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The Sentry™
Card# MTU-017

While his stats aren’t much bigger than those of the average 7-drop, Sentry’s “Pay ATK” power can drastically hinder an opponent’s attacking options in the late game.
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Marvel Team-Up Preview: Dr. Strange, Founding Father
Steve Garrett

One of the hardest parts about writing a preview article is the strong suspicion I have that 90% of the readers pay absolutely no attention to these introductory paragraphs. I'm currently at my computer, drinking a cup of coffee from my Homer Simpson mug, which sports the insightful truth, "If something is hard, it's not worth doing." Never let it be said that I stand in the way of logic. I hereby abandon my attempt to attract your attention to anything other than the card of the day.



Okay, show of hands: who just let out an expletive when they saw that power? I know I did. This guy has already been represented within our beloved game on two previous occasions. Dr. Strange, Illuminati was a legacy card in the last Marvel expansion, Heralds of Galactus. Before that, we have to go back to the Marvel Knights expansion for Dr. Strange, Stephen Strange. I am a fan of both cards, and thought that their powers were quite cool. This version, however, just screams, "Break me in half! Then, when you've done that, break me some more!" 


As with any strong power, there is always a drawback. In this case, the Doctor's stats aren't exactly stellar. Over the last couple of expansions, we’ve been spoiled by characters with very impressive stats. There are quite a few 4-drops out there that sport an enviable 8 ATK. In the last expansion, Legion of Super Heroes, there were seven 4-drops that could easily take down Dr. Strange without the aid of any attack enhancers. On some characters, this would be unacceptable and would instantly relegate them to the back of the binder; however, the power that today's character possesses is quite exceptional, and it more than compensates for the below-par muscle.


"When Dr. Strange enters play, you may ready a Marvel Defenders character you control."


Can someone tell me a time when readying a character is not an amazing advantage? No? I didn't think so. Dr. Strange, Founding Father will feature heavily in a lot of tournament decks in the future. How am I so sure of this? Put simply, precedent tells us so. Press the Attack and Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters are both prevalent in tier 1 decks today. Cosmic Radiation has been used in some of the most powerful decks in Vs. System tournament history. There are other powers out there that ready characters, but most are tempered by stiff drawbacks or requirements. Dr. Strange suffers no such handicap. All he asks is that you have an exhausted character who shares the Marvel Defenders team affiliation in play when you recruit him. This is not going to be challenging in the slightest. Forgetting for the moment any possible synergies and interactions he may have with his own team, let's take a look at some scenarios he may be able to exploit when we team-up within our existing environment.


People have been looking for ways to bust Wally West ◊ The Flash, The Fastest Man Alive since we saw him late last year, and Dr. Strange might have the tools to do just that. I also like the possibility for abuse with Lorena Marquez ◊ Aquawoman. Using her in conjunction with Dr. Strange will allow us to effectively look at the top eight cards of our deck and put two of them into our hand. There are many other possibilities for exploiting the backup mechanic:


Give your opponent's characters -6 DEF for the turn with Valentina Vostok ◊ Negative Woman.

Stun three of your opponent's characters with one attack using Christopher Smith ◊ Peacemaker, Obsessed Outlaw.

Give all your characters a minimum of +2 ATK for the turn with Surveillance Pawn, Army.


Of course, Dr. Strange’s usefulness is not limited to backup powers. There are plenty of other effects that require exhausting characters. You could, for instance, burn for 12 with Fiero, Qwardian Conglomerate. You might explore the possibilities of revamping the "Both Guns Blazing" deck, or try to establish The Rock of Eternity as a viable, tier 1 tournament deck. Even if Dr. Strange has absolutely no synergy with the rest of his team (which is highly unlikely), he is still going to be an absolute powerhouse. I would not be surprised to see him in at least three of the Top 8 decks at the next tournament in which he's legal. Personally, I know I'll be aiming for a playset of these; I suggest you do the same.


Have a great time at the Sneak Preview! Check out the tournament locator to find the one nearest to you. Why not take along a friend who's never played the game before? These events are tons of fun, and a great way to introduce new players.


I hope you all Have a Blast!





Steve “Kamiza” Garrett is an ardent supporter of casual Vs. play, and has been an active member of the vast Vs. System online community since day one. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to email him at kamiza989@gmail.com or pester him at his website, www.the-kamiza.com
Tomorrow's Preview:
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