

3 Beast Boy, Garfield Logan

2 Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, Agent of Order

1 Dick Grayson ◊ Nightwing, Defender of Bludhaven

1 Dick Grayson ◊ Nightwing, High-Flying Acrobat

1 Donna Troy ◊ Troia, Child of Myth

4 Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer

2 Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, Agent of Chaos

4 Mirage, Miriam Delgado

1 Raven, Daughter of Trigon

1 Spoiler ◊ Robin, The Girl Wonder

3 Terra, Tara Markov

1 Vic Stone ◊ Cyborg, Human Machine


Plot Twists

3 Bat-Signal

4 Dynamic Duo

4 Fizzle

2 Have a Blast!

3 Heroic Sacrifice

4 Teen Titans Go!

4 The Brave and the Bold

1 World's Finest



3 Optitron

3 USS Argus



1 Utility Belt


Aitor Rolando Alijarte


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

8 Sentinel Mark II, Army

2 Sentinel Mark III, Army

8 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

2 Acrobatic Dodge

4 Cover Fire

4 Nasty Surprise

4 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

4 Savage Beatdown



4 Genosha


Jose Maria Aramburu


2 Blackheart, Son of Mephisto

1 Blade, The Daywalker

4 Brother Voodoo, Jericho Drumm

4 Centurious, The Soulless Man

4 Dagger, Child of Light

2 Daredevil, Protector of Hell's Kitchen

1 Dr. Strange, Stephen Strange

2 Luke Cage, Power Man

4 Mephisto, Soulstealer

2 Moon Knight, Marc Spector

4 Steel Wind, Cyborg Cyclist

2 Varnae, First Vampire

4 Werewolf by Night, Jack Russell


Plot Twists

2 Have a Blast!

4 Midnight Sons

4 Mist Form

4 Wake the Dead

4 Wild Ride



4 Avalon Space Station

4 Lost City


Rui Aruiar


2 Avalanche, Dominic Petros

1 Blob, Fred Dukes

2 Destiny, Irene Adler

2 Lorelei, Savage Land Mutate

4 Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr

2 Mastermind, Jason Wyngarde

2 Phantazia, Eileen Harsaw

3 Pyro, St. John Allerdyce

2 Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff

2 Rogue, Anna Raven

4 Sabretooth, Feral Rage

1 Sauron, Dr. Karl Lykos

2 Scarlet Witch, Eldritch Enchantress

2 Thornn, Feral Hunter

1 Toad, Mortimer Toynbee

1 Unus, Angelo Unuscione


Plot Twists

4 Not So Fast

4 Savage Beatdown

3 Surprise Attack

4 The Mutant Menace

4 The New Brotherhood



4 Genosha

4 Savage Land


Pedro Asenso


2 Himon, Enigmatic Researcher

3 Hulk, New Fantastic Four

4 Invisible Woman, Sue Storm

2 Izaya ◊ Highfather, The Inheritor

4 Mark Moonrider, Forever People

4 Mr. Fantastic, Stretch

2 Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

1 Thing, Ben Grimm

2 Thing, The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing

4 Vykin, Forever People


Plot Twists

4 Acrobatic Dodge

4 It's Clobberin' Time!

4 Royal Decree

3 Savage Beatdown

4 Signal Flare

1 The Exchange



2 Metropolis

4 The Source



2 Advanced Hardware

4 Fantasticar


Felipe Barragan


2 Blob, Fred Dukes

1 Magneto, Lord Magnus

3 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Mystique, Raven Darkholme

3 Mystique, Shape-Changing Assassin

3 Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff

4 Quicksilver, Speed Demon

4 Sabretooth, Feral Rage

2 Sabretooth, Victor Creed

4 Scarlet Witch, Eldritch Enchantress

2 Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff

2 Toad, Mortimer Toynbee


Plot Twists

2 Foiled

3 Insignificant Threat

2 Overload

3 Rise to Power

3 Shape Change

3 Total Anarchy



4 Avalon Space Station

4 Lost City

2 Savage Land


David Martin Barrios


4 Alfred Pennyworth, Faithful Friend

4 Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom

1 Commissioner Gordon, James Gordon

4 Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius

1 Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria

1 Dr. Hauptmann, Diabolic Inventor

3 Dr. Light, Arthur Light

8 GCPD Officer, Army

1 Psimon, Dr. Simon Jones

3 Robot Sentry, Army

4 Shimmer, Selinda Flinders


Plot Twists

4 Bat-Signal

1 Finishing Move

3 Fizzle

1 Have a Blast!

3 Marvel Team-Up

4 Mystical Paralysis

1 Press the Attack

3 Reign of Terror

1 The Underworld Star

4 World's Finest



1 Power Compressor


Seroyo Serrano Bazan


2 Asmodeus, Duke of Hell

2 Blackout, Master of Darkness

1 Deacon Frost, Vampire Master

2 Dracula, Lord of the Damned

3 Lilith, Daughter of Dracula

2 Mephisto, Soulstealer

2 New Blood, Army

2 Nightmare, Dark Lord of Dreams

2 Reaper, Vampire Armageddon

2 Skinner, Psychotic Shredder

2 Steel Wind, Cyborg Cyclist

4 Suicide, Chris Daniels

2 Varnae, First Vampire

3 Werewolf by Night, Jack Russell

2 Zarathos, Spirit of Vengeance


Plot Twists

4 Black Magic

3 Blind Sided

4 Evil Awakens

3 Gravesite

3 Mist Form

3 Savage Beatdown

3 Strength of the Grave

3 Wake the Dead



2 Infernal Gateway


Diego Vazquel Berg


3 Archangel, Angel of Death

4 Black Cat, Master Thief

4 Colossus, Peter Rasputin

3 Gambit, Remy LeBeau

3 John Proudstar ◊ Thunderbird, Apache Warrior

2 Professor X, Mental Master

4 Rocket Racer, Robert Farrell

3 Wolverine, Berserker Rage

2 Wolverine, James Howlett

4 Wolverine, Logan


Plot Twists

4 Children of the Atom

4 Clone Saga

4 Nice Try!

2 Overload

4 Twist of Fate



4 Cerebro

3 Metropolis


Juan Antonio Fernandez-Trujillo Bermudez


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

8 Sentinel Mark II, Army

1 Sentinel Mark III, Army

8 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

4 Cover Fire

2 Have a Blast!

4 Nasty Surprise

2 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

4 Savage Beatdown

3 Total Anarchy



4 Genosha


Alejandro Lopez Cabornero


4 Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr

1 Magneto, Lord Magnus

3 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Mystique, Raven Darkholme

3 Mystique, Shape-Changing Assassin

4 Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff

4 Quicksilver, Speed Demon

4 Sabretooth, Feral Rage

3 Sabretooth, Victor Creed

4 Toad, Mortimer Toynbee


Plot Twists

2 Finishing Move

1 Flame Trap

2 Flying Kick

2 Insignificant Threat

3 Not So Fast

4 Savage Beatdown

4 Total Anarchy



4 Avalon Space Station

4 Lost City


Rodrigo Del Campo


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

1 Hounds of Ahab, Army

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

8 Sentinel Mark II, Army

9 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

3 Acrobatic Dodge

4 Cover Fire

4 Nasty Surprise

4 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

2 Savage Beatdown



3 Genosha

2 Latverian Embassy


Eduardo Munoa Cano


2 Blob, Fred Dukes

4 Destiny, Irene Adler

4 Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr

4 Pyro, St. John Allerdyce

4 Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff

2 Quicksilver, Speed Demon

4 Rogue, Anna Raven

4 Sabretooth, Feral Rage

2 Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff

4 Toad, Mortimer Toynbee


Plot Twists

4 Mega-Blast

2 Not So Fast

4 Savage Beatdown

4 The New Brotherhood



4 Avalon Space Station

4 Genosha

4 Lost City


David Carvajal


4 Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom

2 Darkoth, Major Desmund Pitt

4 Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius

1 Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria

2 Ghost Rider, New Fantastic Four

2 Hulk, New Fantastic Four

1 Mr. Fantastic, Scientific Genius

1 Robot Destroyer, Army

4 She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters

4 She-Thing, Sharon Ventura

1 Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

1 Thing, Heavy Hitter

1 Thing, The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing


Plot Twists

2 Betrayal

4 Common Enemy

1 Faces of Doom

1 Flame Trap

1 Have a Blast!

3 It's Clobberin' Time!

3 Mystical Paralysis

3 Reign of Terror

4 Signal Flare

1 Unmasked



4 Doomstadt

2 Latverian Embassy

2 Siege Perilous



3 Kevlar Body Armor


Sergio Castillo


1 Cassie Sandsmark ◊ Wonder Girl, Zeus's Chosen
1 Connor
Kent ◊ Superboy, Tactile Telekinetic

3 Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, Agent of Order

4 Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer

3 Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, Agent of Chaos

1 Koriand'r ◊ Starfire, Alien Princess

3 Red Star, Leonid Kovar

4 Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter

1 Roy Harper ◊ Speedy, Mercurial Marksman

4 Terra, Tara Markov

4 Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective


Plot Twists

3 Finishing Move

2 Foiled

2 Heroic Sacrifice

2 Ka-Boom!

2 Overload

3 Press the Attack

3 Savage Beatdown

3 Teen Titans Go!



2 Optitron

3 Tamaran

3 Titans Tower

3 USS Argus


Miguel Chamorro


1 Ghost Rider, New Fantastic Four

3 Hulk, New Fantastic Four

4 Invisible Woman, Sue Storm

4 Luke Cage, Hero for Hire

2 Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff

3 She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters

3 She-Thing, Sharon Ventura

1 Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

4 Thing, Ben Grimm

2 Thing, Heavy Hitter

2 Thing, The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing

2 Wolverine, New Fantastic Four


Plot Twists

4 Acrobatic Dodge

4 Flying Kick

3 Have a Blast!

4 It's Clobberin' Time!

2 Nasty Surprise

3 Overload

4 Savage Beatdown

4 Signal Flare

3 Total Anarchy


Angel Cordero


1 Apocalypse, En Sabah Nur

4 Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom

4 Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius

1 Dr. Doom, Victor Von Doom

1 Hulk, New Fantastic Four

1 Invisible Woman, Sue Storm

1 Purple Man, Zebediah Killgrave

1 Robot Sentry, Army

3 She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters

4 She-Thing, Sharon Ventura

1 Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

1 Sub-Mariner, Ally of Doom

2 Thing, Heavy Hitter

1 Thing, The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing

3 Valeria, Daughter of Doom


Plot Twists

2 Common Enemy

1 Diplomatic Immunity

3 Faces of Doom

2 Have a Blast!

4 It's Clobberin' Time!

1 Marvel Team-Up

3 Mystical Paralysis

2 Overload

3 Reign of Terror

4 Signal Flare



4 Doomstadt

1 Latverian Embassy

2 Metropolis



1 Power Compressor


Adrian Palacios Corella


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

2 Hounds of Ahab, Army

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

3 Mark II, Number II, Leader Unit

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

4 Sentinel Mark II, Army

1 Sentinel Mark III, Army

9 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

4 Cover Fire

2 Flying Kick

4 Reconstruction Program

4 Savage Beatdown

3 Tag Team



4 Genosha

4 Underground Sentinel Base


Enrique Pons Daunesse


1 Emma Frost, Headmistress of Xavier's Academy

2 Imperiex, The Beginning and The End

4 Jean Grey, Marvel Girl

3 Jean Grey, Phoenix Force

4 Mimic, Calvin Rankin

3 Professor X, Charles Xavier

3 Professor X, World's Most Powerful Telepath

4 Puppet Master, Philip Masters

4 Rogue, Power Absorption

3 Sunfire, Shiro Yoshida

3 Wolverine, Logan


Plot Twists

4 Acrobatic Dodge

3 Burn Rubber

2 Children of the Atom

1 Crowd Control

2 Fast Getaway

2 Gravesite

4 Pleasant Distraction



4 Avalon Space Station

4 Cerebro


Manuel Bazan Delgado


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

6 Hounds of Ahab, Army

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

7 Sentinel Mark II, Army

9 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

2 Acrobatic Dodge

4 Cover Fire

4 Nasty Surprise

4 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

4 Savage Beatdown



4 Genosha


Jordi Oleart Deligero


3 Alfred Pennyworth, Faithful Friend

3 Barbara Gordon ◊ Oracle, Information Network

2 Batman, The Dark Knight

3 Dr. Light, Arthur Light

18 GCPD Officer, Army

4 Harvey Bullock, GCPD Detective

4 Shimmer, Selinda Flinders


Plot Twists

4 Bat-Signal

2 Cover Fire

4 Fizzle

2 Have a Blast!

3 Home Surgery

2 Marvel Team-Up

2 Press the Attack

2 The Underworld Star

2 World's Finest



2 Utility Belt


Carlos Torrente Diaz


2 Beast Boy, Garfield Logan

2 Connor Kent ◊ Superboy, Tactile Telekinetic

3 Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, Agent of Order

2 Dick Grayson ◊ Nightwing, Titan Leader

1 Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer

3 Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, Agent of Chaos

4 Koriand'r ◊ Starfire, Alien Princess

4 Pantha, Subject X-24

4 Red Star, Leonid Kovar

4 Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter

4 Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective


Plot Twists

3 Finishing Move

2 Fizzle

3 Flying Kick

1 Have a Blast!

2 Heroic Sacrifice

2 Mega-Blast

3 Press the Attack

4 Teen Titans Go!



2 Optitron

1 Tamaran

3 Titans Tower


Ruben Sanchez Diaz


4 Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom

2 Darkoth, Major Desmund Pitt

4 Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius

1 Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria

1 Ghost Rider, New Fantastic Four

2 Hulk, New Fantastic Four

1 Mr. Fantastic, Scientific Genius

1 Robot Destroyer, Army

4 She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters

4 She-Thing, Sharon Ventura

1 Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

1 Thing, Heavy Hitter

1 Thing, The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing


Plot Twists

2 Betrayal

4 Common Enemy

1 Faces of Doom

1 Flame Trap

1 Have a Blast!

3 It's Clobberin' Time!

3 Mystical Paralysis

3 Reign of Terror

2 Savage Beatdown

4 Signal Flare

1 Unmasked



4 Doomstadt

1 Latverian Embassy



3 Kevlar Body Armor


Borja Garcia De Diego


4 Alfred Pennyworth, Faithful Friend

1 Ant Man, Scott Lang

1 Barbara Gordon ◊ Oracle, Information Network

2 Batman, The Dark Knight

12 GCPD Officer, Army

1 Harvey Bullock, GCPD Detective

4 Invisible Woman, The Invisible Girl

4 Mr. Fantastic, Reed Richards

1 Spoiler, Stephanie Brown

1 Wyatt Wingfoot, Keewazi Adventurer


Plot Twists

4 A Child Named Valeria

3 Bat-Signal

1 Blind Sided

4 Cosmic Radiation

2 Crowd Control

1 Detective Work

4 Fizzle

2 Marvel Team-Up

3 Press the Attack

1 Team Tactics

1 Unmasked

3 World's Finest



3 Utility Belt


Denis Diez


2 Blob, Fred Dukes

2 Destiny, Irene Adler

1 Magneto, Lord Magnus

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

3 Mystique, Raven Darkholme

4 Mystique, Shape-Changing Assassin

4 Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff

4 Quicksilver, Speed Demon

4 Sabretooth, Feral Rage

1 Sabretooth, Victor Creed

3 Scarlet Witch, Eldritch Enchantress

2 Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff


Plot Twists

2 Flame Trap

2 Global Domination

4 Insignificant Threat

3 Mutant Supremacy

2 Rise to Power

3 Shape Change



4 Avalon Space Station

4 Lost City

2 Savage Land


Javier Campo Diez


1 Ghost Rider, New Fantastic Four

3 Hulk, New Fantastic Four

2 Invisible Woman, Sue Storm

3 Medusa, Inhuman

2 Mr. Fantastic, Scientific Genius

4 She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters

4 She-Thing, Sharon Ventura

2 Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

4 Thing, Heavy Hitter

1 Thing, The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing

4 Wolverine, New Fantastic Four


Plot Twists

2 Finishing Move

4 It's Clobberin' Time!

4 Nasty Surprise

2 Not So Fast

4 Overload

4 Savage Beatdown

4 Signal Flare

3 Total Anarchy



3 Kevlar Body Armor


Julio Martin Dominguez


1 Ghost Rider, New Fantastic Four

3 Hulk, New Fantastic Four

2 Invisible Woman, Sue Storm

3 Medusa, Inhuman

2 Mr. Fantastic, Scientific Genius

4 She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters

4 She-Thing, Sharon Ventura

2 Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

4 Thing, Heavy Hitter

1 Thing, The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing

4 Wolverine, New Fantastic Four


Plot Twists

3 Acrobatic Dodge

4 It's Clobberin' Time!

3 Nasty Surprise

2 Not So Fast

4 Overload

4 Savage Beatdown

4 Signal Flare

3 Total Anarchy



3 Kevlar Body Armor


Eduardo Mardlena Dovin


4 Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr

3 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Merlyn, Deadly Archer

4 Mystique, Raven Darkholme

3 Mystique, Shape-Changing Assassin

8 Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff

1 Ra's al Ghul, Master Swordsman

1 Ra's al Ghul, The Demon's Head

4 Talia, Daughter of the Demon's Head


Plot Twists

2 Have a Blast!

4 The Demon's Head

4 Tower of Babel



4 Avalon Space Station

2 Latverian Embassy

1 Lazarus Pit

4 Lost City

4 Metropolis

4 Mountain Stronghold


Hector Gonzalez Escalona


4 Bizarro, Imperfect Duplicate

4 Charger, Power Conduit

4 Dominus, Tuoni

1 Doomsday, Armageddon Creature

3 Lex Luthor, Power Armor

4 Prankster, Oswald Loomis

2 Psimon, Dr. Simon Jones

4 Puppet Master, Philip Masters

4 Shimmer, Selinda Flinders

2 Silver Banshee, Siobhan McDougal


Plot Twists

4 Acrobatic Dodge

4 Blind Sided

4 Cover Fire

2 Marvel Team-Up

3 Pleasant Distraction

2 Revenge Pact

4 The Underworld Star

2 World's Finest



3 Unstable Molecules


Andres Fernandez


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

3 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

1 Hounds of Ahab, Army

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

8 Sentinel Mark II, Army

8 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

4 Cover Fire

3 Nasty Surprise

3 Not So Fast

4 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

4 Savage Beatdown

2 Total Anarchy



4 Genosha


Kevin Fernandez


1 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

2 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

2 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

2 Master Mold, Sentinel Supreme

1 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

2 Senator Kelly, Anti-Mutant Advocate

6 Sentinel Mark II, Army

4 Sentinel Mark III, Army

7 Sentinel Mark V, Army

1 Tri-Sentinel, Super Sentinel

13 Wild Sentinel, Army


Plot Twists

4 Cover Fire

2 Prime Sentinels

4 Reconstruction Program



3 Orbital Sentinel Base

3 South American Sentinel Base

3 Underground Sentinel Base


Oscar Madrid Fernandez


4 Alfred Pennyworth, Faithful Friend

1 Ant Man, Scott Lang

1 Barbara Gordon ◊ Oracle, Information Network

2 Batman, The Dark Knight

1 Commissioner Gordon, James Gordon

11 GCPD Officer, Army

1 Harvey Bullock, GCPD Detective

4 Invisible Woman, The Invisible Girl

4 Mr. Fantastic, Reed Richards

1 Spoiler, Stephanie Brown

1 Wyatt Wingfoot, Keewazi Adventurer


Plot Twists

4 A Child Named Valeria

4 Bat-Signal

4 Cosmic Radiation

2 Crowd Control

2 Detective Work

4 Fizzle

3 Have a Blast!

2 Marvel Team-Up

2 Press the Attack

2 World's Finest



1 Utility Belt


Rubed Fernandez-Sierra


4 Alfred Pennyworth, Faithful Friend

1 Apocalypse, En Sabah Nur

4 Barbara Gordon ◊ Oracle, Information Network

2 Batman, The Dark Knight

1 Commissioner Gordon, James Gordon

1 Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria

18 GCPD Officer, Army

1 Harvey Bullock, GCPD Detective


Plot Twists

4 Bat-Signal

1 Detective Work

2 Dynamic Duo

4 Fizzle

4 Flying Kick

2 Gone But Not Forgotten

2 Have a Blast!

2 Press the Attack



2 Clocktower

3 GCPD Headquarters

3 Wayne Manor


Rafael Ramon Fraga


4 Black Cat, Master Thief

4 Dagger, Tandy Bowen

1 Ezekiel, Spirit of the Spider

1 Hulk, New Fantastic Four

2 Human Torch, Hotshot

1 Invisible Woman, Sue Richards

2 Invisible Woman, Sue Storm

4 Mr. Fantastic, Stretch

3 She-Thing, Sharon Ventura

3 Spider-Man, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

1 Thing, The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing

1 Will O' The Wisp, Jackson Arvad


Plot Twists

4 Acrobatic Dodge

4 Cosmic Radiation

4 Marvel Team-Up

4 Nice Try!

2 Overload

4 Signal Flare

3 Spider Senses

3 Tech Upgrade



4 Advanced Hardware

1 Fantasticar


Emilio Fraile


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

1 Hounds of Ahab, Army

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

7 Sentinel Mark II, Army

7 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

4 Cover Fire

3 Nasty Surprise

3 Not So Fast

4 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

4 Savage Beatdown

3 Total Anarchy



4 Genosha


Jose Juan Ortiz Fuentes


4 Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom

4 Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius

1 Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria

3 Dr. Light, Arthur Light

1 Jinx, Elemental Sorceress

1 Kristoff Von Doom, The Boy Who Would Be Doom

2 Psimon, Dr. Simon Jones

4 Puppet Master, Philip Masters

3 Robot Destroyer, Army

3 Robot Sentry, Army

4 Shimmer, Selinda Flinders


Plot Twists

1 Devil's Due

3 Entangle

3 Faces of Doom

1 Gamma Bomb

1 Have a Blast!

2 Marvel Team-Up

3 Mystical Paralysis

1 Press the Attack

3 Reign of Terror

3 The Underworld Star

1 World's Finest



1 Avalon Space Station

3 Doom's Throne Room

4 Doomstadt


Diego Ayuso Galan


2 Ant Man, Scott Lang

1 Frankie Raye, Herald of Galactus

1 Franklin Richards, Child Prodigy

2 Human Torch, Hotshot

1 Invisible Woman, Sue Storm

4 Invisible Woman, The Invisible Girl

4 Mr. Fantastic, Reed Richards

2 Mr. Fantastic, Stretch

2 She-Thing, Sharon Ventura

2 Thing, Ben Grimm

1 Wyatt Wingfoot, Keewazi Adventurer


Plot Twists

4 A Child Named Valeria

1 Burn Rubber

4 Cosmic Radiation

1 Foiled

3 Signal Flare

2 Thinking Outside the Box



4 Antarctic Research Base

1 Baxter Building

1 Pier 4



4 Advanced Hardware

1 Fantasticar

4 Flamethrower

2 Personal Force Field

2 The Pogo Plane

4 Unstable Molecules

1 War Wagon


Florencio Galan


1 Bishop, Lucas Bishop

4 Blade, Eric Brooks

4 Dagger, Child of Light

1 Ghost Rider, Danny Ketch

1 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

2 Mimic, Calvin Rankin

2 Moon Knight, Marc Spector

1 Professor X, Mental Master

2 Punisher, Executioner

4 Sabretooth, Feral Rage

1 Spider-Man, The Spectacular Spider-Man

1 Stick, Leader of the Chaste

4 Sunfire, Shiro Yoshida

1 Wolverine, Berserker Rage

4 Wolverine, Logan


Plot Twists

3 Bamf!

4 Midnight Sons

2 Weapon of Choice

4 Wild Ride



4 Avalon Space Station

1 Danger Room

2 Lost City

1 Madripoor

3 Muir Island

1 Savage Land



2 Jetpack


Noel Ayuso Galan


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

1 Hounds of Ahab, Army

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

1 Master Mold, Sentinel Supreme

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

8 Sentinel Mark II, Army

8 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

4 Cover Fire

4 Nasty Surprise

4 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

4 Savage Beatdown

3 Total Anarchy



3 Genosha


Cesar Saugar Gallardo


4 Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom

4 Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius

1 Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria

2 Dr. Doom, Victor Von Doom

2 Hulk, New Fantastic Four

4 Mr. Fantastic, Stretch

1 Robot Destroyer, Army

3 She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters

1 Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

2 Sub-Mariner, Ally of Doom

4 Thing, Ben Grimm

1 Thing, Heavy Hitter

2 Thing, The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing


Plot Twists

2 Acrobatic Dodge

4 Common Enemy

4 Faces of Doom

2 Flame Trap

1 Gamma Bomb

1 Have a Blast!

2 It's Clobberin' Time!

2 Mystical Paralysis

2 Reign of Terror

2 Relocation

2 Signal Flare

1 The Power Cosmic



4 Doomstadt

2 Latveria

2 Latverian Embassy



3 Fantasticar


Felipe Gallardo


4 Longshot, Rebel Freedom Fighter

4 Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr

4 Magneto, Lord Magnus

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Superman, Blue

4 Superman, Clark Kent

4 Superman, Kal-El

2 Superman, Man of Steel

4 Superman, Red


Plot Twists

3 Global Domination

3 Have a Blast!

2 Insignificant Threat

3 Marvel Team-Up

2 Thinking Outside the Box



4 Avalon Space Station

4 Cadmus Labs

3 Lost City

2 Metropolis


Miguel Angel Lopez Galvez


3 Alicia Masters, Blind Sculptress

1 Human Torch, Hotshot

4 Human Torch, Johnny Storm

1 Human Torch, Super Nova

1 Invisible Woman, Sue Storm

4 Invisible Woman, The Invisible Girl

4 Mr. Fantastic, Reed Richards

1 Mr. Fantastic, Stretch

3 Roy Harper ◊ Speedy, Mercurial Marksman

3 Thing, Ben Grimm

1 Thing, Heavy Hitter

1 Thing, The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing


Plot Twists

4 A Child Named Valeria

3 Burn Rubber

4 Cosmic Radiation

3 Foiled

4 Signal Flare

4 Tech Upgrade



4 Antarctic Research Base

3 Four Freedoms Plaza



4 Advanced Hardware

2 The Pogo Plane

4 Unstable Molecules


Andres Sanchez Garcia


4 Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom

4 Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius

1 Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria

1 Dr. Doom, Victor Von Doom

1 Ghost Rider, New Fantastic Four

1 Hulk, New Fantastic Four

1 Mr. Fantastic, Scientific Genius

1 Purple Man, Zebediah Killgrave

1 Robot Destroyer, Army

3 She-Thing, Sharon Ventura

1 Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

1 Thing, Heavy Hitter

1 Thing, The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing

4 Valeria, Daughter of Doom


Plot Twists

2 Acrobatic Dodge

4 Common Enemy

1 Faces of Doom

1 Flame Trap

1 Have a Blast!

3 It's Clobberin' Time!

3 Mystical Paralysis

1 Overload

3 Reign of Terror

2 Savage Beatdown

4 Signal Flare



1 Doom's Throne Room

4 Doomstadt

2 Latverian Embassy



3 Kevlar Body Armor


Maria Garcia


2 Black Cat, Felicia Hardy

2 Daredevil, The Man Without Fear

1 Ezekiel, Spirit of the Spider

2 Jessica Drew ◊ Spider-Woman, Venom Blast

2 Nova, Richard Rider

3 Scarlet Spider ◊ Spider Man, Successor

4 Scarlet Spider, Ben Reilly

4 Spider-Man, Alien Symbiote

3 Spider-Man, Cosmic Spider-Man

4 Spider-Man, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

4 Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man

4 Will O' The Wisp, Jackson Arvad


Plot Twists

2 Burn Rubber

2 Costume Change

4 Finishing Move

2 Going My Way?

2 No Fear

4 Reconstruction Program

3 Spider Senses

4 Twist of Fate



1 Daily Bugle



1 Jetpack


Oscar Simon Garcia


4 Blade, Eric Brooks

3 Dagger, Child of Light

3 Daredevil, Matt Murdock

2 Dr. Strange, Stephen Strange

1 Invisible Woman, Sue Storm

3 Luke Cage, Street Enforcer

2 Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

1 Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man

3 Spider-Man, The Spectacular Spider-Man

4 Stick, Leader of the Chaste


Plot Twists

3 Blind Justice

4 Entangle

4 Fast Getaway

3 Gamma Bomb

3 Insignificant Threat

3 Midnight Sons

2 Rise from the Grave

2 Signal Flare

3 Swan Dive

3 Total Anarchy

4 Wild Ride


Thor Garcia


1 Connor Kent ◊ Superboy, Tactile Telekinetic

3 Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, Agent of Order

1 Dick Grayson ◊ Nightwing, Defender of Bludhaven

4 Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer

3 Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, Agent of Chaos

1 Koriand'r ◊ Starfire, Alien Princess

1 Raven, Daughter of Trigon

2 Red Star, Leonid Kovar

4 Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter

4 Terra, Tara Markov

4 Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective


Plot Twists

2 Finishing Move

2 Fizzle

3 Heroic Sacrifice

2 Ka-Boom!

3 Overload

2 Press the Attack

3 Savage Beatdown

4 Teen Titans Go!



2 Optitron

3 Tamaran

3 Titans Tower

3 USS Argus


Pablo Tobias Gavasa


4 Blade, Eric Brooks

4 Daredevil, Matt Murdock

2 Dr. Strange, Stephen Strange

2 Elektra, Elektra Natchios

3 Luke Cage, Power Man

1 Micro-Chip, LInus Lieberman

4 Moon Knight, Marc Spector

1 Punisher, Executioner

1 Punisher, Jury

1 Spider-Man, The Spectacular Spider-Man

4 Stick, Leader of the Chaste


Plot Twists

2 Blind Sided

3 Crime and Punishment

3 Flying Kick

3 Nasty Surprise

3 Not So Fast

3 Overload

4 Savage Beatdown

4 Surprise Attack

4 Wild Ride



3 Titanium Sword

1 War Wagon


Franceso Xavier Gelpi


2 Alfred Pennyworth, Faithful Friend

4 Bart Allen ◊ Kid Flash, Speedster

2 Batman, Caped Crusader

4 Beast Boy, Garfield Logan

2 Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, Agent of Order

2 Dick Grayson ◊ Nightwing, Defender of Bludhaven

1 Donna Troy ◊ Troia, Child of Myth

2 Donna Troy ◊ Wonder Girl, Amazon Warrior

3 Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer

2 Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, Agent of Chaos

3 Mirage, Miriam Delgado

1 Raven, Daughter of Trigon

1 Superman, Big Blue Boy Scout

2 Tim Drake ◊ Robin, The Boy Wonder


Plot Twists

4 Bat-Signal

4 Circle Defense

4 Dynamic Duo

3 Fizzle

2 Have a Blast!

3 Heroic Sacrifice

4 Teen Titans Go!

4 The Brave and the Bold



4 GCPD Headquarters


Cesar Munoz Gomez


4 Alfred Pennyworth, Faithful Friend

2 Apocalypse, En Sabah Nur

3 Barbara Gordon ◊ Oracle, Information Network

3 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

2 Batman, Caped Crusader

2 Batman, The Dark Knight

1 Cassandra Cain ◊ Batgirl ◊ Martial Artist

11 GCPD Officer, Army

2 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

3 Sentinel Mark II, Army

3 Sentinel Mark V, Army

2 Tri-Sentinel, Super Sentinel


Plot Twists

3 Bat-Signal

2 Blind Sided

2 Dynamic Duo

3 Fizzle

2 Marvel Team-Up

2 Press the Attack

3 Reconstruction Program

3 World's Finest



3 Clocktower



2 Utility Belt


Jose Luis Gonzalez


4 Longshot, Rebel Freedom Fighter

4 Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr

4 Magneto, Lord Magnus

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Sabretooth, Feral Rage

2 Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff

4 Superman, Clark Kent

4 Superman, Kal-El

4 Superman, Man of Steel

4 Superman, Red


Plot Twists

4 Marvel Team-Up

2 World's Finest



4 Avalon Space Station

3 Cadmus Labs

2 Genosha

4 Lost City

3 Monument to a Madman


Raul Gonzalez


4 Alfred Pennyworth, Faithful Friend

4 Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom

1 Commissioner Gordon, James Gordon

4 Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius

1 Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria

1 Dr. Hauptmann, Diabolic Inventor

3 Dr. Light, Arthur Light

8 GCPD Officer, Army

1 Psimon, Dr. Simon Jones

3 Robot Sentry, Army

4 Shimmer, Selinda Flinders


Plot Twists

4 Bat-Signal

1 Finishing Move

3 Fizzle

1 Have a Blast!

4 Marvel Team-Up

4 Mystical Paralysis

1 Press the Attack

3 Reign of Terror

1 The Underworld Star

3 World's Finest



1 Power Compressor


Pablo Grande


2 Apocalypse, En Sabah Nur

4 Beast, Dr. Henry McCoy

4 Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom

4 Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius

1 Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria

1 Dr. Doom, Victor Von Doom

4 Puppet Master, Philip Masters

4 Robot Destroyer, Army

2 Sub-Mariner, Ally of Doom


Plot Twists

3 Burn Rubber

4 Faces of Doom

1 Flame Trap

1 Gamma Bomb

1 Have a Blast!

4 Mystical Paralysis

2 Overload

1 Reconstruction Program

4 Reign of Terror



2 Avalon Space Station

3 Doom's Throne Room

4 Doomstadt

4 Latveria


Sergio Munoz Guillen


4 Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom

4 Darkoth, Major Desmund Pitt

4 Doom-Bot, Army

4 Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius

1 Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria

1 Dr. Doom, Victor Von Doom

4 Puppet Master, Philip Masters

3 Robot Destroyer, Army

3 Sub-Mariner, Ally of Doom


Plot Twists

1 Burn Rubber

3 Faces of Doom

1 Flame Trap

3 Flying Kick

1 Gamma Bomb

2 Have a Blast!

4 Mystical Paralysis

2 Overload

3 Reign of Terror

1 Relocation

3 Savage Beatdown



4 Doomstadt

2 Latveria

1 Latverian Embassy


Luis Enrique Guirao


3 Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, Agent of Order

1 Dick Grayson ◊ Nightwing, Defender of Bludhaven

2 Donna Troy ◊ Troia, Child of Myth

4 Donna Troy ◊ Wonder Girl, Amazon Warrior

4 Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer

1 Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, Agent of Chaos

1 Koriand'r ◊ Starfire, Alien Princess

4 Pantha, Subject X-24

1 Raven, Daughter of Trigon

4 Red Star, Leonid Kovar

3 Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter

3 Terra, Tara Markov

4 Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective


Plot Twists

3 Heat Vision

3 Heroic Sacrifice

2 Ka-Boom!

3 No Fear

3 Savage Beatdown

4 Teen Titans Go!



3 Tamaran

4 Titans Tower


Demetrio Gutierrez


4 Alfred Pennyworth, Faithful Friend

1 Ant Man, Scott Lang

1 Barbara Gordon ◊ Oracle, Information Network

2 Batman, The Dark Knight

13 GCPD Officer, Army

1 Harvey Bullock, GCPD Detective

4 Invisible Woman, The Invisible Girl

4 Mr. Fantastic, Reed Richards

1 Spoiler, Stephanie Brown

1 Wyatt Wingfoot, Keewazi Adventurer


Plot Twists

4 A Child Named Valeria

4 Bat-Signal

4 Cosmic Radiation

2 Crowd Control

4 Fizzle

4 Marvel Team-Up

2 Press the Attack

1 Stopped Cold

1 Tech Upgrade



2 Utility Belt


Luis Eduardo Martin Hernandez


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

2 Hounds of Ahab, Army

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

7 Sentinel Mark II, Army

4 Sentinel Mark III, Army

6 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

4 Acrobatic Dodge

2 Betrayal

4 Cover Fire

4 Nasty Surprise

3 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

3 Savage Beatdown



3 Genosha


Daniel Sales Herrero


4 Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom

4 Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius

1 Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria

1 Dr. Doom, Victor Von Doom

4 Dr. Light, Arthur Light

3 Psimon, Dr. Simon Jones

4 Robot Destroyer, Army

4 Robot Sentry, Army

4 Shimmer, Selinda Flinders


Plot Twists

3 Faces of Doom

3 Gamma Bomb

2 Marvel Team-Up

4 Mystical Paralysis

2 Pleasant Distraction

4 Reign of Terror

3 The Underworld Star

2 World's Finest



4 Doomstadt

4 Latveria


Nacho Higueras


4 Alfred Pennyworth, Faithful Friend

1 Batman, Caped Crusader

4 Beast Boy, Garfield Logan

1 Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, Agent of Order

1 Dick Grayson ◊ Nightwing, Defender of Bludhaven

1 Dick Grayson ◊ Nightwing, High-Flying Acrobat

4 Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer

1 Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, Agent of Chaos

1 Jason Todd ◊ Robin, Crime Fighter

4 Mirage, Miriam Delgado

2 Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter

1 Roy Harper ◊ Speedy, Mercurial Marksman

4 Terra, Tara Markov


Plot Twists

3 Bat-Signal

1 Detective Work

3 Dynamic Duo

4 Fizzle

2 Heroic Sacrifice

4 Teen Titans Go!

4 The Brave and the Bold



2 Metropolis

4 Optitron

3 USS Argus



1 Utility Belt


Jorge De La Hoz


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

1 Hounds of Ahab, Army

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

1 Master Mold, Sentinel Supreme

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

6 Sentinel Mark II, Army

2 Sentinel Mark III, Army

8 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

4 Cover Fire

2 Finishing Move

4 Nasty Surprise

4 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

4 Savage Beatdown



4 Genosha


Roberto Iglesias


2 Emma Frost, Headmistress of Xavier's Academy

2 Imperiex, The Beginning and The End

3 Jean Grey, Marvel Girl

4 Jean Grey, Phoenix Force

2 Mimic, Calvin Rankin

2 Professor X, Charles Xavier

1 Professor X, Mental Master

2 Professor X, World's Most Powerful Telepath

4 Puppet Master, Philip Masters

4 Rogue, Power Absorption

3 Sunfire, Shiro Yoshida

4 Wolverine, Logan


Plot Twists

4 Acrobatic Dodge

4 Burn Rubber

2 Children of the Atom

2 Overload

4 Pleasant Distraction

3 Press the Attack

1 Xavier's Dream



4 Cerebro

3 X-Corporation


Iraki Irna


2 Daredevil, The Man Without Fear

4 Dusk, Cassie St. Commons

4 Ezekiel, Spirit of the Spider

4 Jessica Drew ◊ Spider-Woman, Venom Blast

2 Julia Carpenter ◊ Spider-Woman, Web Weaver

4 Ricochet, Johnny Gallo

4 Scarlet Spider, Ben Reilly

4 Spider-Man, Alien Symbiote

4 Will O' The Wisp, Jackson Arvad


Plot Twists

4 Acrobatic Dodge

3 Finishing Move

3 Flying Kick

4 Last Stand

4 Nice Try!

2 Overload

4 Spider Senses



4 Daily Bugle


Miguel Angel Jaraiz


1 Avalanche, Dominic Petros

2 Destiny, Irene Adler

2 Lorelei, Savage Land Mutate

4 Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr

2 Mastermind, Jason Wyngarde

2 Phantazia, Eileen Harsaw

3 Pyro, St. John Allerdyce

2 Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff

2 Rogue, Anna Raven

4 Sabretooth, Feral Rage

2 Sauron, Dr. Karl Lykos

2 Scarlet Witch, Eldritch Enchantress

2 Thornn, Feral Hunter

2 Toad, Mortimer Toynbee


Plot Twists

4 Not So Fast

4 Savage Beatdown

4 Surprise Attack

4 The Mutant Menace

4 The New Brotherhood



4 Genosha

4 Savage Land


Borja Jimenez


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

1 Hounds of Ahab, Army

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

8 Sentinel Mark II, Army

1 Sentinel Mark III, Army

8 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

4 Cover Fire

4 Nasty Surprise

4 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

4 Savage Beatdown

2 Total Anarchy



4 Genosha


David Fernandez Del Lano


2 Apocalypse, En Sabah Nur

2 Bane, The Man Who Broke the Bat

4 Charaxes, Drury Walker

4 Killer Croc, Waylon Jones

4 Mad Hatter, Jarvis Tetch

4 Man-Bat, Dr. Robert Langstrom

4 Mr. Freeze, Dr. Victor Fries

4 Puppet Master, Philip Masters

1 Scarecrow, Professor Jonathan Crane

4 The Joker, The Clown Prince of Crime


Plot Twists

4 Crushing Blow

3 Entangle

4 Fear and Confusion

3 Female Furies

2 Overload

3 Prison Break

3 Smiles, Everyone!



3 Arkham Asylum

2 No Man's Land


Luis Alberto Leal


4 Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom

2 Darkoth, Major Desmund Pitt

4 Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius

2 Hulk, New Fantastic Four

2 Luke Cage, Hero for Hire

3 Mr. Fantastic, Stretch

3 She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters

3 She-Thing, Sharon Ventura

1 Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

2 Sub-Mariner, Ally of Doom

1 Thing, Heavy Hitter

1 Thing, The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing

1 Valeria, Daughter of Doom


Plot Twists

4 Common Enemy

1 Diplomatic Immunity

2 Faces of Doom

1 Have a Blast!

4 It's Clobberin' Time!

4 Mystical Paralysis

3 Reign of Terror

4 Signal Flare



2 Doom's Throne Room

4 Doomstadt

2 Latverian Embassy



3 Power Compressor


Pablo Triguero Llopes


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

4 Hounds of Ahab, Army

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

6 Sentinel Mark II, Army

3 Sentinel Mark III, Army

10 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

2 Acrobatic Dodge

4 Cover Fire

4 Nasty Surprise

4 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

2 Savage Beatdown

2 Search and Destroy



3 Genosha


Paco Llopis


2 Avalanche, Dominic Petros

2 Darkoth, Major Desmund Pitt

1 Lorelei, Savage Land Mutate

2 Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr

1 Mastermind, Jason Wyngarde

3 Mystique, Raven Darkholme

2 Phantazia, Eileen Harsaw

2 Pyro, St. John Allerdyce

1 Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff

1 Quicksilver, Speed Demon

2 Rogue, Anna Raven

4 Sabretooth, Feral Rage

1 Sauron, Dr. Karl Lykos

2 Thornn, Feral Hunter

2 Toad, Mortimer Toynbee

2 Unus, Angelo Unuscione


Plot Twists

1 Circle Defense

2 Flying Kick

3 Heat Vision

2 Ka-Boom!

2 Not So Fast

4 Path of Destruction

4 Savage Beatdown

4 The New Brotherhood



4 Genosha

4 Savage Land


Pedro Muro Lobello


3 Destiny, Irene Adler

3 Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr

4 Pyro, St. John Allerdyce

3 Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff

3 Quicksilver, Speed Demon

3 Rogue, Anna Raven

4 Sabretooth, Feral Rage

2 Sauron, Dr. Karl Lykos

4 Thornn, Feral Hunter

3 Toad, Mortimer Toynbee


Plot Twists

2 Blind Sided

3 Flying Kick

4 Ka-Boom!

4 Savage Beatdown

4 The New Brotherhood



4 Avalon Space Station

3 Genosha

4 Lost City


Alfredo De Sodar Lopez


2 Apocalypse, En Sabah Nur

3 Blob, Fred Dukes

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Mystique, Raven Darkholme

3 Mystique, Shape-Changing Assassin

4 Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff

3 Quicksilver, Speed Demon

4 Sabretooth, Feral Rage

3 Sabretooth, Victor Creed

4 Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff


Plot Twists

3 Flame Trap

4 Insignificant Threat

3 Not So Fast

2 Rise to Power

4 Shape Change

3 Total Anarchy



4 Avalon Space Station

4 Lost City


David Lopez Lopez


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

2 Hounds of Ahab, Army

3 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

3 Sentinel Mark I, Army

7 Sentinel Mark II, Army

7 Sentinel Mark V, Army

1 Tri-Sentinel, Super Sentinel


Plot Twists

4 Cover Fire

4 Nasty Surprise

4 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

4 Savage Beatdown

3 Total Anarchy



3 Genosha


Emilio Lopez


1 Avalanche, Dominic Petros

2 Destiny, Irene Adler

2 Lorelei, Savage Land Mutate

4 Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr

2 Mastermind, Jason Wyngarde

2 Phantazia, Eileen Harsaw

3 Pyro, St. John Allerdyce

2 Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff

2 Rogue, Anna Raven

4 Sabretooth, Feral Rage

2 Sauron, Dr. Karl Lykos

2 Scarlet Witch, Eldritch Enchantress

2 Thornn, Feral Hunter

1 Toad, Mortimer Toynbee

1 Unus, Angelo Unuscione


Plot Twists

4 Not So Fast

4 Savage Beatdown

4 Surprise Attack

4 The Mutant Menace

4 The New Brotherhood



4 Genosha

4 Savage Land


Roque Lopez


4 Alfred Pennyworth, Faithful Friend

4 Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom

1 Dick Grayson ◊ Nightwing, High-Flying Acrobat

4 Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius

1 Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria

1 Dr. Hauptmann, Diabolic Inventor

3 Dr. Light, Arthur Light

10 GCPD Officer, Army

1 Psimon, Dr. Simon Jones

3 Robot Sentry, Army

4 Shimmer, Selinda Flinders


Plot Twists

4 Bat-Signal

1 Devil's Due

2 Fizzle

1 Have a Blast!

3 Marvel Team-Up

1 Meltdown

4 Mystical Paralysis

1 Press the Attack

3 Reign of Terror

1 The Underworld Star

3 World's Finest



1 Power Compressor


Alberto Malkas


4 Alfred Pennyworth, Faithful Friend

2 Batman, Caped Crusader

3 Cassandra Cain ◊ Batgirl ◊ Martial Artist

2 Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, Agent of Order

4 Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer

4 GCPD Officer, Army

2 Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, Agent of Chaos

3 Huntress, Helena Rosa Bertinelli

2 Mirage, Miriam Delgado

2 Red Star, Leonid Kovar

4 Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter

1 Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective


Plot Twists

4 Bat-Signal

2 Dynamic Duo

1 Fizzle

2 Heroic Sacrifice

1 Press the Attack

4 Teen Titans Go!

4 The Brave and the Bold

1 World's Finest



4 GCPD Headquarters

1 Optitron

3 USS Argus


Daniel Martinez Marcilla


3 Archangel, Angel of Death

3 Hulk, New Fantastic Four

2 Human Torch, Hotshot

2 Invisible Woman, Sue Storm

3 Luke Cage, Hero for Hire

2 Mr. Fantastic, Scientific Genius

2 Nightcrawler, Kurt Wagner

1 Professor X, Mental Master

2 Professor X, World's Most Powerful Telepath

3 Rogue, Power Absorption

3 She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters

1 Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

2 Thing, Heavy Hitter

3 Wolverine, Logan


Plot Twists

4 Acrobatic Dodge

2 Bamf!

4 Cosmic Radiation

4 Fastball Special

1 Flying Kick

4 Heroes United

3 It's Clobberin' Time!

3 Marvel Team-Up

1 Savage Beatdown

4 Signal Flare



1 The Blackbird


Jamie Marrero


1 Cassie Sandsmark ◊ Wonder Girl, Zeus's Chosen

1 Connor Kent ◊ Superboy, Tactile Telekinetic

3 Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, Agent of Order

4 Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer

3 Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, Agent of Chaos

1 Koriand'r ◊ Starfire, Alien Princess

3 Red Star, Leonid Kovar

4 Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter

1 Roy Harper ◊ Speedy, Mercurial Marksman

4 Terra, Tara Markov

4 Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective


Plot Twists

3 Finishing Move

3 Foiled

2 Heroic Sacrifice

2 Overload

3 Press the Attack

3 Savage Beatdown

4 Teen Titans Go!



2 Optitron

3 Tamaran

3 Titans Tower

3 USS Argus


Daniel Martin


2 Emma Frost, Headmistress of Xavier's Academy

3 Jean Grey, Marvel Girl

4 Jean Grey, Phoenix Force

3 Mimic, Calvin Rankin

1 Onslaught, Psionic Spawn of Xavier and Magneto

3 Professor X, Charles Xavier

2 Professor X, Mental Master

3 Professor X, World's Most Powerful Telepath

4 Puppet Master, Philip Masters

4 Rogue, Power Absorption

4 Sunfire, Shiro Yoshida

4 Wolverine, Logan


Plot Twists

4 Acrobatic Dodge

3 Burn Rubber

3 Children of the Atom

4 Pleasant Distraction



2 Avalon Space Station

4 Cerebro

3 X-Corporation


Ignacio Martin


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

1 Hounds of Ahab, Army

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

7 Sentinel Mark II, Army

7 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

4 Cover Fire

4 Nasty Surprise

1 Not So Fast

4 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

4 Savage Beatdown

3 Total Anarchy



4 Genosha

1 Latverian Embassy


Sergio Fuentes Martin


4 Darkoth, Major Desmund Pitt

4 Destiny, Irene Adler

4 Lorelei, Savage Land Mutate

4 Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr

4 Pyro, St. John Allerdyce

4 Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff

4 Rogue, Anna Raven

3 Sabretooth, Feral Rage

3 Toad, Mortimer Toynbee


Plot Twists

4 Flying Kick

2 Ka-Boom!

2 Mega-Blast

2 Not So Fast

1 Overload

1 Savage Beatdown

4 Surprise Attack

4 The New Brotherhood



2 Genosha

4 Savage Land


Soledad Gomez Martin


1 Connor Kent ◊ Superboy, Tactile Telekinetic

3 Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, Agent of Order

4 Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer

3 Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, Agent of Chaos

1 Koriand'r ◊ Starfire, Alien Princess

3 Red Star, Leonid Kovar

4 Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter

1 Roy Harper ◊ Speedy, Mercurial Marksman

4 Terra, Tara Markov

4 Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective


Plot Twists

2 Finishing Move

2 Fizzle

2 Heroic Sacrifice

2 Ka-Boom!

3 Mega-Blast

3 Overload

3 Press the Attack

3 Teen Titans Go!



3 Optitron

3 Tamaran

3 Titans Tower

3 USS Argus


Pablo Arias Mesa


4 Alfred Pennyworth, Faithful Friend

4 Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom

4 Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius

1 Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria

1 Dr. Hauptmann, Diabolic Inventor

3 Dr. Light, Arthur Light

8 GCPD Officer, Army

1 Harvey Bullock, GCPD Detective

1 Psimon, Dr. Simon Jones

3 Robot Sentry, Army

4 Shimmer, Selinda Flinders


Plot Twists

4 Bat-Signal

1 Devil's Due

1 Finishing Move

3 Fizzle

1 Have a Blast!

3 Marvel Team-Up

4 Mystical Paralysis

1 Press the Attack

3 Reign of Terror

1 The Underworld Star

3 World's Finest



1 Power Compressor


Rodrigo Gonzalez Miranda


4 Alfred Pennyworth, Faithful Friend

2 Batman, Caped Crusader

4 Beast Boy, Garfield Logan

3 Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, Agent of Order

1 Dick Grayson ◊ Nightwing, High-Flying Acrobat

4 Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer

3 GCPD Officer, Army

3 Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, Agent of Chaos

1 Jason Todd ◊ Robin, Crime Fighter

4 Mirage, Miriam Delgado

1 Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter


Plot Twists

3 Bat-Signal

1 Betrayal

1 Detective Work

4 Dynamic Duo

4 Fizzle

1 Have a Blast!

3 Heroic Sacrifice

4 Teen Titans Go!

4 The Brave and the Bold



4 GCPD Headquarters

1 Optitron


Dimas Miura


3 Hulk, New Fantastic Four

4 Human Torch, Hotshot

4 Lockjaw, Inhuman

4 Luke Cage, Hero for Hire

4 Mr. Fantastic, Stretch

4 She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters

1 She-Thing, Sharon Ventura

4 Thing, Ben Grimm

2 Thing, The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing


Plot Twists

4 Cosmic Radiation

3 Have a Blast!

4 It's Clobberin' Time!

3 Nasty Surprise

3 Savage Beatdown

4 Signal Flare

4 Tech Upgrade



2 Advanced Hardware

1 Fantasticar

2 War Wagon


Sautiago Moldon


3 Avalanche, Dominic Petros

1 Darkoth, Major Desmund Pitt

2 Destiny, Irene Adler

3 Lorelei, Savage Land Mutate

4 Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr

3 Phantazia, Eileen Harsaw

3 Pyro, St. John Allerdyce

2 Reaper, Vampire Armageddon

2 Rogue, Anna Raven

4 Sabretooth, Feral Rage

3 Toad, Mortimer Toynbee


Plot Twists

2 Flying Kick

1 Insignificant Threat

3 Ka-Boom!

3 Mega-Blast

3 Overload

4 Savage Beatdown

4 The New Brotherhood



4 Genosha

4 Savage Land



2 Jetpack


Pablo Molina


4 Blade, Eric Brooks

3 Dagger, Child of Light

3 Daredevil, Matt Murdock

2 Dr. Strange, Stephen Strange

1 Invisible Woman, Sue Storm

3 Luke Cage, Street Enforcer

2 Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

1 Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man

3 Spider-Man, The Spectacular Spider-Man

4 Stick, Leader of the Chaste


Plot Twists

3 Blind Justice

4 Entangle

4 Fast Getaway

3 Gamma Bomb

3 Insignificant Threat

3 Midnight Sons

2 Rise from the Grave

2 Signal Flare

3 Swan Dive

3 Total Anarchy

4 Wild Ride


Diego De Jodar Montesinos


1 Beast Boy, Garfield Logan

1 Cassie Sandsmark ◊ Wonder Girl, Zeus's Chosen

3 Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, Agent of Order

4 Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer

3 Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, Agent of Chaos

1 Koriand'r ◊ Starfire, Alien Princess

4 Red Star, Leonid Kovar

4 Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter

3 Terra, Tara Markov

4 Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective


Plot Twists

2 Betrayal

2 Foiled

1 Have a Blast!

2 Heroic Sacrifice

3 Overload

4 Press the Attack

2 Savage Beatdown

4 Teen Titans Go!



2 Optitron

4 Tamaran

3 Titans Tower

2 USS Argus



2 War Wagon


Pablo Nestares


2 Avalanche, Dominic Petros

4 Longshot, Rebel Freedom Fighter

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Rogue, Anna Raven

4 Rogue, Power Absorption

4 Rogue, Powerhouse

4 Wolverine, Berserker Rage

4 Wolverine, James Howlett

4 Wolverine, Logan


Plot Twists

4 Bamf!

2 Global Domination

4 Mutant Nation



4 Avalon Space Station

2 Cerebro

4 Genosha

4 Lost City

2 Metropolis


Federico Martin Nieto


1 Ghost Rider, New Fantastic Four

3 Hulk, New Fantastic Four

2 Invisible Woman, Sue Storm

3 Medusa, Inhuman

2 Mr. Fantastic, Scientific Genius

4 She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters

4 She-Thing, Sharon Ventura

2 Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

4 Thing, Heavy Hitter

1 Thing, The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing

4 Wolverine, New Fantastic Four


Plot Twists

3 Acrobatic Dodge

4 It's Clobberin' Time!

3 Nasty Surprise

2 Not So Fast

4 Overload

4 Savage Beatdown

4 Signal Flare

3 Total Anarchy



3 Kevlar Body Armor


Oscar Nieto


1 Beast Boy, Garfield Logan

3 Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, Agent of Order

4 Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer

3 Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, Agent of Chaos

2 Koriand'r ◊ Starfire, Alien Princess

4 Pantha, Subject X-24

2 Red Star, Leonid Kovar

4 Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter

1 Roy Harper ◊ Speedy, Mercurial Marksman

4 Terra, Tara Markov

4 Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective


Plot Twists

4 Finishing Move

3 Heroic Sacrifice

4 Press the Attack

4 Teen Titans Go!



3 Optitron

4 Tamaran

2 Titans Tower

4 USS Argus


Ivan Pastor Nieves


4 Alfred Pennyworth, Faithful Friend

1 Batman, Caped Crusader

1 Commissioner Gordon, James Gordon

1 Connor Kent ◊ Superboy, Tactile Telekinetic

3 Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, Agent of Order

2 Dick Grayson ◊ Nightwing, High-Flying Acrobat

2 Donna Troy ◊ Wonder Girl, Amazon Warrior

2 Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer

6 GCPD Officer, Army

3 Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, Agent of Chaos

1 Jason Todd ◊ Robin, Crime Fighter

3 Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter

1 Superman, Big Blue Boy Scout


Plot Twists

3 Bat-Signal

1 Detective Work

2 Dynamic Duo

4 Fizzle

2 Have a Blast!

3 Heroic Sacrifice

1 Overload

2 Press the Attack

3 Teen Titans Go!

4 The Brave and the Bold

1 Unmasked



3 GCPD Headquarters



1 Utility Belt


Javier Prada Olivades


3 Hulk, New Fantastic Four

1 Human Torch, Hotshot

1 Invisible Woman, Sue Richards

4 Invisible Woman, Sue Storm

3 Luke Cage, Hero for Hire

1 Mr. Fantastic, Scientific Genius

3 Mr. Fantastic, Stretch

2 She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters

2 She-Thing, Sharon Ventura

1 Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

3 Thing, Ben Grimm

2 Thing, Heavy Hitter

3 Thing, The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing

1 Wolverine, New Fantastic Four


Plot Twists

4 Acrobatic Dodge

2 Blind Sided

2 Combat Reflexes

3 Flying Kick

3 It's Clobberin' Time!

1 Mega-Blast

2 Overload

3 Relocation

1 Savage Beatdown

4 Signal Flare

2 Tag Team



3 Fantasticar


Andres Ortega


1 Ghost Rider, New Fantastic Four

3 Hulk, New Fantastic Four

2 Invisible Woman, Sue Storm

3 Medusa, Inhuman

2 Mr. Fantastic, Scientific Genius

4 She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters

4 She-Thing, Sharon Ventura

2 Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

4 Thing, Heavy Hitter

1 Thing, The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing

4 Wolverine, New Fantastic Four


Plot Twists

3 Acrobatic Dodge

4 It's Clobberin' Time!

3 Nasty Surprise

2 Not So Fast

4 Overload

4 Savage Beatdown

4 Signal Flare

3 Total Anarchy



2 Kevlar Body Armor


Lea Ortega


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

3 Hounds of Ahab, Army

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

8 Sentinel Mark II, Army

2 Sentinel Mark III, Army

7 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

4 Cover Fire

2 Finishing Move

3 Nasty Surprise

3 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

4 Savage Beatdown

3 Tag Team



4 Genosha


Pablo Perez Palacio


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

9 Sentinel Mark II, Army

9 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

3 A Death in the Family

4 Cover Fire

4 Nasty Surprise

4 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

4 Savage Beatdown

3 Total Anarchy



4 Genosha


Angel Andres Palau


4 Barbara Gordon ◊ Oracle, Information Network

4 Blob, Fred Dukes

4 Dick Grayson ◊ Nightwing, Defender of Bludhaven

4 Dick Grayson ◊ Nightwing, High-Flying Acrobat

3 Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr

1 Magneto, Lord Magnus

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Rogue, Anna Raven

3 Scarlet Witch, Eldritch Enchantress

4 Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff


Plot Twists

3 Bat-Signal

4 Fizzle

2 Insignificant Threat

1 Marvel Team-Up

1 Tech Upgrade



4 Avalon Space Station

4 Lost City

4 Metropolis



2 Utility Belt


Juan Palomo


1 Blob, Fred Dukes

4 Destiny, Irene Adler

3 Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr

4 Pyro, St. John Allerdyce

3 Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff

4 Quicksilver, Speed Demon

4 Rogue, Anna Raven

4 Sabretooth, Feral Rage

4 Toad, Mortimer Toynbee


Plot Twists

2 Blind Sided

4 Flying Kick

2 Ka-Boom!

2 Not So Fast

4 Savage Beatdown

4 The New Brotherhood

2 Weapon of Choice



3 Avalon Space Station

4 Genosha

3 Savage Land


Jose Manuel Puelles Parcet


4 Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom

4 Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius

1 Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria

2 Dr. Doom, Victor Von Doom

2 Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr

3 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

3 Mimic, Calvin Rankin

4 Puppet Master, Philip Masters

4 Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff

3 Quicksilver, Speed Demon

1 Robot Destroyer, Army


Plot Twists

4 Faces of Doom

1 Flying Kick

2 Insignificant Threat

2 Marvel Team-Up

4 Mystical Paralysis

2 Pleasant Distraction

1 Press the Attack

2 Reign of Terror

2 World's Finest



3 Avalon Space Station

4 Doomstadt

1 Latverian Embassy

3 Lost City


Miguel Parras


4 Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom

2 Darkoth, Major Desmund Pitt

4 Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius

1 Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria

1 Ghost Rider, New Fantastic Four

2 Hulk, New Fantastic Four

1 Mr. Fantastic, Scientific Genius

1 Robot Destroyer, Army

4 She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters

4 She-Thing, Sharon Ventura

1 Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

1 Thing, Heavy Hitter

1 Thing, The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing


Plot Twists

2 Betrayal

4 Common Enemy

1 Faces of Doom

1 Flame Trap

1 Have a Blast!

3 It's Clobberin' Time!

3 Mystical Paralysis

3 Reign of Terror

2 Savage Beatdown

4 Signal Flare

1 Unmasked



4 Doomstadt

2 Latverian Embassy



3 Kevlar Body Armor


Diego Pastor


2 Beast Boy, Garfield Logan

2 Cassie Sandsmark ◊ Wonder Girl, Zeus's Chosen

2 Connor Kent ◊ Superboy, Tactile Telekinetic

2 Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, Agent of Order

1 Donna Troy ◊ Troia, Child of Myth

2 Donna Troy ◊ Wonder Girl, Amazon Warrior

4 Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer

1 Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, Agent of Chaos

2 Koriand'r ◊ Starfire, Alien Princess

3 Pantha, Subject X-24

2 Raven, Daughter of Trigon

4 Red Star, Leonid Kovar

4 Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter

1 Terra, Tara Markov

4 Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective


Plot Twists

1 Circle Defense

3 Combat Reflexes

4 Heroic Sacrifice

3 Mega-Blast

2 Not So Fast

2 Press the Attack

4 Teen Titans Go!



1 Optitron

3 Tamaran

3 Titans Tower


David Gonzalez Paz


4 Alfred Pennyworth, Faithful Friend

4 Barbara Gordon ◊ Oracle, Information Network

1 Batman, The Dark Knight

4 Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom

1 Dick Grayson ◊ Nightwing, Defender of Bludhaven

4 Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius

1 Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria

1 Lady Shiva, Sandra Woosan

1 Sub-Mariner, Ally of Doom

1 Superman, Big Blue Boy Scout


Plot Twists

3 Acrobatic Dodge

4 Bat-Signal

2 Betrayal

2 Detective Work

1 Faces of Doom

4 Fizzle

1 Flame Trap

2 Have a Blast!

1 Marvel Team-Up

4 Mystical Paralysis

2 Press the Attack

2 Reign of Terror

1 Unmasked

3 World's Finest



1 Avalon Space Station

1 Batcave

1 Doom's Throne Room

2 Latverian Embassy



1 Utility Belt


David De Peque


4 Alfred Pennyworth, Faithful Friend

1 Ant Man, Scott Lang

1 Barbara Gordon ◊ Oracle, Information Network

2 Batman, The Dark Knight

12 GCPD Officer, Army

1 Harvey Bullock, GCPD Detective

4 Invisible Woman, The Invisible Girl

4 Mr. Fantastic, Reed Richards

1 Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

1 Spoiler, Stephanie Brown

1 Wyatt Wingfoot, Keewazi Adventurer


Plot Twists

4 A Child Named Valeria

4 Bat-Signal

4 Cosmic Radiation

2 Crowd Control

4 Fizzle

4 Press the Attack

1 Royal Decree

3 World's Finest



2 Utility Belt


Daniel Pere


4 Black Cat, Master Thief

4 Daredevil, The Man Without Fear

4 Ezekiel, Spirit of the Spider

4 Nova, Richard Rider

4 Ricochet, Johnny Gallo

4 Rocket Racer, Robert Farrell

4 Spider-Man, Alien Symbiote

4 Spider-Man, Cosmic Spider-Man

4 Will O' The Wisp, Jackson Arvad


Plot Twists

2 Fun and Games

4 Nice Try!

2 Savage Beatdown

4 Spider Senses

2 Ultimate Sacrifice



2 Daily Bugle

3 ESU Science Lab


Carlos Vivas Perez


2 Assassin Initiate, Army

4 Bane, Ubu

4 Bronze Tiger, Benjamin Turner

1 Hassim, Loyal REtainer

2 Kyle Abbot, Wolf in Man's Clothing

2 Lady Shiva, Master Assassin

4 Merlyn, Deadly Archer

2 Ra's al Ghul, Immortal Villain

3 Ra's al Ghul, Master Swordsman

1 Ra's al Ghul, The Demon's Head

2 Terrax, Tyros

4 Ubu, Ra's al Ghul's Bodyguard


Plot Twists

4 Acrobatic Dodge

4 The Demon's Head

4 Tower of Babel



2 Avalon Space Station

2 Clocktower

2 Flying Fortress

4 Lazarus Pit

4 Mountain Stronghold

3 Pit of Madness


Eduardo Perez


1 Assassin Initiate, Army

3 Bane, Ubu

2 Dr. Light, Arthur Light

3 Jinx, Elemental Sorceress

1 Kyle Abbot, Wolf in Man's Clothing

1 Lady Shiva, Master Assassin

2 Mammoth, Baran Flinders

2 Merlyn, Deadly Archer

1 Psimon, Dr. Simon Jones

1 Ra's al Ghul, Master Swordsman

1 Ra's al Ghul, The Demon's Head

3 Shimmer, Selinda Flinders

2 Talia, Daughter of the Demon's Head

5 Thuggee, Army

3 Ubu, Ra's al Ghul's Bodyguard


Plot Twists

2 Acrobatic Dodge

2 Advance Recon

1 Flying Kick

2 Overload

2 Savage Beatdown

3 The Underworld Star

3 Tower of Babel



2 Avalon Space Station

1 ESU Science Lab

2 Flying Fortress

4 Lazarus Pit

4 Metropolis

4 Mountain Stronghold

1 Pit of Madness


Roberto Jose Perez


2 Blob, Fred Dukes

3 Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr

2 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

3 Mystique, Raven Darkholme

3 Mystique, Shape-Changing Assassin

3 Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff

3 Quicksilver, Speed Demon

4 Sabretooth, Feral Rage

3 Sabretooth, Victor Creed

3 Scarlet Witch, Eldritch Enchantress

3 Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff


Plot Twists

2 Betrayal

2 Foiled

2 Global Domination

3 Insignificant Threat

1 Rise to Power

3 Savage Beatdown

3 Total Anarchy

1 Weapon of Choice



4 Avalon Space Station

3 Genosha

4 Lost City


Salvador Picot


4 Atomic Skull, Joe Martin

1 Bizarro, Imperfect Duplicate

3 Brainiac 2.5, Vrill Dox

2 Doomsday, Armageddon Creature

1 Eradicator, Doctor David Connor

1 General Zod, Ruler of Pokolistan

1 Gog, Nemesis

4 Hank Henshaw ◊ Cyborg, Evil Imposter

2 Hope, Amazon Bodyguard

3 Lex Luthor, Power Armor

4 Lex Luthor, President Luthor

2 Massacre, Alien Bounty Hunter

2 Mercy, Amazon Bodyguard

4 Prankster, Oswald Loomis

2 Reaper, Vampire Armageddon


Plot Twists

2 Acrobatic Dodge

2 Concrete Jungle

2 Feeding Time!

2 Gone But Not Forgotten

3 Mega-Blast

3 Revenge Pact

3 State of the Union

2 Total Anarchy

3 Toy Soldiers



2 Phantom Zone


Ezequiel Prego


1 Cassie Sandsmark ◊ Wonder Girl, Zeus's Chosen

1 Connor Kent ◊ Superboy, Tactile Telekinetic

3 Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, Agent of Order

4 Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer

3 Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, Agent of Chaos

1 Koriand'r ◊ Starfire, Alien Princess

1 Raven, Daughter of Trigon

3 Red Star, Leonid Kovar

4 Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter

4 Terra, Tara Markov

4 Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective


Plot Twists

2 Finishing Move

2 Foiled

2 Heroic Sacrifice

2 Ka-Boom!

2 Overload

3 Press the Attack

3 Savage Beatdown

4 Teen Titans Go!



3 Optitron

3 Tamaran

3 Titans Tower

2 USS Argus


Miguel Angel Asensio Quero


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

1 Hounds of Ahab, Army

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

8 Sentinel Mark II, Army

1 Sentinel Mark III, Army

7 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

4 Cover Fire

1 Flame Trap

1 Have a Blast!

3 Nasty Surprise

3 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

4 Savage Beatdown

3 Total Anarchy



4 Genosha


Eduardo Garcia Riano


1 Beast Boy, Garfield Logan

1 Cassie Sandsmark ◊ Wonder Girl, Zeus's Chosen

1 Connor Kent ◊ Superboy, Tactile Telekinetic

3 Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, Agent of Order

1 Donna Troy ◊ Troia, Child of Myth

4 Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer

3 Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, Agent of Chaos

2 Koriand'r ◊ Starfire, Alien Princess

3 Red Star, Leonid Kovar

2 Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter

2 Roy Harper ◊ Speedy, Mercurial Marksman

3 Terra, Tara Markov

4 Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective


Plot Twists

2 Foiled

1 Have a Blast!

4 Heroic Sacrifice

2 Nasty Surprise

1 Overload

4 Press the Attack

2 Savage Beatdown

4 Teen Titans Go!



3 Optitron

4 Tamaran

3 Titans Tower


Alberto Ruiz Rodriguez


3 Bishop, Lucas Bishop

2 Emma Frost, Headmistress of Xavier's Academy

2 Ghost Rider, New Fantastic Four

2 Hulk, New Fantastic Four

3 Invisible Woman, Sue Storm

3 Nightcrawler, Kurt Wagner

1 Professor X, World's Most Powerful Telepath

3 Rogue, Power Absorption

4 She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters

1 Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

3 Sunfire, Shiro Yoshida

1 Thing, The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing

3 Wolverine, Logan


Plot Twists

4 Acrobatic Dodge

2 Bamf!

2 Children of the Atom

4 Cosmic Radiation

3 Fastball Special

4 Heroes United

2 Marvel Team-Up

4 Savage Beatdown

3 Signal Flare

2 Total Anarchy


Jose Rodriguez


4 Dagger, Child of Light

1 Ghost Rider, Danny Ketch

1 Hulk, New Fantastic Four

2 Invisible Woman, Sue Storm

2 Iron Fist, Danny Rand

4 Luke Cage, Hero for Hire

1 Luke Cage, Power Man

1 Mr. Fantastic, Scientific Genius

2 Punisher, Jury

2 Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

2 Spider-Man, The Spectacular Spider-Man

2 Thing, Ben Grimm

4 Thing, Heavy Hitter

1 Thing, The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing


Plot Twists

1 Flame Trap

4 It's Clobberin' Time!

3 Marvel Team-Up

3 Midnight Sons

2 Not So Fast

4 Savage Beatdown

1 Total Anarchy

2 Wild Ride



2 Antarctic Research Base

2 Yancy Street



4 Fantasticar

3 War Wagon


Jose Barquilla Rodriguez


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

1 Hounds of Ahab, Army

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

8 Sentinel Mark II, Army

8 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

2 Betrayal

4 Cover Fire

3 Nasty Surprise

4 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

4 Savage Beatdown

2 Total Anarchy



4 Genosha


Pablo Garcia Rojo


1 Bane, Ubu

3 Beast Boy, Garfield Logan

1 Connor Kent ◊ Superboy, Tactile Telekinetic

2 Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, Agent of Order

1 Donna Troy ◊ Wonder Girl, Amazon Warrior

1 Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer

2 Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, Agent of Chaos

1 Lady Shiva, Master Assassin

2 Merlyn, Deadly Archer

1 Ra's al Ghul, Master Swordsman

1 Ra's al Ghul, The Demon's Head

4 Talia, Daughter of the Demon's Head

4 Terra, Tara Markov


Plot Twists

4 Finishing Move

1 Have a Blast!

3 Heroic Sacrifice

4 Teen Titans Go!

3 The Demon's Head

2 Tower of Babel

1 Weapon of Choice



1 Flying Fortress

4 Metropolis

4 Mountain Stronghold

1 Optitron

1 Psychoville

1 Tamaran

2 Titans Tower

4 USS Argus


Omar Roliner


4 Alfred Pennyworth, Faithful Friend

1 Batman, Caped Crusader

1 Beast Boy, Garfield Logan

1 Connor Kent ◊ Superboy, Tactile Telekinetic

3 Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, Agent of Order

1 Dick Grayson ◊ Nightwing, Defender of Bludhaven

1 Dick Grayson ◊ Nightwing, High-Flying Acrobat

4 Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer

3 Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, Agent of Chaos

4 Mirage, Miriam Delgado

2 Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter

3 Terra, Tara Markov


Plot Twists

1 Bat-Signal

1 Betrayal

3 Dynamic Duo

4 Fizzle

2 Heroic Sacrifice

1 Press the Attack

4 Teen Titans Go!

4 The Brave and the Bold



3 GCPD Headquarters

2 Metropolis

3 Optitron

3 USS Argus



1 Utility Belt


Antia Romasanta


1 Cassie Sandsmark ◊ Wonder Girl, Zeus's Chosen

1 Connor Kent ◊ Superboy, Tactile Telekinetic

2 Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, Agent of Order

1 Donna Troy ◊ Troia, Child of Myth

4 Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer

3 Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, Agent of Chaos

1 Koriand'r ◊ Starfire, Alien Princess

3 Red Star, Leonid Kovar

4 Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter

4 Terra, Tara Markov

4 Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective


Plot Twists

2 Finishing Move

2 Foiled

2 Heroic Sacrifice

2 Ka-Boom!

3 Overload

3 Press the Attack

3 Savage Beatdown

4 Teen Titans Go!



2 Optitron

3 Tamaran

3 Titans Tower

3 USS Argus


Sergio Villa Romero


2 Apocalypse, En Sabah Nur

4 Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom

6 Doom-Bot, Army

4 Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius

1 Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria

2 Dr. Doom, Victor Von Doom

1 Onslaught, Psionic Spawn of Xavier and Magneto

4 Puppet Master, Philip Masters

3 Robot Destroyer, Army

2 Sub-Mariner, Ally of Doom


Plot Twists

2 Bitter Rivals

2 Devil's Due

4 Faces of Doom

1 Flame Trap

1 Gamma Bomb

2 Have a Blast!

4 Mystical Paralysis

2 Not So Fast

1 Reconstruction Program

2 Reign of Terror

1 The Power Cosmic



4 Doomstadt

3 Latveria

2 Latverian Embassy


Roberto Cuesta Rueda


2 Forge, Cheyenne Mystic

1 Hulk, New Fantastic Four

3 Human Torch, Hotshot

3 Invisible Woman, The Invisible Girl

1 Luke Cage, Hero for Hire

4 Mr. Fantastic, Stretch

3 Nightcrawler, Kurt Wagner

1 Professor X, World's Most Powerful Telepath

2 Rogue, Power Absorption

2 She-Thing, Sharon Ventura

1 Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

1 Storm, Weather Witch

2 Thing, Ben Grimm

1 Thing, Heavy Hitter

1 Thing, The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing

3 Wolverine, Logan


Plot Twists

3 Bamf!

1 Betrayal

4 Children of the Atom

4 Cosmic Radiation

3 Fastball Special

4 Heroes United

1 Marvel Team-Up

4 Signal Flare

2 Tech Upgrade

1 Ultimate Sacrifice



4 Advanced Hardware

1 Flamethrower


Alfonso Bueno Ruiz-Rivas


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

1 Hounds of Ahab, Army

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

8 Sentinel Mark II, Army

8 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

4 Cover Fire

4 Nasty Surprise

4 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

4 Savage Beatdown

3 Total Anarchy



4 Genosha


Omar Sagol


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

10 Sentinel Mark II, Army

10 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

3 Betrayal

3 Cover Fire

2 Marvel Team-Up

2 Misappropriation

3 Nasty Surprise

3 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

4 Savage Beatdown



4 Genosha


Francisco Perez Sanchez


4 Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom

4 Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius

1 Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria

2 Dr. Doom, Victor Von Doom

2 Hulk, New Fantastic Four

2 Invisible Woman, Sue Storm

3 Robot Destroyer, Army

2 She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters

1 Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

1 Sub-Mariner, Ally of Doom

4 Thing, Ben Grimm

2 Thing, Heavy Hitter

2 Thing, The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing


Plot Twists

1 Betrayal

4 Common Enemy

1 Flame Trap

4 Have a Blast!

4 It's Clobberin' Time!

4 Mystical Paralysis

3 Reign of Terror

4 Savage Beatdown

4 Signal Flare



1 Doomstadt


David Santamaria


4 Archangel, Angel of Death

2 Banshee, Sean Cassidy

3 Cyclops, Slim

4 John Proudstar ◊ Thunderbird, Apache Warrior

3 Nightcrawler, Kurt Wagner

2 Professor X, Charles Xavier

1 Professor X, Mental Master

4 Rogue, Powerhouse

2 Storm, Ororo Munroe

1 Wolverine, Berserker Rage

4 Wolverine, Logan


Plot Twists

4 Bamf!

4 Children of the Atom

4 Combat Reflexes

4 Flying Kick

4 I Hate Magic!

4 Mega-Blast

2 Savage Beatdown



2 Danger Room

2 Madripoor


Andre Santos


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

7 Sentinel Mark II, Army

1 Sentinel Mark III, Army

8 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

4 Cover Fire

4 Nasty Surprise

4 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

4 Savage Beatdown

3 Total Anarchy



3 Genosha

2 Latverian Embassy


Jorge Serrano


2 Alicia Masters, Blind Sculptress

2 Ant Man, Scott Lang

2 Franklin Richards, Child Prodigy

1 Ghost Rider, New Fantastic Four

1 Hulk, New Fantastic Four

2 Human Torch, Hotshot

1 Human Torch, Johnny Storm

1 Human Torch, Super Nova

1 Invisible Woman, Sue Richards

1 Invisible Woman, Sue Storm

2 Invisible Woman, The Invisible Girl

1 Luke Cage, Hero for Hire

1 Mr. Fantastic, Scientific Genius

1 Mr. Fantastic, Stretch

1 She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters

1 She-Thing, Sharon Ventura

1 Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd

1 Spider-Man, New Fantastic Four

2 Thing, Heavy Hitter

1 Thing, The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing

2 Wolverine, New Fantastic Four

2 Wyatt Wingfoot, Keewazi Adventurer


Plot Twists

3 Blind Sided

4 Cosmic Radiation

2 Flying Kick

4 It's Clobberin' Time!

2 Marvel's First Family

2 Mega-Blast

3 Overload

4 Savage Beatdown

4 Signal Flare

2 Supernova



2 Advanced Hardware

3 Fantasticar


Raul Sinovas


3 Blob, Fred Dukes

4 Destiny, Irene Adler

4 Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr

2 Magneto, Lord Magnus

2 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

2 Mimic, Calvin Rankin

3 Pyro, St. John Allerdyce

3 Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff

3 Sabretooth, Feral Rage

3 Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff


Plot Twists

3 Blind Sided

2 Burn Rubber

2 Insignificant Threat

2 Nasty Surprise

3 Not So Fast

3 Savage Beatdown

2 Surprise Attack

2 The Mutant Menace

2 The New Brotherhood

4 War on Humanity



4 Avalon Space Station

4 Lost City


Javier Santana Sotomayor


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

4 Hounds of Ahab, Army

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

7 Sentinel Mark II, Army

8 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

2 Betrayal

4 Cover Fire

2 Finishing Move

4 Nasty Surprise

3 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

3 Savage Beatdown

3 Search and Destroy



3 Genosha


Guillermo Steinmetz


1 Carnage, Cletus Kassady

1 Dr. Octopus, Doc Ock

1 Green Goblin, Altered Ego

2 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Mendel Stromm, Robot Master

1 Mystique, Shape-Changing Assassin

1 Post, Kevin Tremain

4 Rhino, Alex O'Hirn

4 Sabretooth, Feral Rage

2 Sandman, William Baker

2 Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff

3 The Rose, Richard Fisk

4 Toad, Mortimer Toynbee

4 Tombstone, Lonnie Lincoln

4 Vulture, Adrian Toomes


Plot Twists

2 Insignificant Threat

3 Marvel Team-Up

3 Rise to Power

3 Savage Beatdown

2 World's Finest



3 Avalon Space Station

3 Doc Ock's Lab

3 Fisk Towers

4 Savage Land


Mario Tarin


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

1 Hounds of Ahab, Army

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

1 Master Mold, Sentinel Supreme

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

8 Sentinel Mark II, Army

8 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

4 Cover Fire

4 Nasty Surprise

4 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

4 Savage Beatdown

3 Total Anarchy



3 Genosha


Javier Lopez Torrubiano


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

1 Hounds of Ahab, Army

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

7 Sentinel Mark II, Army

7 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

4 Cover Fire

2 Finishing Move

2 Global Domination

3 Not So Fast

3 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

4 Savage Beatdown

3 Tag Team

2 Total Anarchy



4 Genosha


Alberto Garcia Uceda


1 Beast Boy, Garfield Logan

3 Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, Agent of Order

4 Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer

3 Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, Agent of Chaos

1 Koriand'r ◊ Starfire, Alien Princess

1 Raven, Daughter of Trigon

3 Red Star, Leonid Kovar

4 Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter

1 Roy Harper ◊ Speedy, Mercurial Marksman

4 Terra, Tara Markov

4 Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective


Plot Twists

2 Betrayal

4 Foiled

3 Heroic Sacrifice

2 Overload

3 Press the Attack

3 Savage Beatdown

4 Teen Titans Go!



3 Optitron

2 Tamaran

2 Titans Tower

3 USS Argus


Emero Paul Uribe


4 Alfred Pennyworth, Faithful Friend

1 Batman, Caped Crusader

2 Beast, Dr. Henry McCoy

1 Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, Agent of Order

1 Dick Grayson ◊ Nightwing, Defender of Bludhaven

1 Dick Grayson ◊ Nightwing, High-Flying Acrobat

4 Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer

2 Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, Agent of Chaos

4 Mirage, Miriam Delgado

2 Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal, Sharpshooter

3 Terra, Tara Markov

2 Tim Drake ◊ Robin, The Boy Wonder


Plot Twists

3 Bat-Signal

3 Dynamic Duo

4 Fizzle

3 Heroic Sacrifice

1 Press the Attack

1 Savage Beatdown

4 Teen Titans Go!

4 The Brave and the Bold



3 GCPD Headquarters

2 Metropolis

3 USS Argus



2 Utility Belt


Jose Luis Pinedo Urruela


2 Ant Man, Scott Lang

1 Frankie Raye, Herald of Galactus

1 Franklin Richards, Child Prodigy

1 Human Torch, Hotshot

1 Invisible Woman, Sue Storm

4 Invisible Woman, The Invisible Girl

1 Luke Cage, Hero for Hire

4 Mr. Fantastic, Reed Richards

2 Mr. Fantastic, Stretch

1 She-Thing, Sharon Ventura

2 Thing, Ben Grimm

2 Wyatt Wingfoot, Keewazi Adventurer


Plot Twists

4 A Child Named Valeria

4 Cosmic Radiation

1 Salvage

3 Signal Flare

2 Thinking Outside the Box



4 Antarctic Research Base

1 Baxter Building

1 Pier 4



4 Advanced Hardware

1 Fantasticar

4 Flamethrower

2 Personal Force Field

2 The Pogo Plane

4 Unstable Molecules

1 War Wagon


David Fernandez Vazquez


2 Apocalypse, En Sabah Nur

3 Beast, Dr. Henry McCoy

4 Boris, Personal Servant of Dr. Doom

4 Dr. Doom, Diabolic Genius

1 Dr. Doom, Lord of Latveria

1 Dr. Doom, Victor Von Doom

1 Imperiex, The Beginning and The End

4 Puppet Master, Philip Masters

4 Robot Destroyer, Army

2 Sub-Mariner, Ally of Doom


Plot Twists

4 Burn Rubber

3 Faces of Doom

1 Flame Trap

2 Gamma Bomb

4 Mystical Paralysis

3 Overload

1 Reconstruction Program

3 Reign of Terror



1 Avalon Space Station

3 Doom's Throne Room

4 Doomstadt

3 Latveria

2 Latverian Embassy


Moisis Vazquez


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

4 Hounds of Ahab, Army

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

6 Sentinel Mark II, Army

8 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

2 Acrobatic Dodge

4 Cover Fire

2 Mega-Blast

3 Nasty Surprise

4 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

2 Savage Beatdown

2 Search and Destroy



3 Genosha


Miguel Tarin Vegas


1 Avalanche, Dominic Petros

2 Destiny, Irene Adler

3 Lorelei, Savage Land Mutate

4 Magneto, Eric Lehnsherr

1 Mastermind, Jason Wyngarde

2 Phantazia, Eileen Harsaw

3 Pyro, St. John Allerdyce

2 Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff

2 Rogue, Anna Raven

4 Sabretooth, Feral Rage

2 Sauron, Dr. Karl Lykos

2 Scarlet Witch, Eldritch Enchantress

2 Thornn, Feral Hunter

2 Toad, Mortimer Toynbee


Plot Twists

3 Flying Kick

3 Foiled

4 Not So Fast

4 Savage Beatdown

2 The Mutant Menace

4 The New Brotherhood



4 Genosha

4 Savage Land


Ramon Parra Veinat


2 Black Cat, Master Thief

2 Dusk, Cassie St. Commons

4 Ezekiel, Spirit of the Spider

3 Jessica Drew ◊ Spider-Woman, Venom Blast

2 Julia Carpenter ◊ Spider-Woman, Web Weaver

2 Mattie Franklin ◊ Spider-Woman, Gift of Power

2 Puma, Thomas Fireheart

4 Ricochet, Johnny Gallo

4 Rocket Racer, Robert Farrell

2 Scarlet Spider, Ben Reilly

4 Spider-Man, Alien Symbiote

1 Spider-Man, Cosmic Spider-Man

1 The Demon, Etrigan

2 Will O' The Wisp, Jackson Arvad


Plot Twists

4 Acrobatic Dodge

3 Flying Kick

3 Nice Try!

2 Overload

4 Spider Senses

3 Surprise Attack

4 Ultimate Sacrifice



2 Armored Spider Suit


Ricardo Vicente


4 Bastion, Leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance

4 Boliver Trask, Creator of the Sentinel Program

4 Hounds of Ahab, Army

4 Magneto, Master of Magnetism

4 Nimrod, Mutant Hunter

6 Sentinel Mark II, Army

6 Sentinel Mark V, Army


Plot Twists

4 Cover Fire

2 Have a Blast!

3 Nasty Surprise

4 Overload

4 Reconstruction Program

4 Savage Beatdown

3 Total Anarchy



4 Genosha


Jose Angel Villanuedam


4 Longshot, Rebel Freedom Fighter

4 Scarlet Spider ◊ Spider Man, Successor

4 Scarlet Spider, Ben Reilly

3 Spider-Man, Alien Symbiote

3 Spider-Man, Cosmic Spider-Man

4 Spider-Man, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

3 Spider-Man, New Fantastic Four

3 Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man

3 Spider-Man, The Spectacular Spider-Man

4 Will O' The Wisp, Jackson Arvad


Plot Twists

4 Clone Saga

3 Fun and Games

3 Have a Blast!

3 Nice Try!

4 Spider Senses

4 Thinking Outside the Box



4 Base of Operations


Miguel Castilla Villena


4 Alfred Pennyworth, Faithful Friend

1 Batman, Caped Crusader

4 Beast Boy, Garfield Logan

1 Connor Kent ◊ Superboy, Tactile Telekinetic

1 Dawn Granger ◊ Dove, Agent of Order

1 Dick Grayson ◊ Nightwing, Defender of Bludhaven

1 Dick Grayson ◊ Nightwing, High-Flying Acrobat

4 Garth ◊ Tempest, Atlantean Sorcerer

1 Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, Agent of Chaos

4 Mirage, Miriam Delgado

1 Raven, Daughter of Trigon

4 Terra, Tara Markov


Plot Twists

3 Bat-Signal

3 Dynamic Duo

4 Fizzle

1 Flame Trap

1 Foiled

2 Heroic Sacrifice

1 Ka-Boom!

1 Overload

2 Savage Beatdown

4 Teen Titans Go!

4 The Brave and the Bold



3 GCPD Headquarters

2 Optitron

3 USS Argus


Alex Martin Zapota


1 Black Cat, Felicia Hardy

1 Black Cat, Master Thief

2 Cardiac, Elias Wirtham

3 Firestar, Hot Stuff

3 Iceman, Cool Customer

3 Julia Carpenter ◊ Spider-Woman, Web Weaver

2 Mary Jane Watson, MJ

1 Onslaught, Psionic Spawn of Xavier and Magneto

3 Puppet Master, Philip Masters

4 Scarlet Spider, Ben Reilly

2 Spider-Man, Alien Symbiote

2 Spider-Man, Cosmic Spider-Man

2 Spider-Man, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

4 Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man


Plot Twists

4 Costume Change

1 Have a Blast!

4 Nice Try!

4 Reconstruction Program

4 Spider Senses

2 Tragic Loss

2 Twist of Fate



2 Avalon Space Station

2 Daily Bugle



2 Web Shooters


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