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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Breaking Ground: Intergalactic Summit - Part 2 -
  You’ve seen the deck . . . now you get to hear about the playtesting experiences I encountered and see how it fared at a recent City Championship event.

Breaking Ground: Intergalactic Summit (Part 1) -
  One big appeal of the City Championships is that they put a premium on creative deck design.

Breaking Ground: Strange Love -
  In my opinion (and Dick Vitale’s), Strange Love is one of the most potent cards in Marvel Team-Up. Remember Children of the Atom? Talk about a card that’s just plain amazing! Strange Love gives the Underworld the same effect, and we can discard any card to play it. Now that truly is awesome, baby!

Breaking Ground: Johnny Blaze ◊ Ghost Rider -
  The newest version of the Spirit of Vengeance is a defensive wonder that can single-handedly change the balance of a game.

Breaking Ground: Bounty Hunt -
  Discussing a show about a world-famous bounty hunter puts me in the mood to look at an “on-topic” card from Marvel Team-Up: Bounty Hunt.

Breaking Ground: Project Ragna Rok -
  I hope you’ve all got your copies of the Hellboy Essential Collection, because we’re about to undertake our own Project Ragna Rok.

Breaking Ground: Dark Lantern -
  With a Team-Up, Dark Lantern can make our Marvel Defenders champion truly unstoppable. So, let’s fire all of the teachers so that the substitutes can come out to play.

Breaking Ground: Ocean Master -
  Fueled by the power of the brother of an Atlantean King, this unassuming deck can put your opponent’s entire deck into his or her KO’d pile, and then put giants on your side of the board that no opponent will ever be able to beat down.

Marvel Team-Up Preview: Devil-Slayer -
  Unless your name is Kergillian, there’s a good chance that you’ve never even heard of the super hero known as Devil-Slayer.

Breaking Ground: Multiple Man <> Jamie Madrox -
  The more things change, the more they really do stay the same.

Hellboy Preview: Weapons Lab and B.P.R.D. Signal Device -
  The B.P.R.D. team has a card that rolls the effect of Baxter Building and Pier 4 into one!

Best of 2006, Breaking Ground: Human Torch, Friendly Rival -
  BigSpooky loved playing Morlocks decks back in the day, but just couldn't find a way to come to a strong finish with ’em. That's where Human Torch, Friendly Rival came into play.

Best of 2006, Breaking Ground: Martian Manhunter, J’onn J’onzz -
  The end result was a rather clever Crime Lords / JLI build on which I have received many positive comments.

Breaking Ground: Museum Heist -
  The Future Foes discard theme got me thinking about the possibility of hand control decks in Vs. System.

Breaking Ground: Suicide -
  Yes, boys and girls, it’s time for another foray into cutthroat!

Breaking Ground: The Source -
  It’s time for the space-faring stalwarts, the New Gods, to hook up with the new cosmic kids on the block, the Inhumans.

Breaking Ground: Vic Stone <> Cyborg 2.0 -
  With a few cosmic allies at his side, Cyborg 2.0 can help you clear your opponent’s board with minimal losses to your own.

Breaking Ground: Katrina Luisa Van Horne ◊ Amazon, Unrepentant Hero -
  Welcome one and all to the final Breaking Ground before Pro Circuit Los Angeles 2006.

Gallery Pack Week: Cosmic Radiation -
  Is there any more powerful effect in Vs. System than readying?

Breaking Ground: Frankie Raye <> Nova, Optimistic Youth -
  We’re going to use Dr. Doom, Devil’s Due, and Frankie Raye to go counter crazy in Golden Age.

Breaking Ground: Swan Dive -
  After my despondency over The Flash’s ineffectiveness against off-curve decks, I had an epiphany in the form of Swan Dive.

Breaking Ground: X-Ray Vision -
  Our beloved alien Superman is going to share his X-Ray Vision with a few less beloved aliens—the Kree—to create a resource row menace that is sure to irritate more than a few opponents.

Breaking Ground: Circle Defense -
  Circle Defense? I don’t even remember what that does!

Breaking Ground: Karla Sofen <> Meteorite, Celestial Power. -
  We’re going to build an Inhumans deck focused on the “face-up resource” theme, and our star of the show will be none other than the Thunderbolt heroine, Meteorite.

Breaking Ground: The Infinity Gauntlet -
  Let’s see if we can get the Heralds of Galactus to assist the Infinity Watch in their quest to assemble all six of the Infinity Gems and bring out the most powerful equipment card in Vs. System, The Infinity Gauntlet!

Breaking Ground: Wolverine, Skrunucklehead -
  Just for fun, I thought it might be interesting to take the “New Age” Skrulls for a spin.

Breaking Ground: Crisis on Infinite Earths -
  If you’re like me, Doom stands for one thing in particular: the most powerful control force in Vs. System.

Breaking Ground: Moondragon -
  After reading Alex Brown’s preview for Moondragon, I got really excited about the prospect of a character that could potentially double the number of cards a player could draw at once.

Breaking Ground: Cool Chicks -
  To better acclimate aspiring deckbuilders with the creative process, I thought I would share a recent experience of mine.

Heralds of Galactus Preview: The Infinity Gauntlet -
  I present to you the most powerful equipment card in the Vs. System: The Infinity Gauntlet!

Breaking Ground: DC Modern Preview -
  In anticipation of this new age, I have once again assembled my list of twenty-five cards that may have quite an impact on the upcoming DC Modern Age.

Breaking Ground: Secret Six Victorious -
  Secret Six Victorious may be the most interesting alternate win condition card to date in Vs. System.

Breaking Ground: Anti-Life Equation -
  Anti-Life Equation is a veritable treasure trove of goodness if one can learn how to utilize it properly.

Breaking Ground: Mr. Fear -
  We’re going to take a look at how Mr. Fear, in unison with the usual GLEE suspects, can make you giggle with delight and your opponents weep with frustration.

Breaking Ground: Captain America, Super Soldier -
  On his own, Captain America is not really all that imposing. Sure, he can take on your ordinary hoods and thugs without too much difficulty. But put Cap up against a baddie like Magneto, and he’s not quite in the same league.

Breaking Ground: Colossus, Steadfast Protector -
  Synergy is all over the place; you just have to know where to look for it!

Breaking Ground: The Science Spire -

Breaking Ground: Kings -
  We’re going to bring the Hellfire Club Kings and Checkmate Kings together into one royal build and see what we can come up with.

Breaking Ground: Revenge Squad -
  I spent three great days talking with and playing against some of the greatest Vs. System players in the world. For a fanboy like me, it doesn’t get much better than that!

Breaking Ground: Dr. Sivana -
  It’s time for Dr. Sivana to head out for a night on the town to see what the party is like over at Club Dead.

Breaking Ground: Silver Age Preview -
  In honor of Pro Circuit San Francisco and the official start of Silver Age, I have compiled a list of twenty-five cards—three from each booster set and one from the starter decks—that I believe will have a profound impact on the Silver Age metagame.

Breaking Ground: The Rock of Eternity -
  Man-Bull and the much-maligned Sinister Syndicate are going to be our ticket to ensuring that our exhausted characters get plenty of rest so that The Rock of Eternity wakes them up, ready and refreshed to lay the smack down on our attack step.

Breaking Ground: Mary Jane Watson -
  It’s time for MJ to show Vs. System players far and wide that even supermodels can be a forceful presence on the Vs. board!

Breaking Ground: Phantom Zone -
  A deck that has the ability to counter recursion effects should have a competitive advantage

Breaking Ground: Mattie Franklin <> Spider-Woman -
  It’s time to break Mattie Franklin ◊ Spider-Woman, Silver Age style!

Infinite Crisis Preview: Zazzala <> Queen Bee, Mistress of the Hive -
  My mind has been racing about how to abuse this card since the moment I saw it.

Breaking Ground: Lady Shiva -
  “We could use Power Play.” The moment the words came out of his mouth, my brain started percolating with thoughts of how to make a League of Assassins / Hellfire Club deck work.

Breaking Ground: Project Liberator -
  Follow me as we help the lovable loonies of Arkham Asylum break Project Liberator.

Breaking Ground: Human Torch, Friendly -
  With the Human Torch to clear out our opponent’s largest character first, and the remaining characters to clear the way in the later part of our attack step, we may have achieved a perfect balance for the anticipated Spider-Friends/Morlocks team-up.

Breaking Ground: Xorn -
  It’s time for us to break Xorn and to break into the Marvel Modern environment with a new age of X-Men recovery!

Breaking Ground: Last Stand -
  We might never have seen a potent deck highlight Last Stand if it weren’t for the X-Men set.

Breaking Ground: Sticky Situation -
  Our challenge today is to create such a Sticky Situation for our opponents’ attackers so that they can conceivably fail to complete their attacks altogether.

Breaking Ground: Martian Manhunter, J’onn J’onzz -
  We’re going to turn the Justice League’s favorite shapeshifter into a defensive dynamo for the Crime Lords!

Breaking Ground: Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters -
  Armed with the knowledge that we need to keep our combos small and simple, we’re going to explore our combo-enabling card of the day—Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.

Breaking Ground: Roll Call! -
  We’re going to build our own JLA ally deck that can use Roll Call! to its fullest extent. That way, we can get as carried away with Firestorm as we like!

X-Men Preview: Gambit, Ragin' Cajun -
  Not only is Gambit bigger stat-wise than any X-Men 5-drop prior to this set, but he is also big enough that most other 5-drops cannot attack into him without suffering a debilitating stun back.

Breaking Ground: Mystic Chain -
  One major downfall of swarm decks is that they drain the hand too quickly. Mystic Chain, however, solves this dilemma by turning the swarm strategy into a source of massive card advantage.

Breaking Ground: Fire -
  Much like Wild Vomit, this deck is simple in premise, yet remarkably potent.

Breaking Ground: Other-Earth -
  Our challenge is to develop a working strategy using the Squadron Supreme breakthrough replacement effect characters and Other-Earth.

Best of 2005: Breaking Ground: Tearing Down the Walls -
  We're going to get things started off right this year by revisiting my favorite deck to be featured on Breaking Ground to date—and I'm not even the one who built it!

Best of 2005: Breaking Ground: Clench Virus -
  Inspiration can come from many unlikely sources, but few are less likely than the spyware worm that made its way onto my computer.

Breaking Ground: The Joker, Emperor Joker -
  What we should really consider is integrating Emperor Joker into a deck that could utilize deck destruction cards as a means of defense.

Breaking Ground: Fortress of Solitude -
  Superman, Man of . . . Statix?

Breaking Ground: Harley Quinn -
  Our challenge is to create a deck that can consistently utilize the combination of Harley Quinn and Lost City.

Breaking Ground: Political Pressure -
  Political Pressure is a card from Marvel Origins that has not received nearly as much play as it probably deserves.

Breaking Ground: Destiny -
  We’re going to bring our blind soothsayer to the forefront and build a deck that will make our opponents pay for her ominous insights.

Breaking Ground: Tearing Down the Walls -
  For this, the final Breaking Ground before PC LA, I decided to feature a deck built by one of the best and most well-known players in Vs. System.

Breaking Ground: Clench Virus -
  Our challenge today will be to build a deck that not only gives us access to multiple copies of Clench Virus, but also has sufficient support for the “Plague KO” strategy.

Breaking Ground: Neutron -
  Neutron has the potential to create all kinds of problems for decks that rely on late-game dominance.

Breaking Ground: Inaugural Issue, Council of Power -
  Before you know it, you’ll have opponents scratching their heads and wondering how on Earth you can possibly abuse them so badly with such “garbage.”

Contest Winner: Fix Fred's Deck -
  Seeing Avalanche, Global Domination, and The Source all in the same deck led me to the conclusion that an effort was being made toward resource row disruption.

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