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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 5: Darryn Ying vs. Jonathan Luey
Rob Davis

"We actually know each pretty well! I’m going to be in his bridal party," started off Darryn. Darryn, member of team The Four Horsemen, and Jonathan both hail from Auckland, and are great mates. 


"Yeah, he's going to be my groomsman!" exclaimed Jon.


"So it'll be all the worse when I beat you MWAHAHAHA!" retorted Darryn.


Both these guys are 4-0 heading into the 5th round and are both playing Kree (though slightly different builds) so this match should provide some interesting insight into the nature of the mirror.


Darryn won the toss and chose evens.



Turn 1

Jon started off the game by discarding The Calculator, Noah Kuttler and searched for Coercion. Nenora then came into the hidden area and Jon responded with a concealed 1-drop of his own in the form of Lockjaw. Darryn discarded a copy of The Lunatic Legion and found a copy of San and play moved onto the combat phase.


Both players swung directly and play moved right on to turn 2.



Jon: 48

Darryn: 48



Turn 2

San came out for Darryn, who put a Stargate on top of Darryn's deck. Meanwhile Dr. Psycho, Mental Giant came out for Jon in the front row.


Lockjaw swung into the Mental Giant and both characters traded stuns without fuss. San and Nenora both snuck in for 2 endurance a-piece and play zipped right on to turn 3.



Jon: 43

Darryn: 45


Turn 3

An Enemy of My Enemy started off Jon's turn, which prompted Darryn to exclaim, "You are using my Enemy against me! I should have never lent them!" It found Jon a copy of Dr. Minerva, who he recruited, netting him a free copy of Commander Dylon Cir. Lieutenant Kona Lor came out to meet Minerva and then Villains United and Kree were teamed up via Coercion (via the freshly revealed copy of Dylon Cir). Stargate from Darryn returned San to hand and a copy of Colonel Yon-Rogg was searched out, but it was Dr. Light, Master of Holograms who came down on Darryn's side of the board. Darryn then used Enemy to find a copy of Nenora (pitching San in the process) and then Dr. Light activated to bring San back (who put Hala on the top of Darryn’s deck in the process).


Moving on to combat, the Villains United Mental Giant smashed into Dr. Light and both characters traded blows. Psycho's vengeance trigger ensured that Lockjaw went down and then Kona Lor, Minerva, and Nenora swung in directly.  Darryn elected not to swing back and recovered his Dr Light.



Jon: 41

Darryn: 33



Turn 4

Minerva came out for Darryn, who was followed up by Kona Lor and his previous copy of Colonel Yon-Rogg. Dr. Light then brought Nenora back from the dead and Darryn put all his characters in the front row (to maximize Yon Rogg's effectiveness). Jon could only muster a copy of Captain Att-Lass and Dylon Cir and he then cycled through his deck by discarding a copy of The Calculator.


Moving right to combat, Nenora tried to swing into Kona Lor, but the Kree 1-drop was met by a copy of Mikado and Mosha. San (and her 4 DEF), did what she does best when she was able to swing into Att-Lass without trading stuns. Yon Rogg then swung into Dr. Psycho but Jon was able to force a trade with a copy of Live Kree . . . or Die!. Minerva reinforced and both drops became stunned. The Kona Lors then traded blows and Jon's Commander Dylon Cir merely reinforced. Finally, Darryn's Minerva attacked into Jon's Minvera with Hala and Darryn was able to avoid trading stuns. A copy of Remnant Fleet proved invaluable for Darryn when he returned Yon Rogg and Kona Lor to his hand.


Jon elected to recover his Dr. Minerva and play went to what would potentially be the final turn of this Kree mirror.



Jon: 27

Darryn: 31



Turn 5

In what was proving to be a serious deck malfunction from Jon's Kree build, he could only muster a copy of Colonel Yon-Rogg. Regardless, he moved all of his characters to the front row, attempting to at least keep the versatility of Yon-Rogg online as long as possible. Stargate sent Minerva back to Darryn's hand to search for Admiral Galen Kor and the incredible 2-drop came back into play, finding a copy of Bron Char in the process. In typical Press-splosion style, the 2-drop was followed up by Kona Lor, Yon-Rogg, and Galen Kor. Dr. Light activated to bring Lockjaw back into play and both players moved to combat.


Jon swung his Colonel Yon-Rogg into Darryn's Dr. Light — hoping to avoid trading stuns. However, Nenora's ability ensured that Darryn could use Hala to force a trade and both characters eventually went down. When Commander Dylon Cir attacked into Minerva, Darryn's hand was forced and he played a copy of The Lunatic Legion to force a trade. With Jon's Minerva being his only visible character, the Kree 2-drop swung into Galen Kor with a copy of Live Kree . . . or Die!. Desperate to try and even things up, he pushed through more damage with a single copy of Flying Kick. The Doctor and the 4-drop traded stuns, leaving Jon with no characters in the visible area. However, with an un-stunned Yon-Rogg in his visible area, a veritable hidden army in Lockjaw, Nenora, and San still ready on the attack, The Lunatic Legion online, and a second Hala in his row, Darryn knew that it was all over and offered his friend best of luck for the day.


"I want to say ‘hi’ to my fiancee — we're getting married on December 10, and oi nei barbie!" says Jonathan, before heading off to round 6.





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