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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 11: Vidianto Wijaya vs. Albert Wu
Anand Khare

These players, from the second of three pods, both have eight wins. They’ve both won their first match today, and winning a second will probably guarantee a Top 8 berth. Albert won the die roll and selected the odd initiatives. Both players kept their opening hands.


Albert kicked off the first turn with an activation from Arsenal of Doom. Doomed Earth went into the KO’d pile. He recruited Luna Maximoff, who attacked for a point into Vidi’s empty board. On turn 2, the Arsenal got rid of Improper Burial before Vidi had a chance to recruit. Vidi brought out Dr. Minerva, who got Mar-Vell ◊ Captain Marvel, Soldier of the Empire. Minerva got Nega-Bands, and Vidi passed. Albert recruited Elite Doom Guards with Mind Gem, and passed right back. The characters traded stuns in combat, bouncing both equipments, and Luna got in for another point.


Albert chose not to use his Arsenal on turn 3, instead replaying Mind Gem on Elite Doom Guards. The Army character was protected by a front-row Wolverine, Skrunucklehead, and Albert passed. Vidi mulled over his options for a few moments, eventually choosing to bring out a Wolverine of his own in front of Minerva. Vidi equipped Minerva with the Nega-Bands, and passed. Albert traded 3-drop for 3-drop and 2-drop for 2-drop, but used Luna to recover and hide his Wolverine. Bad beat for Vidi, that. At the end of the turn, Albert used the Arsenal. The endurance totals were tied at 41.


On turn 4, Albert got rid of a card with Arsenal. Vidi began by using Soul World to return his Minerva to hand. Minerva netted him Ultimus. Vidi recruited Captain Att-Lass and Mar-Vell, then put his Nega-Bands on Minerva yet again. Albert terraformed The Kyln and then recruited Sub-Mariner, Illuminati behind Elite Doom Guards. Sub-Mariner picked up Mind Gem, and Albert passed. At the start of combat, Sub-Mariner let him dig into his deck, and he passed to Vidi’s attack. Wolverine went after Elite Doom Guards, and Unthinkable forced the return stun. Minerva attacked Sub-Mariner, and a Hala gave Vidi enough ATK for the stun. Mar-Vell attacked directly with help from Battleworld, and Att-Lass stayed back to reinforce. Rather than attack with his Wolverine, though, Albert flipped The Kyln to lock down Vidi’s Wolverine. At the start of recovery, Elite Doom Guards were KO’d to put Technarx into play, allowing Vidi to get rid of Sub-Mariner with Improper Burial. Vidi led, 32-29.


Albert had Ultron ◊ Ultron 11 with Mind Gem in front of Technarx for turn 5. Vidi checked Albert’s card count before recruiting Shatterax. Mar-Vell picked up the Nega-Bands, and Vidi set up with Minerva and Att-Lass protecting Mar-Vell and Shatterax. In combat, Technarx went after Dr. Minerva. Battleworld forced the mutual stun. Ultron attacked Att-Lass, and Vidi reinforced with Shatterax. Finally, the 10 ATK Wolverine attacked Shatterax. Before passing, Albert flipped For the Glory of Doom to team-up Kree and Doom. Vidi reinforced again. Albert KO’d Technarx to hit Vidi for 2 endurance, then KO’d Ultron to put Technarx back into play. Ultron’s ability was triggered, and the 5-drop went on deck to return to play on the next turn. In recovery, Vidi was left with only Shatterax and Mar-Vell. Albert led, 23-19.


Turn 6 was Vidi’s initiative. At the start of the turn, Albert used the Arsenal and Ultron returned to play. Vidi used Soul World to return Captain Att-Lass. Vidi recruited Att-Lass, Lieutenant Kona Lor (replacing The Kyln), Colonel Yon-Rogg, Ultimus, and Lunatic Legionnaires. Without much further thought, Vidi pushed all seven of his characters to the front. Albert recruited Doom-Bot ◊ Dr. Doom and set up with Ultron and Doom-Bot flanking Technarx in his support row. Vidi wasted no time in declaring his attacks, sending the Lunatic Legionnaires into Doom-Bot with Interstellar Offensive. Vidi noted that he still had a ready Hala and Battleworld, and Albert conceded.

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