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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Round 8: Vidianto Wijaya vs. Bulk Lao
Anand Khare

Vidi won his first round feature match, and has only lost a single match since then. Bulk, winner of the last domestic $10K in Los Angeles, has somehow flown under the feature match radar all day today. Both of these players are 6-1, and both of them are playing Teen Titans. Bulk’s version is teched out for the mirror—he plays three copies of Null Time Zone. We’ll see if that matters in this game. Bulk won the die roll and chose to take the odd initiatives.


Vidi kept, while Bulk mulliganed his opener. Bulk had no recruit on the first turn, instead choosing to discard Dawn Granger ◊ Dove to Optitron, fetching Tim Drake ◊ Robin, Young Detective. Vidi had no first turn play. On the second turn, both players recruited Tim Drake, and neither had a Tamaran—the twin Tims simply stared at each other.


On turn 3, Bulk had another copy of Dove. He played this one with boost, fetching Hank Hall ◊ Hawk, and moved all of his characters to the front. Vidi flipped and used USS Argus before recruiting Roy Harper ◊ Speedy. He used Speedy to KO Dove, then Optitroned for that same Speedy, discarding Garth ◊ Tempest. Bulk’s first attack sent Tim into Tim. He had drawn his Tamaran, so he used it, and Vidi’s Tim pumped Roy before going down. Bulk then sent Hawk into Roy, and the characters traded. Before recovery, Vidi played Ka-Boom! on Bulk’s Tamaran. Bulk now had the endurance lead, 48-46. At the end of the turn, Vidi lost Roy.


For turn 4, Vidi had Optitron for a Hawk of his own. Bulk used his Optitron as well, fetching Wally West ◊ Kid Flash. Every character in play was in the front row when it came to be Vidi’s turn to attack. He sent Tim into Hawk, stunning him, and then traded his own Hawk for Wally. Bulk chose not to attack back, and lost his Hank. The endurance scores were tied at 44 apiece.


On turn 5, Bulk hit an Argus of his own before recruiting Terra. Vidi had a Terra of his own, and stunned Bulk’s Tim Drake before combat. Bulk responded in kind, stunning Vidi’s Tim Drake. Bulk attacked Vidi’s Hawk with his Wally, and Vidi had Tamaran to stop a point. Both characters stunned. At the end of the turn, both players were left with Terra and a 2-drop, and the endurance totals were 40 apiece.


Vidi under-dropped on turn 6 with Red Star. He used Red Star to burn Bulk, and passed with all of his characters in the front row. Bulk used his own Optitron to fetch and play a Red Star of his own. Bulk set up with Red Star behind Wally, and Terra next to Red Star in the support row. Still in the formation step, Bulk played two copies of Null Time Zone—one naming Finishing Move, and another naming Teen Titans Go!. He then stunned Tim Drake with his Terra. In combat, Vidi Chose to stun Wally with Terra rather than attack. Bulk exhausted Wally to play Finishing Move on Tim. Finally, Vidi attacked Red Star into Red Star, powering up with Tamaran. At the end of the turn, both players had Terra and Red Star in play. Vidi led the endurance race, 38-27.


Bulk had the initiative on turn 7. He burned Vidi with Red Star and recruited . . . nothing. Both of his characters moved to the front row. Vidi Optitroned for Garth and played him behind Terra, with Red Star next to Terra in the support row. Bulk went into the tank before allowing play to move to combat. He finally decided to play another Null Time Zone, naming Finishing Move, and then team attacked Terra. Vidi’s Terra traded for Bulk’s Red Star, and Bulk used Teen Titans Go! in conjunction with Finishing Move to KO Vidi’s Terra. Vidi attacked back, stunning Garth with Terra and hitting Bulk directly with Red Star. Before recovery, Vidi paid 3 endurance to return Roy Harper ◊ Arsenal from his KO’d pile to his hand. The endurance totals were now 26-9 in Vidi’s favor, and Bulk lost Red Star at the end of the turn.


At the start of turn 8, Vidi hit his drops, and Bulk simply conceded.


Vidianto Wijaya wins!

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