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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 1: Adrian Capilitan vs Anthony Macali
Rob Davis
Adrian Capilitan is a long-time Common Enemy player from Sydney. He's had great success with the deck in the past, but today he is taking a break from his usual schedule to try out his new X-men/Mental deck. Anthony Macali hails from Melbourne and has armed himself with the always reliable Curve Sentinels. Since the deck often has many spare slots for specific tech, Anthony must be hoping that Curve Sentinels can adapt to the Glock/Voltage-heavy meta today.

Anthony won the die roll and took odds. The players shook hands and started what looked to be a great day of Vs. System.

Turn 1
Both players laid a resource and passed.

Adrian: 50
Anthony: 50

Turn 2
Adrian played a hidden copy of the incredible Sage, Tessa. Anthony could only pass and take 3. Adrian used Sage's ability during the recovery phase, and then both players moved on to the next turn.

Adrian: 50
Anthony: 47

Turn 3
Anthony played the very versatile Sentinel Mark II in the back row.
Adrian responded by using Sage's ability, and then Tarot came out in the visible area of Adrian’s board. Tarot missed at start of combat, netting no extra card for Adrian. Anthony played No Man Escapes the Manhunters on Sage, sending her into the visible area. He then swung into the 2-drop, flipped Absolute Dominance, and sent Tessa out of the game. The characters traded, and Tarot swung directly into Adrian for 5.

Adrian: 44
Anthony: 39

Turn 4
Adrian started the turn off with a Null Time Zone. This forced Anthony to use Search and Destroy on his Sentinel Mark II, targeting Tarot. Both characters stunned. Once this resolved, a Total Anarchy was flipped by Anthony to ensure that an off-curve strategy would be tough for Adrian to execute. Regrettably, Adrian could only manage a 2-drop Jean Grey, Telekinetic Fighter and a 1-drop Archangel, Angel before exclaiming: "Cant win ‘em all, I guess . . . it’s kinda like missing Doom on four!" On Anthony's side of the board, Sentinel Mark V came out as the only unstunned character. The Mark V swung into Jean, who was reinforced by Archangel.

Adrian: 39
Anthony: 36

Turn 5
The incredible Nimrod joined Anthony's army of robots alongside the Mark II. On Adrian's side, Professor X, Headmaster came out to join Archangel before both players moved onto combat. Nimrod swung into the Professor, who was reinforced by Archangel. The Mark V then swung into Archangel with a Savage Beatdown for a massive 12 points of endurance loss.

Adrian: 19
Anthony: 36

Turn 6
Adrian used Worthington Industries in conjunction with the brand-new Mr. Mxyzptlk, Troublesome Trickster. He recruited Jean Grey, Red in the front row and passed. Meanwhile, the classic X-men vs. Sentinels matchup was made even more archetypal when Bastion came out for Anthony's team.

Adrian was forced to team-attack into Bastion, but his Bamf! proved invaluable in maintaining some kind of board position. Anthony thought for a while about the math before discarding Sentinel characters so that Nimrod became a 12 ATK/12 DEF, and the Mark V became 8 ATK/8 DEF. Bastion went down, and Anthony reluctantly took 6. Since Adrian had five face-up resources, he discarded a card to replace all of them.

With exactly 12 ATK, Nimrod was able to attack and simply exchange his counter for Jean Grey. The 8 ATK/8 DEF Sentinel Mark V then attacked Professor X and Adrian could only pass as the Professor was stunned. The Mark II then swung into Angel, resulting in a pass from both players.

Adrian: 9
Anthony: 30

Turn 7
With a huge board at his disposal, Anthony chose not to lay a resource and simply boosted another Mark V. Adrian used Avalon Space Station in conjunction with the pure card advantage of Mr. Mxyzptlk to return Emma Frost, White Queen to his hand. He then recruited Professor X, World's Most Powerful Telepath in the back row.

Anthony declared a team attack of the two Mark Vs and Nimrod into Professor X.
When Adrian tried to use the Professor's ability on Nimrod, it was negated by the incredible Sentinel Mark II. When Adrian saw the Bastion that loomed over Jean Grey, he simply offered Anthony the handshake and wished him luck for the rest of the day.

"I had the nuts draw!” exclaimed Anthony. In typically good spirits, Adrian could only agree.
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