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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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The Honorary Dave “Bridesmaid” Redfern Awards
Julia Birks

Smash-hit reporting sensation JRo is all about representing the voice of the people, yo! Lately though it’s all been Antonios-this and Hayward-that, with a little Hunstad thrown in for good measure.


Well, we thought it was time to move their lens-hungry faces out of the limelight and talk to some of the other popular characters of Vs. System Australia who somehow seem to miss out on the fame and glory.


This time, things are going to be different! In honor of Brisbane's own Vs. king Dave Redfern (who's clocked umpteen $10K 9th placings, but amazingly has nary a Top 8 to his name) we present to you the words of the people, the underdogs. Words of guys who deserve to be heard, but haven't, because of some random thing called "resistance," whatever that really means . . .


It’s all about representing the guys who are always the bridesmaids, and never the brides.



Samer “Samk” Kassis


Sam Kassis. Adored by fans. Louder than you'd like to believe. More animated than anyone thought humanly possible. What's behind the disturbing social behavior?


Sam can boast to being one of the most prominent members of VSParadise.com, and the Vs. community at large. He can also put his hand up for consistent performance in PCQs and $10Ks alike. Err . . . that is, when his wife will let him out to play . . .  


So, Kassis, first things first — what's your best placing so far?

I placed 19th at the first $10K Sydney and a number of Top 8 PCQ placing.


What's your favorite card at the moment?

I am in love with Time Thief, it's just such a powerful card, but elegant at the same time — it's a card waiting to be broken. It's also a very powerful effect that can be used well in Silver Age. If I had the time, I would be working on a deck that takes full advantage of it.


What deck are you playing, and how do you think you'll perform this weekend?

I am still deciding . . . how sad is that? I was going to be play-testing over the last couple of weeks but my Dad had a health scare so basically I have not had any time to test as I have been running the family business and making sure everything was running smoothly.


Who do you think the other contenders are for the trophy spot? Luke Bartter, James Kong, Troy Armstrong.


What kind of decks do you think are going to dominate?

I have a feeling that curve decks will rule the day. People in Australia don't seem to like to play weenie decks. Plus we like to try new things.


How have you teched against them? What's your advantage?

Since I really don't have a deck yet my best hope is to get lucky. When in doubt play a curve deck, that way you will win random games when your opponent misses his or her curve.


What else have you got to say? Freestyle it!

I would like to give a shout out to the Fallout Cards guys. They run a weekly podcast that is very good, which is available to anyone for free. Nice guys that want to build a stronger Vs community for everyone. Also, I should mention my wife Claudia, as mentioning her is cheaper than getting a divorce.




Kieren “Honest” Otton


Kieren "Honest" Otton. Big, funny guy. Laughs like Santa Claus. The face of Arkham Inmates in Vs. Australia — NAY, WORLDWIDE!! He even makes 'em scrub up pretty good from time to time too!


Otto is the other half of Sydney Games Centre, along with partner-in-crime Chris "Obi-wan" Foggobi. The best thing about Honest? He loves nothing more than to play for the sheer thrill of the game.


So, Honest, first things first what's your best placing so far?  

Placing or result? Top 8 in the PCQ Auckland probably the best placing, but going 6-4 in $10K LA or 5-5 at PC SoCal when everyone said it couldn't be done would be my best result.


What's your favorite card at the moment?

The Joker, Headline Stealer. It messes with people’s heads.


What deck are you playing, and how do you think you'll perform this weekend?

Since there are not enough Arkham guys in Silver Age at the moment I had to dilute the brokenness a little by adding Villains United (and 5-drop Freeze is an Arkham guy, Seck — I don't care what you clowns say!). I'm aiming to go X-4.


Who do you think the other contenders are for the trophy spot?

I've been playing with Marc Losper and Jonathan Luey a lot lately. Those guys are both good players, have good decks and have put a fair bit of work preparing for this. Kakarot from Adelaide also seems to crank up at these events, and, of course, Luke Bartter is just a weapon player who is always in contention.


What kind of decks do you think are going to dominate?  

Undercurve Faces type decks will be everywhere.


How have you teched against them? What's your advantage?

Superior good looks and playskills.


What else have you got to say? Freestyle it!

I'm not saying anything that I haven't said to his face: Paul Vanderwerk is a clown who doesn't have the kahoonas to play X-Men at anything bigger than a multiplayer pizza night with his mum's tennis friends — and even then he doesn't win.




Kerryn 'Kman' Rubin


Kman Rubin. Nice guy. Tech savvy. VSParadise.com regular, Kman, has been playing Vs. since the proverbial dawn of time, so this guy definitely knows the ropes. Often seen gallivanting around with those "Four Horsemen" characters, his connections in the community should prove invaluable for his preparations. Today could be the big day for Kerryn.


So, first things first what's your best placing so far?

I was 9th after the Swiss at the first $10K Melbourne. Luke Bartter just pipped me on tie-breaks. The crucial match was actually between Alex Brown and James Kong in the last round. They had both already qualified for the Top 8, so they took the game very casually. I can't remember who won in the end, but after the standings came out we realized if the result had gone the other way around I was in and Luke was 9th. That really burned! I have managed two other Top 20s, but that was the closest I have come to making the Top 8.


What's your favorite card at the moment (& why)?

That's quite a hard question. My main interest is actually in drafting, where Extended Family is currently a favorite common for me. In constructed, at the moment, I am loving Dr. Minerva. Card advantage and hitting drops. Could it get better?!


What deck are you playing, and how do you think you'll perform this weekend?

This may sound very under-prepared, but I am still not 100% sure what deck I will play this weekend. I have been testing aggro builds of Kree very heavily for the past month or two. However, due to the recent dominance of Faces of Evil decks (at PC Columbia), I no longer think this is a great option. I have been trying to get a build happening that can beat Faces at better than 50%. I have been trying out variations on the build that Ryan Jones played at the recent $10K, and if I can't find anything better I might go with that. It will be great if I can avoid the Faces match-ups! The other main option for me is playing a concealed build of Faces.


Who do you think the other contenders are for the trophy spot?

That's tough. A lot of the guys I rate have been testing more for the Golden Age PC (eg. the members of The Four Horsemen), or are not here (Alex Antonios). You might want to watch out for Michael Walklate. Michael is my teammate and one of Melbourne's best players. If he can just learn to not have extremely bad draws every game, he has the potential to dominate any competition.


What kind of decks do you think are going to dominate?

It's a really tough call. There will be various Faces builds in the Top 8, as a lot of top players will play this deck. I also think we will see a return of Good Guys, with JLI Embassy and BWA HA HA HA HA! hurting the Faces decks. Then there will be something rogue. There always is at Oceanian $10Ks.


How have you teched against them? What's your advantage?

It's so hard to tech against Faces, without filling up slots that become useless in most other match-ups. I recommend the Kang, Kang Cobra for any deck that can afford a slot for him, as this can completely shut down Good Guys if they don't have an answer.


What else have you got to say? Freestyle it!

I just want to put in a plug for my Vs. Podcast "Let’s talk about decks." The long awaited second episode (I have been too busy to do another one for a while now) will soon be out on VSparadise.com. It's an interview with The Four Horsemen, who I rate as one of the better teams of deckbuilders out there. They are responsible for some amazing decks, including High Voltage. It gives some great insights into how this team works.

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